2025 全年主题:耶稣基督并他钉十字架

2025 全年主题:耶稣基督并他钉十字架

2025 Theme: Jesus Christ and Him Crucified

林前(1 Cor ) 2:2 因为我曾定了主意,在你们中间不知道别的,只知道耶稣基督并他钉十字架。 2:2 For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 



主题:投靠在主的翅膀下Take Refuge under the Wings of the Lord

1/5    第一章  归回(Return)

1/12 第二章  拾取麦穗 (Pick up the Leftover Grain)

1/19 第三章  找到安身之处(Find a Home)  (主餐礼)

1/26 第四章 赎买者Redeemer

2/2  你们必须重生 (约3: 1-21)   (新年庆祝)


2/9 俄陀聂 Othniel  (1:13, 3:7-11 )

2/16以笏 Ehud (3: 12-30)

2/23底波拉 Deborah (4:-5:)

3/2基甸 Gideon (6:-8:)

3/9耶弗他 Jephthah (10:6-12:7)

3/16参孙(之一)Samson (I) (13:-16:)

3/23 参孙(之二)Samson (II) (13:-16:)

3/30 特别讲员


同工分享日经文 (12/19/2024)

Scriptures for Co-workers Sharing Day

诗篇 (Psalm) 37: 1-6

  1不要为作恶的心怀不平,也不要向那行不义的生出嫉妒2 因为他们如草快被割下,又如青菜快要枯乾 3   你当倚靠耶和华而行善,住在地上,以他的信实为粮 ; 4 又要以耶和华为乐,他就将你心里所求的赐给你5 当将你的事交托耶和华,并倚靠他,他就必成全6他要使你的公义如光发出,使你的公平明如正午

1 Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; 2 for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. 3 Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. 4 Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. 5 Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this: 6  He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.

罗马书 (Romans) 12: 3-13

   3 我凭着所赐我的恩,对你们各人说:不要看自己过于所当看的,要照著神所分给各人信心的大小,看得合乎中道。正如我们一个身子上有好些肢体,肢体也不都是一样的用处。我们这许多人,在基督里成为一身,互相联络作肢体,也是如此。按我们所得的恩赐,各有不同。或说预言,就当照着信心的程度说预言;或作执事,就当专一执事;或作教导的,就当专一教导;或作劝化的,就当专一劝化;施舍的,就当诚实;治理的,就当殷勤;怜悯人的,就当甘心。9  爱人不可虚假;恶要厌恶,善要亲近10爱弟兄,要彼此亲热;恭敬人,要彼此推让11殷勤不可懒惰。要心里火热,常常服事主12在指望中要喜乐,在患难中要忍耐,祷告要恒切 13圣徒缺乏要帮补;客要一味的款待
3 For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you. 4 For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do  not all have the same function, 5 so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. 6 We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; 7 if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach; 8 if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously;  9 Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. 10 Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. 11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. 13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.

2024年12月22日 牧者之言


还记得几年前我们去银行的时候吗?对我来说,那是 28 年前的事了;他们过去常常给你那些五颜六色的水果味棒棒糖,上面有柔软的扭绳。银行的那位女士知道我有个 2 岁的孙女,每次我开车经过时,她都会给我 2 个棒棒糖。我回家时总是把它们送给泰勒·,她很喜欢我去银行的日子!
在我下一个银行日,那位女士果然给了我 2 个送给泰勒的棒棒糖。我回到家后,把它们给了泰勒,然后离开房间去做晚饭。艾米在房子后面。我回到客厅,发现糖果棒的绳子和包装纸被撕碎,扔在客厅的地板上。我说:“泰勒·,那是什么!?”她用她可爱的小脸看着我,说: 奶奶,在我看来,这简直是垃圾。 然后我听到走廊那头艾米的声音说: 她说了什么?!我说:“哦,没什么,她什么都没说。”同时我手忙脚乱地捡起地板上的杂物,并迅速把它藏在垃圾桶里。


