




2024年4月7日 牧者之言

见证之日The Day of Testimonies

“心欢喜、灵快乐、肉身安然居住” ——记教会的复活节庆祝
约三千多年前,圣灵借大卫的口预言说:“因为你必不将我的灵魂撇在阴间,也不叫你的圣者见朽坏”(诗16:10)。约公元一世记30多年左右,彼得在五旬节讲道时证实,先祖大卫死了,埋葬了,他的坟墓还在。大卫所论及的不是他自己,而是指耶稣的复活,因为耶稣的灵魂没有被撇在阴间,耶稣的肉体没有见朽坏(徒2:29-32)。耶稣已经复活了!耶稣的复活战胜了死亡、阴间、坟墓和魔鬼,将全新的生命赐给信他的人。教会要庆祝复活节,见证主基督超越时空的复活大能,并与人分享福音的好消息。今年教会的复活节庆祝每个人的脸上都洋溢着喜乐。以下总结几点,与家人们分享。 * 蒙神赐福       庆祝分两个部分。一部分是室内敬拜;另一部分是室外敬拜与活动。关于室外敬拜与活动,我们要特别感谢上帝赐予的天气。之前大家比较担心天气炎热,本想准备遮荫的帐篷,结果上帝亲自用云彩为我们预备了属天的遮阴棚,天气宜人,大家心情舒畅。 * 十架苦路十四站默想  基督若不受苦,就没有复活。上周五受难节晚上,教会举行“十架苦路十四站烛光默想”。十架苦路(Via Dolorosa)是耶路撒冷旧城一条 600 米长的石路,人们相信这是耶稣被钉十字架的路线。 拉丁语 “Via Dolorosa” 的意思是“悲伤之路”(the sorrowful way)。   传统上,人们将这条路分成十四站,标记耶稣所走过的受苦之路。我们以烛光默想的形式,通过诗歌、经文诵读、祷词、受难短片、祈祷等形式,将自己带入场景中,深刻默想主为我们所受的一切苦以及我们自己的罪。许多弟兄姐妹深受受感动。 * 预尝天堂   《启示录》里天上场景的特点之一是“各国、各族、各民、各方的人” 一同站在宝座和羔羊面前敬拜(7:9)。今年我们中文教会和安提阿教会(Antioch Church,这间英文教会和我们在同一座教堂里的不同地方活动)在室外联合庆祝复活节,英文诗歌,英文信息、中文翻译,同领主餐(我们教会一位弟兄在2月26日受主感动曾为此祈祷,没想到主居然真的借着安提阿教会牧师的提议成就了这个愿望),向众人见证基督复活所赐的合一生命。 * 同工同心    “看啊,弟兄和睦同居,是何等的善、何等的美”(诗133:1)。庆祝场面热情,弟兄姐妹彼此相爱,互相搭配服侍。有美好的敬拜,可口的烧烤及各样美食,小朋友们捡复活彩蛋、玩蹦蹦床、吃沙冰,大家互相交流问候等。这是团队服侍的成果。晨祷会同工每日清晨为复活节的庆祝献上祈祷,预备人心;弟兄姐妹多次在微信上宣传,口口相传,积极邀请慕道朋友们参加。特别感恩的是,许多弟兄姐妹在周六就准备烧烤烤串。这份热心为主悦纳!大家都有一个共同的心愿:让更多人感受到上帝的慈愛和弟兄姐妹的热情! *儿童复活袋     明芳阿姨亲手编织的复活节小兔子等手工艺品是小朋友的最愛。今年她为59位小朋友发了绣有十字架的精美小袋子。几位长辈给孩子们发礼物时,为每位小朋友讲信主的意义,将福音的种子播撒在每位幼小的心田里。她让每个小朋友签名留念,好为他们每个人提名代祷。 * 众民喜悦       这次复活节庆祝大概有200多人参加,是教会历史上参加人数最多的一次。许多从未来过教会的人都来到我们当中,使我们有机会和他们分享福音。有位慕道友说:“这次教会复活节活动办得真好,大人孩子都开心。肉串太好吃了,大家串那么多肉串肯定付出了好多功夫。辛苦你们了”。另一位受邀慕道朋友因值班无法参加,但他太太带孩子来了。会后,他受感主动索要教会地址,想为教会作奉献。这一切都是上帝的恩典,我们将荣耀归于主。当然,服侍中也有许多不足之处,感谢各位同工提出宝贵意见,为未来更好地服侍提供有价值的参考。 大卫称颂主复活时说:“因此,我的心欢喜,我的灵快乐,我的肉身也要安然居住”(诗16:9)。愿主复活的生命一直充满我们,使我们一生一世都心欢喜、灵快乐,肉身也安然居住在指望中!

