2024年7月28日 牧者之言


 “人非有信就不能得神的喜悦, 因为到神面前来的人必须信有神,
且信他赏赐那寻求衪的人”。 ——希伯来书 11:6

有人恰当地指出,现在这一代人可以称为 3-P时代:“百事可乐、披萨饼和享乐”(Pepsi, pizza, and pleasure)。鉴于如今餐馆数量众多、种类繁多,美国人似乎变得自我放纵,过度喜欢享受美味。也许我们的味觉和肚腹已经成为我们的上帝,正如《腓立比书》 3:19 中所提到的。
他们在异国他乡不敬虔的人中间表现出的忠诚是高尚而鼓舞人心的榜样。同样,作为后世的朝圣者和寄居客,我们不应采用世界放纵的生活标准,其中包括“酗酒、荒宴”(彼得前书 4:3)等。让我们持守古道,包括在家吃简单的饭菜,在餐桌旁享受有益的家庭时光。
《但以理书》 1:15-21 总结了上帝对这四个年轻人的认真顺服和节制生活方式的赏赐。上帝赐予他们非凡的智慧和在国王面前的恩惠。事实上,我们今天仍然侍奉同一位上帝!确实,主仍然保佑那些勤奋寻求他、并愿意以纯洁的心遵守圣经教义和教导的人。
斯蒂芬·莱因巴赫 – 肯塔基州, 埃尔克顿
—— 译自《溪水边》第七日, 阿米什人灵修。


The 3-P Generation

       But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. – Hebrews 11:6 
Someone aptly observed that the present generation could be called the 3-p generation: “Pepsi, pizza, and pleasure.” In light of the large number and variety of restaurants today, it appears that Americans have become self-indulgent and overly fond of eating things because they taste good. Perhaps our taste buds and our belly have become our God as mentioned in Phillipians 3: 19.
The four Hebrew captives had the “privilege” to eat of the king’s delicacies. But they refused the food and wine from the king’s table and requested “pulse” and water instead. Why? The “pulse,” or vegetables, was in keeping with Old Testament dietary laws, and it was also more wholesome and nutritious. So besides the religious implications, the Hebrews’ chosen diet reflected self-restraint, self-discipline, and temperance, in contrast to the mentality of self-gratification and “eat, drink, and be merry.”
Their faithfulness among godless people in a foreign land is a noble and inspiring example. By the same token, it behooves us as latter-day pilgrims and strangers not to adopt the loose living standards of the world. Which include “excess of wine, revellings, [and] banquetings” (1 Peter 4:3). Let us rather maintain the old paths, which include eating simple meals at home and enjoying profitable family time around the table.
Daniel 1: 15-21 sum up the rewards that God bestowed upon these four young men for their conscientious obedience and their temperate lifestyle. God blessed them with notable wisdom and with favor before the king. Truly we still serve the same God today! Truly He still blesses all those who diligently seek Him and who willingly obey the doctrines and precepts of the Word, out of a pure heart.

Stephen Leinbach- Elkton, KY
Cited from Day 7, Beside the Still Water, Amish Devotion.

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