2024年6月23日 牧者之言



40. 使徒在第九、第十和第十一章中的教导是关于上帝永恒的预定,一个人是否相信,是否摆脱罪恶,这原本就是上帝的预定,以便我们成为虔诚的人完全脱离我们自己的手,交到上帝的手中。这是最重要的。因为我们是如此软弱和充满不确定性,如果这取决于我们,那么没有一个人会得救;魔鬼肯定会压倒所有人。但上帝是可靠的,他的预定不会失败,没有人能打败他的目的,我们仍然有理由对战胜罪恶充满希望。

41. 然而,在这一点上,必须对那些妄自尊大的灵魂设定一个限度,他们首先将自己的理性引向这一点,从顶部开始,着手探索神圣预定的深渊,并毫无意义地担心他们是否被预定的问题。这些人成为他们自己垮台的原因;他们要么对自己的救赎感到绝望,要么放纵自己,不顾一切。

42. 至于你自己,我说:遵循这封书信的顺序。用基督和他的福音占据你的思想,这样你就可以知道你的罪和他的恩典,然后与你的罪搏斗,就像第 1、2、3、4、5、6、7 和 8 章教你做的那样。当你读到第八章并遭受十字架和苦难之后,你就会正确地了解到预定是多么令人欣慰,正如第 1、2、3、4、5、6、7 和 8 章所解释的那样。 在9、10 和 11中,因为除了经受痛苦、背负十字架和极度痛苦的折磨之外,一个人不可能在不伤害自己和不暗暗怨恨上帝的情况下思考预定论。因此,亚当必须完全死去,一个人才能忍受听这种教导和喝这种烈酒。因此,当你还是一个哺乳婴儿时,要小心不要喝酒。每一种教义都有适当的限制、时间和年龄。(未完待续)

Martin Luther’s Preface to The Epistle to the Romans

(Continue from above)

Ch. 9–11—Predestination or Election

40. The apostle’s teaching in the ninth, tenth, and eleventh chapters is concerning the eternal predestination of God, whence it originally flows, whether a person is to believe or not, become rid of his sins or not, in order that our becoming godly may be taken entirely out of our own hands and placed in the hands of God. And this is of the very highest importance. For we are so feeble and full of uncertainty that, if it depended on us, not a single person would be saved; the devil would surely overpower all. But God being reliable so that His predestination does not fail, and no one can defeat His purpose, we have still reason for hope over against sin.

41. However, at this point a limit has to be staked off against presumptuous and arrogant spirits, who lead their reason to this point first, start from the top, undertake to explore before everything else the abyss of divine predestination, and worry to no purpose over the question whether they are predestinated. These people become the cause of their own downfall; they either despair of their salvation or abandon themselves to recklessness.

42. As to yourself, I say: Follow the order of this epistle. Occupy your mind with Christ and His Gospel in order that you may know your sin and His grace, and then wrestle with your sin, as chaps. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 have taught you to do. After you have arrived at the eighth chapter and are subjected to crosses and sufferings, you will be rightly taught how comforting predestination is, as explained in chaps. 9, 10, and 11. For outside of a condition of suffering, cross-bearing, and mortal anguish, a person cannot contemplate predestination without injury to himself and without harbouring a secret grudge against God. Therefore Adam must be quite dead before a person can bear to listen to this teaching and drink of this strong wine. Beware, then, of drinking wine while you are still a suckling infant. There is a proper limit, time, and age for every doctrine.                                                                                  (to be continued)

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