“Glad in heart, joyful in spirit, peacefully dwelling in the flesh”: Easter Celebration in the Church

Over three thousand years ago, the Holy Spirit prophesied through the mouth of David, saying: “because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay” (Psalm 16:10). Around the year 30 AD, Peter confirmed during Pentecost that our ancestor David had died, been buried, and his tomb was still there. David was not speaking about himself, but about the resurrection of Jesus, as Jesus’ soul was not abandoned to Sheol, and his body did not see corruption (Acts 2:29-32). Jesus has risen! His resurrection conquered death, the grave, and the devil, granting new life to those who believe in him. The Church celebrates Easter to witness the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ transcending time and space and to share the good news of the gospel with others. This year, everyone in the church is filled with joy during the Easter celebration. Here are a few points to share with our brothers and sisters in the Lord: • Blessed by God The celebration consists of two parts: indoor worship and outdoor worship and activities. Regarding outdoor worship and activities, we want to express special thanks to God for the weather He has provided. Previously, there were concerns about the hot weather, and tents were prepared for shade. However, God prepared a heavenly canopy with clouds for us, providing pleasant weather, and everyone’s mood was comfortable. • Via Dolorosa Candlelight Meditation Without Christ’s suffering, there would be no resurrection. Last Friday evening, the church held a “Fourteen Stations of the Via Dolorosa Candlelight Meditation” for Good Friday. The Via Dolorosa is a 600-meter-long stone road in the old city of Jerusalem, believed to be the route Jesus took to be crucified. The Latin term “Via Dolorosa” means “the sorrowful way.” Traditionally, people divided this way into fourteen stations, marking the suffering Jesus endured. Through candlelight meditation, we immersed ourselves in the scene, reflecting deeply on the sufferings endured by the Lord and our own sins through songs, scripture recitations, prayers, a short video of “The Passion of the Christ,” and prayers. Many brothers and sisters were deeply moved. • Pre-taste of Heaven One of the characteristics of the scenes in Revelation is “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands” (Revelation 7:9). This year, our Chinese church and the Antioch Church (an English-speaking church that shares the same building with us but meets in different areas) jointly celebrated Easter outdoors. We sang English hymns, listened to English messages with Chinese translation, and partook in the Lord’s Supper together. This unity was a testimony to the life of oneness that Christ’s resurrection has bestowed upon us. • Unity in Service   “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1). The celebration was pleasant, brothers and sisters loved one another, and served one another. There were beautiful worship, delicious barbecue and various delicacies, children hunted for Easter eggs, played on jumping house, enjoyed ice smoothies, and everyone exchanged greetings and conversations. This was the result of teamwork in service. The morning prayer team prayed daily in preparation for Easter, and brothers and sisters actively invited friends through WeChat messages and word of mouth. Particularly grateful were those who prepared barbecue skewers on Saturday. Such enthusiasm for the Lord is pleasing! Everyone shares a common desire: to let more people feel the love of God and the warmth of brothers and sisters! • Children’s Resurrection Bags Handcrafted Easter bunnies and other crafts made by Sister Mingfang were children’s favorites. This year, she made exquisite bags embroidered with crosses for 59 children. As elders distributed gifts to the children, they explained the meaning of believing in Jesus to each child, sowing the seeds of the gospel in their young hearts. Mingfang had each child sign their bag as a memento and prayed for them one by one. • Joy Among the People This Easter celebration had approximately over 200 attendees, making it the largest gathering in the history of our church. Many people who had never been to our church before joined us, giving us the opportunity to share the gospel with them. One seeker said, “This Easter event at the church was really good. Both adults and children were happy. The barbecue was so delicious, and I’m sure it took a lot of effort to prepare so many. Thank you for your hard work.” Another invited seeker couldn’t attend due to work schedule, but his wife came with their child. After the event, he actively asked for the church’s address and expressed his desire to make some contribution to the church. All of this is by the grace of God, and we give all glory to the Lord. Of course, there were also many shortcomings in our service. We are thankful to all co-workers for their valuable feedback, which will serve as valuable guidance for better service in the future. David praised the Lord’s resurrection, saying, “Therefore, my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also rests secure” (Psalm 16:9). May the life of the Lord’s resurrection continually fill us, so that we may live our lives with joy in our hearts, gladness in our spirits, and security in our bodies, always anchored in hope!

