7/17/2022 牧者之言 Pastor’s word

我们都被暴露了We’ve All Been Exposed

作者:Sarah Bourns


我们都被暴露了We’ve all been exposed.
不一定是被病毒暴露Not necessarily to the virus
也许吧……谁知道呢)(maybe…who even knows).
我们都被病毒暴露了We’ve all been exposed BY the virus.

新冠正在暴露着我们Corona is exposing us.
暴露出我们的弱点Exposing our weak sides.
暴露出我们的阴暗面Exposing our dark sides.
Exposing what normally lays far beneath the surface of our souls,hidden by the invisible masks we wear.
Now exposed by the paper masks we can’t hide far enough behind.

新冠正在暴露我们对舒适的上瘾Corona is exposing our addiction to comfort.
我们对控制的痴迷Our obsession with control.
我们对囤积的冲动Our compulsion to hoard.
我们的自我保护Our protection of self.

新冠正在剥去我们的表皮Corona is peeling back our layers.
拆毁我们的墙壁Tearing down our walls.
揭示我们的幻想Revealing our illusions.
调整我们最好的计划Leveling our best-laid plans.

新冠正在暴露我们所敬拜的假神Corona is exposing the gods we worship:
我们的健康Our health
我们的忙碌Our hurry
我们的安全感Our sense of security
我们喜欢的谎言Our favorite lies
我们隐藏的欲望Our secret lusts
我们错误的信任Our misplaced trust.

新冠正在质疑一切: Corona is calling everything into question:
没有建筑物的教会是什么?What is the church without a building?
没有收入我的价值是多少?What is my worth without an income?
我们如何在不确定的情况下进行计划?How do we plan without certainty?
尽管有风险,我们如何去爱?How do we love despite risk?

新冠正在暴露我Corona is exposing me.
我无心的麻木My mindless numbing
我无尽的滚动My endless scrolling
我粗心的话语My careless words
我脆弱的神经My fragile nerves.

我们都被暴露了We’ve all been exposed.
我们的垃圾暴露无遗Our junk laid bare.
我们的恐惧被曝光了Our fears made known.
创可贴撕裂了The band-aid torn.
化装舞会结束了The masquerade done.
现在怎么办? 还剩下什么?So what now? What’s left?
清洁的双手Clean hands
清澈的眼睛Clear eyes
温柔的心Tender hearts.

新冠所揭示的,上帝可治愈What Corona reveals, God can heal.
来吧,主耶稣Come, Lord Jesus.怜悯我们Have mercy on us.

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