2024年7月28日 牧者之言


 “人非有信就不能得神的喜悦, 因为到神面前来的人必须信有神,
且信他赏赐那寻求衪的人”。 ——希伯来书 11:6

有人恰当地指出,现在这一代人可以称为 3-P时代:“百事可乐、披萨饼和享乐”(Pepsi, pizza, and pleasure)。鉴于如今餐馆数量众多、种类繁多,美国人似乎变得自我放纵,过度喜欢享受美味。也许我们的味觉和肚腹已经成为我们的上帝,正如《腓立比书》 3:19 中所提到的。
他们在异国他乡不敬虔的人中间表现出的忠诚是高尚而鼓舞人心的榜样。同样,作为后世的朝圣者和寄居客,我们不应采用世界放纵的生活标准,其中包括“酗酒、荒宴”(彼得前书 4:3)等。让我们持守古道,包括在家吃简单的饭菜,在餐桌旁享受有益的家庭时光。
《但以理书》 1:15-21 总结了上帝对这四个年轻人的认真顺服和节制生活方式的赏赐。上帝赐予他们非凡的智慧和在国王面前的恩惠。事实上,我们今天仍然侍奉同一位上帝!确实,主仍然保佑那些勤奋寻求他、并愿意以纯洁的心遵守圣经教义和教导的人。
斯蒂芬·莱因巴赫 – 肯塔基州, 埃尔克顿
—— 译自《溪水边》第七日, 阿米什人灵修。


The 3-P Generation

       But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. – Hebrews 11:6 
Someone aptly observed that the present generation could be called the 3-p generation: “Pepsi, pizza, and pleasure.” In light of the large number and variety of restaurants today, it appears that Americans have become self-indulgent and overly fond of eating things because they taste good. Perhaps our taste buds and our belly have become our God as mentioned in Phillipians 3: 19.
The four Hebrew captives had the “privilege” to eat of the king’s delicacies. But they refused the food and wine from the king’s table and requested “pulse” and water instead. Why? The “pulse,” or vegetables, was in keeping with Old Testament dietary laws, and it was also more wholesome and nutritious. So besides the religious implications, the Hebrews’ chosen diet reflected self-restraint, self-discipline, and temperance, in contrast to the mentality of self-gratification and “eat, drink, and be merry.”
Their faithfulness among godless people in a foreign land is a noble and inspiring example. By the same token, it behooves us as latter-day pilgrims and strangers not to adopt the loose living standards of the world. Which include “excess of wine, revellings, [and] banquetings” (1 Peter 4:3). Let us rather maintain the old paths, which include eating simple meals at home and enjoying profitable family time around the table.
Daniel 1: 15-21 sum up the rewards that God bestowed upon these four young men for their conscientious obedience and their temperate lifestyle. God blessed them with notable wisdom and with favor before the king. Truly we still serve the same God today! Truly He still blesses all those who diligently seek Him and who willingly obey the doctrines and precepts of the Word, out of a pure heart.

Stephen Leinbach- Elkton, KY
Cited from Day 7, Beside the Still Water, Amish Devotion.

2024年7月21日 牧者之言


-约翰福音 4:14
今天的钥节揭示了耶稣是活水的源泉,我们的灵魂可自由地从中汲取并得到满足。这水是“凡愿意的人”都可得到的(启示录 22:17)。一个不经常用水补充身体水分的人很快就会脱水,并最终死亡。同样,我们必须从基督的泉源中喝活水,补充我们灵魂的干渴,并在祂里面保持灵性的活力。
约书亚·齐默尔曼 – 田纳西州派克维尔
– 大卫和克斯·萨普
—— 译自《溪水边》第一日, 阿米什人灵修。