2024年3月31日 牧者之言

见证之日The Day of Testimonies

诗篇118:24 这是耶和华所定的日子,我们在其中要高兴欢喜。
Psalm 118: 24 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. 
三位成人都在生命中经历到上帝。张姐妹见证说:”我之前来教会是凑热闹。这次主打开了我的心。当我去年在作手术之前,我深刻经历到圣灵的同在。在主里面真有平安、喜乐和力量。” 谢姐妹说:”我没来美国之前,心灵里曾经历过很大的考验和艰难,几乎失去人生的方向和活着的勇气。我自从来到教会,心灵里感受到异常的平静和安慰。我愿意一生跟随耶稣”。申姐妹赞叹说:”信主真好。这对我们工作、生活、学习以及心理状态都有影响。”摄影的张弟兄对申姐妹说:”拍照的时候看到您受洗前那一刹那眼角有泪的时候,我也落泪了。感受到了您对神的爱,求主保守您深深爱主,为主而活”。申姐妹回应说:”感谢赞美主让我有机会领受这从上而来的福份!谢谢您为我拍下这美好瞬间!”求主保守这十位弟兄姐妹在今后能活出更丰盛的生命!
第二,    吴红和韩涛的见证
在聚会中,吴红姐妹讲述了主的奇妙恩典。吴红和韩涛是一对十分恩爱的夫妻。他们的学业和生活顺风顺水,既在工作上优秀、又拥有美好的家庭。然而,天有不测风云。今年1月20日,身体一向强壮的韩涛突感不适而送到医院急诊室。他做了心脏支架手术。术后,他的情绪上受到很大影响,再次住进医院。在这个过程中,他们认识和经历到了主。在见证结束时,他们夫妻唱了”上万个理由(10,000 Reasons)”,有些弟兄姐妹感动得热泪盈眶。对他们的见证我有以下几点感受:
第三,祈祷有力量。主说:”义人祈祷所发的力量是大有功效的”(雅5:16下)。在此期间,许多弟兄姐妹为他们代祷,包括微信祷告小组、教会晨祷会、周三晚祷等。牧者们和同工们每次探访都有明显的好转。很神奇的是,2月7日韩涛刚转到Baptist Health医院急诊那天,我一进病房他马上睁开眼睛。我问他是否要信主?他大声说:”我信主,我从今往后要跟随耶稣,走永生的道路”。那天,他做了决志祷告。吴红提到,3月7日晚上,她觉得有一股热量,持续了1-2秒钟。第二天,她看到微信代祷群里发的经文正讲到上帝的手四围环绕。3月8日韩涛就出院了。医生每次看到他,都为他迅速的恢复感动惊讶不已。
就如诗歌所唱的:”这一生最美的祝福就是能认识主耶稣,这一生最美的祝福就是能信靠主耶稣。” 感谢上帝赐予我们见证。愿我们教会今后能有更多人为主作见证,荣耀主的圣名!阿门!

The Day of Testimonies

Psalm 118: 24 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

On March 24, 2024, is a day worth commemorating for our church, because on this day, ten brothers and sisters gave their testimonies through baptism, and Wu Hong and Han Tao also gave their testimony through sharing God’s grace of receiving salvation and healing. This is the day appointed by God, a day of joy and gladness for all brothers and sisters.
Firstly, the testimony of baptism:

Baptism is the most beautiful testimony given by believers to the Lord. It marks the beginning of the spiritual journey for Christians, not the end. Baptists believe that baptism, received by believers in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is an act of obedience, symbolizing the believer’s faith in being crucified, buried, and raised with the Lord. Being immersed in water signifies the believer’s death to sin, the burial of the old self, and resurrection into a new life with Christ. Baptism is a testimony of faith in the resurrection of the dead in the last days.

The number of baptisms this time is the highest since our church started, including 7 children and youths and 3 adults. These children and youths have been involved in church activities from a young age. Through worshiping with adults, Sunday school, Friday fellowship, and other activities, they have been moved and enlightened by the Holy Spirit, recognizing themselves as sinners and willing to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Their baptism is inseparable from the diligent cultivation of all their Sunday school teachers. Their tears shed yesterday in sowing have brought forth today’s joyful harvest.

During the pre-baptism class, when I asked them one by one, “Why do you want to be baptized?”

They all answered, “I want to follow Jesus.”

I asked them, “Is someone else asking you to be baptized?”

They said, “No. It’s my own decision.”

When Horace (he had some developmental delay) expressed his desire to be baptized, his mother was a little worried, fearing that he might not be mature enough mentally and would back out at the last minute. He used to run away when he was sick and saw a doctor, especially when the doctor took out a needle. I reassured his mother, saying, “Don’t worry, a person’s desire to follow the Lord is moved by the Holy Spirit, and the Lord will take care of him.” During the baptism, Horace did great! He wasn’t nervous at all, and he didn’t run away. When I asked them in the baptistry if they were willing to express their lifelong commitment to follow the Lord through baptism, everyone else answered with the standard response, “I am willing.” Ellie, the little girl, was adorable. She replied loudly, “Change!” Her answer was excellent. Indeed, Christians need to renew their minds and change every day, becoming more and more like Christ. These children are blessed because they have eternal life and hope from a young age.