(弗 4:29)
“Out of the mouths of babes…”
I had the opportunity to help raise my grandchild for the first four years of her life.  It was a privilege & joy to have Tayler Morgan & her mom, Aimee in my home.  We had some wonderful times & Tayler Morgan was the smartest,  funniest, most beautiful little girl I have ever known (is that a typical Grammy, or what!)
I need to tell you that I am a person that never curses…..now wait a minute, no offense to anyone that does.  I was raised by a Mom that never said any slang or curse words.  She would say, “Ladies do not say those kinds of words… especially little ladies.”  So, I didn’t.  This is where it gets interesting & a little bit funny.  After I left home, & got married, I picked up a word that I know my Mom didn’t approve of, but it became my “go to slang word.”  Here it is… “Crap!”  Not very lady like but, I said it anyway, when the “word” fit the situation.  Tay’s mom, Aimee asked me to stop using that word around Tay, she was picking it up & the next time she says it, Aimee said, “I will spank her” (those were the days that you could actually spank your child without anyone accusing you of being a bad parent).  I told her I would not say that word again.  I did not want Tay to get a spanking because of me & my unwise choice of the word, “Crap.”
Do you remember back when we went to the bank, years ago, for me it would have been 28 years ago; they used to give you those multi-colored fruit  flavored suckers with the looped soft, twisted strings on them.  The lady at the bank knew I had a 2-year-old granddaughter, & she used to give me 2 suckers every time I went through the drive thru.  I always gave them to Tayler Morgan when I went home, & she loved banking days!
On my next banking day, sure enough the lady gave me 2 suckers for Tayler Morgan.  When I got home, I gave them to Tay & then I left the room to make some dinner.  Aimee was in the back of the house.  I came back into the living room & there were the sucker strings & wrappers torn up & tossed on the living room floor.  I said, “Tayler Morgan, what is that!?”  She looked at me with her sweet little face & said, “Looks like Crap to me, Grammy.”  Then I heard Aimee’s voice from down the hallway saying, “What did she say?!”  I said, “Oh, nothing, she didn’t say anything,” as I was scrambling to pick up the mess in the floor & hide it quickly in the trash.
The moral of this story is, don’t say any words that you would not want to hear coming out of the mouths of your precious little “babes.”
We will be praying for each of you this Christmas.  Have a very Merry Christmas…..and watch what you say around your little ones, or you could end up on Santa’s naughty list!
David, Sandi & Rett
                “Boy, did I learn this scripture the hard way!” 
Ephesians 4:29
“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth,
but that which is good to the use of edifying,

2024年12月15日 牧者之言


路加福音 2:8-11; 17-18;马太福音 28:18-20

在全美各地的南方浸信会教会中,这一周(12 月 1 日至 8 日)被指定为国际宣教祈祷和慕拉蒂圣诞献金周。这项奉献支持国际宣教部 (IMB) 的传教士前往其他国家与迷失的人们生活在一起并传播福音!这是美南浸信会教会每年一次的纪念活动,为传教士、他们的事工和他们的家人祈祷,并收取奉献来支持传教士。这项奉献支持了我和魏牧师在台湾生活和工作 32 年。这项奉献以慕拉蒂的名字命名,她是一位在中国服侍的单身女传教士。1873 年,她 33 岁时被任命为传教士。她在中国生活了 39 年。我最喜欢的她的一些名言是:

  • “我们拥有永生之道,我们必须说出来……”
  •  “还有多少百万灵魂在没有听到耶稣的名字的情况下永远离世?”
  • “如果主的喜乐成为他们的力量,工作的幸福将远远弥补工作的艰辛。”

慕拉蒂是一位非凡的女性。她并不完美,但她留下的遗产教会了我们很多关于追随耶稣和传扬福音的知识。我深深钦佩这位传教士的勇气和毅力。她在 33 岁时被任命为传教士。我在 1978 年 31 岁时被任命为传教士。她在中国度过了近 39 年的艰苦岁月,在返回美国的途中饿死。她被称为“饼干女士”,深受孩子们的喜爱。我是“蛋糕女士”。我为所有来参加圣经学习的大学生做生日蛋糕。 如果圣经学习班有两个学生过生日,我就给他们每人做一个蛋糕。我带着蛋糕走遍了台湾台中!我想让每个学生都感到被爱和特别。不仅对我而言是特别的,对全能的上帝而言也是特别的!慕拉蒂 (Lottie Moon) 穿着中式服装。我也穿着中式服装,甚至在今年回去的路上,我还买了一些衣服,准备在 ICBC 参加特别庆祝活动时穿。
本周提醒我们,要始终为我们的传教士祈祷。有些人生活在非常偏远和艰苦的地方。我们信徒是基督的大使……哥林多后书 5:20 “所以,我们作基督的使者,就好像神借我们劝你们一般;我们替基督求你们与神和好”。我们在地上代表耶稣。我们被授权代表我们的主说话和行动。我们要把神的国带给那些还不认识他的人。我们要继续为家人、朋友、同事、邻居,甚至我们永远不会知道的国家的人的得救祈祷!在我们几分钟前读到的经文中,我们看到,牧羊人一听说救主诞生了就去找他,然后去“传扬天使对他们所说的关于他的话!马太福音 28:18-20 告诉我们要去传扬福音。慕拉蒂说:“我们有永生之道,我们必须说出来“。这是我们的挑战和号召!去告诉别人吧!要祈祷、要支持!