Flushing the Filter

But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life. -John 4: 14
“What’s the problem here?” I asked myself after I had turned on the irrigation system. Instead of the usual erratic clicking, the fertilizer injector was only emitting an occasional erratic click, creaking and groaning as if under a burden. The lush, blooming flowers in their hanging pots would shortly wilt and die for lack of sustaining water and nutrients that were somehow being blocked from flowing through the irrigation system.
“It must be the filter,” I decided. I shut off the water, disassembled the protective casing of the filter, and removed the screen. It was clogged with so much limestone and other sediment that only a little water could flow through. Flushing out the sediment with a blast of water made the filter good as new again.
Today’s key verse reveals Jesus as the source of living water from which our souls can freely drink and be satisfied. This water is available to “whosoever will” (Revelation 22:17). A person who does not frequently replenish his natural body with water will soon dehydrate and eventually die. Likewise it is vital that we drink of the living water from Christ’s fountain to replenish the thirst of our souls and to sustain spiritually alive in Him.
Satan’s aim is to “clog the filter” of our hearts with sin and untruth, thereby restricting the flow of this life-sustaining water. Through the appeals of our carnal nature, he can cause the sediments of pride, lust, hate, anger, strife, or envy to accumulate in our lives. Let us frequently and thoroughly “flush the filter” by maintaining a good relationship with our Savior, so that His living water can always flow through and sustain our souls. Joshua Zimmerman – Pikeville, TN
        Come to this water, there is a vast supply; there is a river that never shall run dry.
– David and Max Sapp
                   Cited from Day 1, Beside the Still Water, Amish Devotion.

2024年7月14日 牧者之言



43. 在第十二章中,使徒教导我们真正的敬拜,并宣布所有基督徒都是祭司,呼吁他们献祭,这些祭品不是律法规定的金钱或牲畜,而是他们自己的身体和消除他们的罪欲。接着,他描述了基督徒在圣灵掌管中的外在行为:他们如何教导、传道、治理、服侍、奉献、受苦、愛心、生活和对待他们的朋友、敌人和其他人。这些都是基督徒所做的工作。因为,如前所述,信仰永远不会无所事事。

第十三章 ——我们对政府和所有人的责任
44. 在第十三章中,使徒教导我们如何尊重和服从政府,政府的设立是为了下目的:虽然政府不会使人们在上帝面前变得虔诚,但它的作用却非常大,使虔诚的人享受外部的和平与保护,而恶人则不能毫无畏惧、不受惩罚、不受骚扰地做恶。因此,虔诚的人也必须尊重政府,尽管他们并不需要它。最后,他将一切都归结为愛,并将其包含在基督的榜样中,正如基督为我们所做的那样,我们也要这样做并追随基督。

45. 在第十四章中,使徒教导我们如何温柔地对待信徒软弱的良心,并通过使用基督徒的自由来保护他们,不是伤害软弱的弟兄,而是促进他们。因为无论在哪里不这样做,都会产生对至关重要的福音的不和和蔑视。因此,最好是向那些信仰软弱的人稍微屈服,直到他们变得更加强大,而不是让福音的教导完全消亡。这样做是一项特别的愛心工作,即使在今天也是非常必要的,因为通过大胆和不顾后果地吃禁食并在没有必要的情况下采取其他自由,人们软弱的良心在他们了解这件事的真相之前就变得困惑了。

46. 在第十五章中,使徒向我们展示了基督的榜样,教导我们必须容忍其他软弱的弟兄,比如那些通过明显的罪或不愉快的举止表现出软弱的人。我们不能抛弃这样的人,而要容忍他们,直到他们也得到改善。因为基督就是这样对待我们的,而且每天都在这样对待我们;除了我们所有的缺点之外,他还容忍我们身上许多不是美德而是恶习的东西,并不断地帮助我们。

47. 最后,他为他们祈祷,赞美他们,将他们托付给上帝,向他们表明他作为传道人的职责,非常得体的方式为耶路撒冷的穷人募捐。简而言之,他谈论和谆谆教诲的都是愛心。

48. 最后一章是问候,但他在其中插入一个非常严肃的警告,反对人为的教义,这些教义通过福音的教导混进来,并引起(对纯正福音的)冒犯。读起来好像保罗已经确切地预见到,从罗和通过罗人,会出现误导性的、令人反感的教规和教令,及现在已经淹没了整个世界的各种各样的人为法律和命令,因此他们废除了这封书信和所有的圣经,连同圣灵和信仰,只留下他们的偶像,肚腹。他们正是圣保罗在本章中所谴责的仆人。愿上帝拯救我们脱离他们!阿门。