The three adults have all experienced God in their lives. Sister Zhang testified, “Before, I only came to church for fun. But this time, the Lord opened my heart. I deeply experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit last year before my surgery. There is truly peace, joy, and strength in the Lord.” Sister Xie said, “Before coming to the United States, I experienced great trials and difficulties in my heart, almost losing direction in life and the courage to live. Since coming to church, I have felt an extraordinary calmness and comfort in my heart. I am willing to follow Jesus for the rest of my life.” Sister Shen exclaimed, “It’s wonderful to believe in the Lord. It has an impact on our work, life, studies, emotional stability, and even work efficiency.” Brother Zhang, who was taking photos, said to Sister Shen, “When I saw the tears in the corner of your eyes just before you were baptized, I cried too. I felt your love for God. I pray that the Lord will keep you deeply in love with Him and living for Him.” Sister Shen responded, “Thank the Lord for giving me the precious opportunity to receive this blessing from above! Thank you for capturing this beautiful moment for me!” May the Lord keep these ten brothers and sisters living out a more abundant life in the future!

Secondly, the testimony of Wu Hong and Han Tao.

During the gathering, Sister Wu Hong recounted the wonderful grace of the Lord. Wu Hong and Han Tao are a deeply loving couple. Their studies and lives were smooth sailing, excelling in their careers and having a beautiful family. However, unforeseen events occurred. On January 20th of this year, Han Tao, who had always been strong and healthy, suddenly felt unwell and was rushed to the emergency room. He underwent heart stent surgery. After the surgery, he was greatly affected emotionally and was hospitalized again. It was during this process that they came to know and experience the Lord. At the end of their testimony, they sang “10,000 Reasons,” bringing tears to the eyes of some brothers and sisters. Here are my reflections on their testimony:

Firstly, they truly experienced God during this process. Wu Hong said, “Everything is God’s best plan.” During this time, when she was at her strongest physically, she had the strength to take care of Tao; their college-aged son stayed at home, bringing her comfort; when he was ill, many friends were there to help; her boss gave her time off, and her colleagues took over her work, allowing her to take care of Tao, and so on.

Secondly, the Lord not only saved Han Tao but also saved Wu Hong. Previously, their pattern in their marital relationship was that the husband took care of everything for the wife, and the wife relied on the husband for everything. Now, Wu Hong said, “I told my husband that from now on, we will both rely on the Lord and help each other.” The mighty power of God saved Tao from the bondage of illness, granting him true freedom. When Tao fell ill, Wu Hong was almost in a state of collapse, but through the experience of caring for her husband, she became stronger and more mature. Most importantly, her soul found peace, and she was filled with joy and strength in all things.

Thirdly, the power of prayer. The Lord said, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16b). During this period, many brothers and sisters prayed for them, including prayer groups on WeChat, church morning prayers, Wednesday evening prayers, and more. Each visit from pastors and coworkers showed significant improvement. It was miraculous that on February 7th, the day Tao was transferred to the emergency room at Baptist Health Hospital, as soon as I entered the room, he opened his eyes. I asked him if he wanted to believe in the Lord. He said loudly, “I believe in the Lord, and from now on, I will follow Jesus on the path of eternal life.” That day, he made a decision to follow Jesus. Hong mentioned that on the evening of March 7th, she felt a warmth lasting for 1-2 seconds. The next day, she saw a scripture posted in the WeChat prayer group about God’s hands surrounding her. On March 8th, Tao was discharged from the hospital. Every time the doctors visited him, they were amazed and moved by his rapid recovery.

Fourthly, teamwork is essential in service. Throughout the process, many church brothers and sisters, colleagues from their workplace, and friends took turns delivering meals, accompanying them in the hospital, and visiting them. It truly showed the power of love from everyone! May the Lord remember the selfless care and love of each one.

Sister Liu shared, “I have many friends like Hong and Tao around me. They are all good people, but they have not believed in the Lord yet. Perhaps when people themselves are too perfect, it’s difficult for them to feel the need for the Lord. This time, I truly saw God’s work in Tao and Hong. It’s a miracle that they could come to know the Lord and walk into His embrace in such a short time! I pray that more of my friends will be moved to believe in the Lord soon!”

As the hymn sings, “The most beautiful blessing in life is to know the Lord Jesus, the most beautiful blessing in life is to trust in the Lord Jesus.” Thank God for giving us this testimony. May our church have more people testify for the Lord in the future, glorifying His holy name! Amen!