12/15/24 Pastor’s Word

Week of Prayer International Missions
At Early Morning Prayer Sharing on December 5, 2024

Elinda West

Luke 2: 8-11; 17-18; Matthew 28:18-20

In Southern Baptist churches across America this is the week (Dec 1-8) that is designated the Week of Prayer for International Missions and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.  This offering supports International Mission Board (IMB) missionaries to go and live among the lost people in other countries and share the gospel!  This is an annual observance where Southern Baptist Churches pray for missionaries, their ministries and their families and take an offering to support the missionaries. This offering supported Wei Mushr and I for 32 years while living and working in Taiwan.  This offering is named for Lottie Moon (Mu La Di), a single lady missionary who served in China. She was appointed as missionary at the age of 33 in 1873.  She lived in China for 39 years. Some of my favorite quotes from her are:

  • “We have the words of Eternal Life and we must speak them…”
  •  “How many million more souls are to pass into eternity without having heard the name of Jesus?”
  • “If the joy of the Lord be their strength, the blessedness of the work will more than compensate for its hardships.”

Lottie Moon was an extraordinary woman. She was not perfect, but her legacy teaches us much about following Jesus and spreading the Gospel. I deeply admire this missionary’s courage and perseverance. She was appointed a missionary at the age of 33.  I was appointed a missionary in 1978 at the age of 31. She was in China during great hardships for almost 39 years and died of starvation on her way back to America. She was known as “the cookie lady” and was loved by children.  I was “the cake lady.” I made birthday cakes for all my college age students who came to Bible Study. If two students were having a birthday in the bible study, I made each one a cake. I carried cakes all over Taichung Taiwan! I wanted each student to feel loved and special. And not only special to me but special to Almighty God!  Lottie Moon wore Chinese style clothing.  I also wore Chinese style clothing and even on my trip back this year I bought some clothes to wear to the special celebrations at ICBC.
Wei Mushr and I are blessed and thankful to be called by God to be Missionaries.  We feel the sacrifices did not compare to the blessings of our life! We are so moved and overwhelmed to get to go back and see the ongoing work of our co-workers, the churches and the dear brothers and sisters still faithfully serving the Lord. It was good to have a chance to encourage and pray for them.  It is not easy work because of the hard hearts and blind eyes to the Truth of Jesus which results in idolatry and darkness there.  America has its own idolatry and hard hearts and lack of fear of God, as we who live here know very well!  Missionaries have had to leave China and parts of the Middle East and other countries because they are not welcome!
This week is our reminder to always pray for our missionaries.  Some live in very isolated and difficult places.  We believers are ambassadors for Christ….2 Corinthians 5:20 “Therefore , we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God”.  We represent Jesus on Earth. We are authorized to speak and act on behalf of our Lord. We are to bring the kingdom of God to those who do not yet know him.  We are to keep praying for the salvation of family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, even people in countries we will never know! In the scripture we read a few minutes earlier we saw that as soon as the shepherds had heard that a Savior had been born to them, they went to find Him and then went to “spread the word concerning what the angels had told them about Him!  We are told in Matthew 28:18-20 to GO and TELL the GOOD NEWS.  Also, Lottie Moon said, “We have the words of Eternal Life and we MUST speak them.  This is our challenge and our call!  Go and Tell! Pray and support!