49. 那么,你会发现,在这封书信中,基督徒应该知道的最多的事是律法、福音、罪、惩罚、恩典、信仰、公义、基督、上帝、善行、愛心、盼望、背负十字架,及我们如何对待信仰坚定的人和信仰软弱的人、对待朋友、对待敌人和对待我们自己。此外,所有这些教导都是在圣经的基础上巧妙地建立起来的,并通过使徒的个人榜样和先知的榜样来说明,这样我们就没有什么可渴望的了。因此,使徒写这封书信中的目的似乎是起草一份整个基督徒和福音教义的大纲,并准备了整个旧约的导论。因为任何把这封书信记在心里的人,毫无疑问都会有旧约的亮光和力量。因此,让每个基督徒都熟悉这封书信,并不断付诸实践。为此,愿上帝赐予我们祂的恩典!阿门。(全文完)

7/14/2024 Pastor’s Word
Martin Luther’s Preface to The Epistle to the Romans
(Continue from above)

Ch. 12—God-pleasing Worship

43. In the twelfth chapter the apostle teaches us the true worship of God, and declares all Christians priests, calling upon them to offer up sacrifices, which are to be not money or cattle, as under the Law, but their own bodies and the slaying of their lusts. Next he describes the out-working conduct of Christians in their spiritual government; how they are to teach, preach, rule, serve, give, suffer, love, live, and act towards their friends, enemies, and everybody else. These are works such as a Christian does. For, as was stated before, faith is never idle.
Ch. 13—Our Duty Towards Government And All Men
44. In the thirteenth chapter the apostle instructs us how to honour and obey the civil government, which has been ordained for the following purpose: Although it does not make people pious in the sight of God, still it effects this much, that the godly enjoy external peace and protection, and the wicked are not free to do evil without fear, with impunity, and unmolested. For this reason the civil government must be honoured even by the godly, although they have no need of it. Finally, he comprises everything under the head of love, and encloses it in the example of Christ; as He has done for us, we are to do likewise and follow after Him.
Ch. 14—Our Duty Towards Weaker Brethren
45. In the fourteenth chapter the apostle teaches us how to treat tenderly the weak consciences of believers, and to spare them, by using the liberty of Christians, not to the injury, but to the advancement of weak brethren. For wherever this is not done, discord and contempt of the Gospel, which is of paramount importance, will ensue. Accordingly, it is better to yield somewhat to those weak in faith until they become stronger than to permit the teaching of the Gospel utterly to perish. To do this is an especial work of love, and it is quite necessary even to-day, because by boldly and inconsiderately eating forbidden meats and taking other liberties when there is no necess-ity for it, the tender consciences of people become confused before they learn to know the truth of this matter.
Ch. 15—Christian Love
46. In the fifteenth chapter the apostle places before us the example of Christ, to teach us that we must bear with other weak brethren, such as show their frailty by manifest sins or by unpleasant manners. Such persons we must not cast aside, but bear with them until they, too, are improved. For so Christ has treated us, and is still treating us every day; He tolerates in us a great many things that are not virtues, but evil habits, in addition to all our imperfections, and succours us unceasingly.

47. In conclusion, he prays for them, praises them, commends them to God, indicates to them his office as a preacher, and solicits in a very seemly manner a contribution for the poor at Jerusalem. In short, it is all love that he is talking about and inculcating.