2024年12月8日 牧者之言


上周12/1-7日 是教会第二次禁食祷告周,特摘录12/1日的灵修和代祷与家人们分享:

  1. 经文描述:约在公元前800多年前,神的话临到亚米太(“信实”之意)的儿子约拿(“鸽子”之意)。约拿住在靠耶稣长大之处拿撒勒约十里的迦特希弗。神吩咐他到亚述国首都尼尼微城传悔改的信息,那里的恶达到主的面前。尼尼微人十分邪恶,以残忍著称。从迦特希弗到约帕96公里。约拿没有听从神的吩咐去距离约帕东北1100公里的尼尼微,却恰巧买了船票(尽管当时一票难求),逃往距离约帕3200公里的他施。约拿宁可选择远两倍的路躲避神,也不愿去距离较近的尼尼微去传道。
  2. 学习教训
  1. 要寻求神的话语临到(1:1)。我们要每日读经查考神的话(约5:39,徒17:11)。有神话语的指示,我们才敢行动。
  2. 要寻求明白神的心意(1:2)。神是圣洁的神,神恨恶罪恶,喜愛良善,他恨恶尼尼微城的罪恶。先知要传讲指责罪恶、劝人悔改的信息。
  3. 要顺服神的心意(1:3)。约拿的意思是鸽子,这里他是一只不听话的鸽子,他对神“放鸽子”,他不仅逃避神的工作,更是逃避神的面。求主怜悯我们,借着禁食祷告寻求神的面,不要与主的心意背道而驰,而要借着耶稣的宝血时刻就近神。



  • 求主为我们预备未来的聚会场所。我们自己住在天花板的房屋,神的教会却还没有长久的居所(该1:4,9)。我们要向主认罪,求主赦免我们的自我中心。求主为我们教会开出路。我们为神家焦急如同火烧的心,求主按着你圣善的美意为我们预备合你心意的居所。求你按着你时候,赐予我们完全合一的心,让我们全然摆上,在这件事上遇见你的大能和作为。主阿,我们等候你。当你将“云彩从帐幕收上去,我们就起程前往”(出40:36)。
  • 我们要为2025年具体事工代祷,求主带领举牌传福音事工;求主预备暑期圣经学校(VBS)日期、联络人、选用材料、能有45个儿童和青少年参与,并有足够的成人义工。求主预备儿童青少年沙龙营地的报名和安排;求主预备秋季特会讲员、地点等;求主预备能将每季度守主餐礼调整为每月一次;求主安排常青团契的带领同工和日期;求主赐福教会不浪费每次节日(新年、受难节、复活节、父亲节、母亲节、感恩节、圣诞节等),利用机会大大为主传福音。愿主的名在我们中间得荣耀,使更多人归到主的名下。

我们要将中国的伯特利教会 2025年事工交托:

  • 求主带领以圣灵所赐智慧和恩赐服侍
  • 求主安排聚会的安全和平安,各聚会点都兴旺
  • 求主带领牧者、同工有能力和权柄,继续大大作主圣工
  • 求主赐福学习乐器同工有智慧聪明
  • 求主兴起更多弟兄火热事奉主
  • 求主带领开展下一代圣工,将我们的子孙带到主面前。


  • 求主使我们凡事将上帝放在首位(路17:5-10),从主领受使命和异象
  • 求主使我们愛慕真理、学习真理、坚持真理、宣讲真理(箴2: 3-4,约8:32)
  • 求主使我们关愛群羊(结34章)
  • 求主赐我们口才,将福音尽都传明
  • 求主使我们不做瞎眼守望者,不作哑巴狗不能叫唤、不贪食好酒寻求自己的利益(赛56:10-11),使我们天天死于旧我,活出基督,高举十字架救恩,竭力荣耀主的名。以上祷告是奉基督之名,阿门!

The Word of God Comes (Jonah 1:1-3) 

Last week, December 1-7, was the church’s second fasting and prayer week. I would like to share with our church family the excerpts of the spiritual meditation and intercession on December 1.


  1. Scripture description: About BC 800 years ago, the word of God came to Jonah (meaning “dove”), the son of Amittai (meaning “faithful”). Jonah lived in Gath-hepher, about ten miles from Nazareth, where Jesus grew up. God commanded him to preach the message of repentance in Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, where the evil had reached the Lord. The people of Nineveh were very evil and known for their cruelty. It is 96 kilometers from Gath-hepher to Joppa. Jonah did not obey God’s command to go to Nineveh, which is 1,100 kilometers northeast of Joppa, but happened to buy a boat ticket (although it was hard to get a ticket at the time) and fled to Tarshish, which is 3,200 kilometers away from Joppa. Jonah would rather choose a twice-long route to avoid God than to preach in Nineveh, which is closer.
  2. Lessons Learned
  1. We need to seek God’s word (1:1). We need to read the Bible and study God’s word every day (John 5:39, Acts 17:11). Only with the guidance of God’s word, can we dare to act.
  2. We must seek to understand God’s will (1:2). God is a holy God who hates sin and loves goodness. He hates the sin of Nineveh. The prophet must preach a message that denounces sin and urges people to repent.
  3. We must obey God’s will (1:3). Jonah means a dove, and here he is a disobedient dove. He “released a dove” from God (A Chinese slang, meaning “stand God up”). He not only avoided God’s work, but also avoided God’s presence. May the Lord have mercy on us, seek God’s face through fasting and prayer, and not go against the Lord’s will, but always approach God through the precious blood of Jesus.

Prayer Items: Future Ministry for the Church in 2025
Includes: Little Rock Immanuel Chinese Baptist Church (future meeting place), Bethel Church (future direction), and the service of pastors and co-workers

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us the Book of Jonah. Please lead us through the process of praying and reading the scriptures, fasting and praying, so that we can put aside our own ideas, seek you wholeheartedly, turn to you with all our hearts, seek your face, and live a life that pleases you.
Lord, Your word is the lamp before our feet and the light on our path. Please help us to persist in reading your word every day, to have enlightenment in reading the Bible, to obey your word by relying on you, and to live out your word in our lives. May your word come to us through our daily reading of the Bible, meditation and prayer. As long as we have the guidance of your word, we have the courage to move forward.
Lord, we commit the ministry of Little Rock Church in 2025 into your hands.

  • May the Lord prepare us a suitable meeting place. Almost every family of our church lives in a house with a ceiling, but the church family of our Lord does not have a long-term place (Hag. 1:4, 9). We must confess our sins to the Lord and ask You to forgive our self-centeredness. May the Lord open a way out for our church. We are anxious for the house of God, and may the Lord prepare a place for us according to Your holy will. Please give us a united spirit, so that we can give ourselves completely and encounter Your power and work in this matter. Lord, we are waiting for You. When You take up “the cloud from the tabernacle, we will set out” (Exod. 40:36).
  • Specific ministries in 2025: Ask the Lord to lead the ministry of evangelism with holding sign for Jesus; to prepare the date, coordinator, materials, 45 children and teenagers to participate, and enough adult volunteers for the Vacation Bible School (VBS); the registration and arrangement of the Children and Teenagers for Camp Siloam; the speakers and location of the Fall Retreat; to adjust the Lord’s Supper from quarterly to monthly; to arrange the coordinator and date of the Evergreen Fellowship ; to bless the church not to waste every holiday (Chinese Lunar New Year, Good Friday, Easter, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas), and make a good use of the opportunity to preach the gospel for the Lord. May the name of the Lord be glorified among us, so that more people will come to the Lord.

We would like to entrust the ministry of Bethel Church in China in 2025 to our Lord:

  • Ask the Lord to lead them to serve with the wisdom and gifts given by the Holy Spirit.
  • arrange for the safety and peace of the meetings, and that all the gathering points will prosper.
  • lead the leaders and co-workers to have the power and authority to continue to do evangelism.
  • bless their coworkers who learn musical instruments with wisdom and intelligence
  • raise up more brothers to serve Him fervently
  • carry out the next generation ministries and bring our children and grandchildren to the Lord.

We pray for every leader and co-worker of the Lord:

  • Pray that we will put God first in everything (Luke 17:5-10) and receive mission and vision from the Lord.
  • make us love the truth, learn the truth, uphold the truth, and preach the truth (Prov. 2:3-4, John 8:32)
  • help us to care for the sheep (Ezekiel 34)
  • give us the ability to speak and spread the gospel
  • keep us from being blind watchmen, dumb dogs that cannot bark, or greedy eaters and drinkers who seek our own interests (Isaiah 56:10-11). May we die to our old selves daily, live out Christ, uphold the salvation of the cross, and strive to glorify the Lord’s name.

The above prayer is made in the name of Christ. Amen!