Ch. 16—Salutations and a Warning
48. The last chapter is a chapter of salutations, but he weaves into it a very solemn warning against doctrines of men which are introduced along with the teaching of the Gospel and cause offences. It reads as if he had foreseen with certainty that out of Rome and through the Romans would come the misleading, offensive canons and decretals, and all the brood and breed of human laws and commands which now have overwhelmed the whole world, so that they have done away with this epistle and all the Holy Scriptures, together with the Spirit and faith, leaving nothing except their idol, the belly, as servants of which St. Paul denounces them in this chapter. God save us from them! Amen.
49. You find, then, in this epistle, the greatest abundance of things that a Christian ought to know what the Law is, the Gospel, sin, punishment, grace, faith, righteousness, Christ, God, good works, love, hope, cross-bearing, also how we are to conduct ourselves in every relation toward those of strong and those of weak faith, toward friends, toward enemies, and toward ourselves. Moreover, all this teaching has been masterfully built up on Scripture ground, and illustrated by the apostle’s personal example and by the example of the prophets, so that there is nothing left for us to desire. It seems, therefore, that the apostle’s object in this epistle was to draw up a syllabus of the entire Christian and evangelical doctrine, and to prepare an introduction to the entire Old Testament. For any person who has received this epistle into his heart has without question the light and strength of the Old Testament in himself. Accordingly, let every Christian become familiar with this epistle, and put it into constant practice. To this end may God grant us His grace! Amen.                         (The end)

2024年7月7日 牧者之言


主餐是命令(不是信徒可忽略的“选择” )。希腊文中的“如此行” 肯定是命令的形式出现的。这种令人敬畏的记念具有独特的力量。凭着信心领受主餐,我们可坚定我们与主的盟约,更新我们的聚焦,并滋养我们的灵性。这是一项对信徒有极大益处的命令,对于完全住在基督里至关重要。

第一个记念—主餐象征着基督为人类作出的无与伦比的牺牲(路加福音22:19 )
•    无法估量的代价(赛亚书 53:6)。当领受主餐时,耶稣特别命令我们“记念他为我们舍身流血” 。 要记住的关键点是,上帝为赦免我们的罪付出了难言喻的代价
•    十字架的荣耀反映出罪的恐怖(希伯来书12:26)
•    主餐提醒我们要活出圣洁,认识到我们的罪仍然令上帝悲伤
•    我们应该永远记住基督为什么来到世界,基督是为了使命和上帝的荣耀
•    主餐提醒我们,耶稣将会再来,那时将会有一场最后的盛大婚宴
•    我们愛他,因为他先愛我们,所我们舍己,背起自己的十字架跟随他

第二个记念—主的晚餐反映出基督宝血的“新约” (路加福音22:20)
•    “新约”的荣耀;新约远超过旧约
•    “新约”意味着信徒有能力深刻认识神并活出得胜的生活(约翰福音1:12;罗书 6:14;哥林多后书2:14)
•    我们没有任何借口可继续被罪所束缚(罗书 6:14;哥林多前书 10:13)

第三个记念—主餐提醒我们基督盼望信徒在愛中合而为一(约翰福音13:34-35 ;
17: 20-22)
•    不敬虔和不合一是对主餐的危险亵渎
•    主餐是合一的庆祝,是早期教会的愛筵(哥林多前书11:17-22;犹大书12)
•    这是聚集在一起的最重要时刻; “除掉一切愤怒和毁谤” (弗所书 4: 29-32 )

第四个记念—主餐生动地象征着上帝恩典和慈愛的盟约(约翰福音3:16;弗所书2:8-9 )
•    无与伦比的记念上帝的象征—对圣父和圣子不可思议的意义
•    重要的是,我们庆祝上帝的恩典和慈愛,他渴望我们来到他的餐桌前(路加福音 22:15 )
这并不是说我们完全了才能领受主餐。我们的天父知道我们都在不断进步(腓立比书 3: 12-14)。是的,奇妙中的奇妙,耶稣说他“很愿意”与他知道将要背叛他的门徒一起吃逾越节晚餐和主的晚餐(路加福音 22: 15)!信徒,尽管我们经常失败,耶稣也热切地希望我们一起守主餐。记住,主通过他的血和恩典完全接受我们(弗所书 1: 6)。
承认一切罪孽,相信上帝会赐予你全心全意的愛和顺服。记住,他的恩典够你用的!(哥林多前书 10:13;哥林多后书 12:9)。因为上帝如此愛你,所把你所有的愛都献给他吧!

摘自Gregory Reed Frizzell, The Lord’s Supper: A Covenant of Love and Surrender, Chapter Three, “In Remembrance of Me”: Learning “what” to Remember, Fulton, KY: Master Design Publishing, 1982.