3月3日 牧者之言 郭长老的见证



来13:7 从前引导你们、传神之道给你们的人,你们要想念他们,效法他们的信心,留心看他们为人的结局。






















  1. 他有丰盛的属灵生命,他的恩赐与谦卑结合。他有着宽广的心胸,海纳百川有容乃大,为基督所大用。

         2.他为主经受住文革时作监的考验。 “我们的信心既被试验,就比被火试验仍然能坏的金子更显宝贵,可以在主耶稣基督显现的时候,得着称赞、荣耀、尊贵“(彼前1:7)。郭守忠的名副其实,他至死忠心,坚守主道,直到生命的最后一刻。


  1. 上帝喜欢与我们玩捉迷藏游戏。通过写郭长老的见证我惊讶地发现,郭长老年轻时读的神学院居然是美南浸信会(Southern Baptist Church)在中国主办的。我十六年前来美国后加入美南浸信会。在信主30多年后2024年2月27日我惊奇地发现,追根溯源,郭长老所受的神学训练居然和我现在所参加的教会同属一源。如果美南浸信会国际宣教部(International Mission Board)得知他们所培养出的神学生郭守忠后来的故事,他在鹤岗市带领和影响了包括我在内的成千上万人信主,我们的心将会是何等地欢喜!郭长老的故事值得在中国教会历史上留下一笔。主的话又在耳畔回荡: “我听见从天上有声音说:‘你要写下:从今以后,在主里面而死的人有福了!’圣灵说:‘是的,他们息了自己的劳苦,做工的果效也随着他们’(启14:13)。

In Memory of Elder Guo Shouzhong

Chunhai Li

Hebrews 13:7 (KJV): Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.

Our church (Little Rock Immanuel Chinese Baptist Church in Little Rock, USA) has recently been studying the Book of Acts. In Acts, the apostles were accompanied by miracles and great power in their preaching, but they also faced much persecution. Tertullian, an early church father, said, “The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church.” The ending of Acts mentions Paul freely preaching in Rome without hindrance. This open-ended conclusion suggests that after Peter and Paul, successive generations of saints will continue to write Acts, following the path of self-sacrifice along the way of the cross of Jesus, running the heavenly road until the Lord comes again. This reminds me of Elder Guo Shouzhong. He was the founder of the Christian Church in my hometown, Hegang, Heilongjiang Province, China. He once guided us and preached the word of God to us. His faith is worthy of emulation, and we should consider his glorious life (Hebrews 13:7).

          In 1995, Elder Guo Shouzhong, who was 82 years old at the time, came to the Xinhua Church in Hegang City to preach and baptized many brothers, sisters, and me after I become a believer. (At that time, it was sprinkling baptism. In September 2008, after coming to the United States, I received baptism in immersion and joined the Southern Baptist Church. Baptists believe that baptism is not a prerequisite for salvation but a sign of obedience to Christ and joining the church. I am willing to testify to the Lord’s obedience through baptism before others. This does not deny the fact that I was already saved by faith in Christ) When Elder Guo testified to his salvation, he said, “I used to be a great sinner, I did all kinds of evil, I smoked opium in the old society, my morals were corrupt. Thank the Lord Jesus, He saved me, let me realize that I am a sinner, repent of my sins, and obtain eternal life. He also chose me as a preacher.” After one Lord’s Supper, an older sister brought her younger sister who was possessed by a mute evil spirit to the front to ask Elder Guo for prayer. The elder humbly knelt down and prayed for her, driving out the demon. After the prayer, the younger sister immediately began to speak. Everyone was amazed and shouted ‘Hallelujah,’ giving glory to God. Unfortunately, that sister did not end well. She never came to church again. When I met her again, she was running around on the street in a crazy manner. Elder Qian Lihua, the former leader of Xinhua Church, said, “The most impressive thing about Elder Guo is that he never accepts gifts from others. I remember one time I was under attack by the devil, feeling very uncomfortable, almost losing control. At that time, my coworkers took me to a small house. Elder Guo prayed in tongues for me. After the prayer, I immediately recovered, and I have never had that illness again. As for speaking in tongues, I don’t know if others’ tongues are from God, but I am sure that Elder Guo’s tongues must be from God.”

        Thank God, during the process of gathering materials, He arranged for me to contact Elder Ding Xianwen, the son of Elder Guo. He generously provided many valuable historical photos. According to the historical records provided by Elder Ding, Guo Shouzhong was born on October 4, 1913, in Tonghutong, Jiamusi, Heilongjiang Province. He grew up in poverty and only received six years of formal education. At the age of 15, he began apprenticing and learning Mandarin, and at 18, he worked in a grain store in Xingde Town, Jiamusi. He became a Christian in 1936 and in 1937, following God’s will, he went to the North China Baptist Theological Seminary in Huangsien, Shandong Province, under extremely difficult conditions. From this, we can see that Elder Guo was influenced by the famous Shandong Revival (1927-1937) in history. He graduated from the seminary in June 1940 and served as a preacher in Shandong for half a year. In October 1940, he returned to Jiamusi to continue his preaching work. In December 1940, he moved his family to Hegang and began preaching there. In 1945, he established the Hegang Church at the northern end of Xijie, Hegang. When it was officially established, there were 80 people gathering, and Elder Guo lived and worked in the church. On December 25, 1946, Christmas, there were 120 people gathering. At the end of 1946, Wu Zhizhong, from Gongnong District, led 30 people to break into the church, attack reactionary preachers, and take away all the church’s furniture, organ, and Bible. The church moved to Elder Guo’s home for meetings, with more than 30 people attending. During the Cultural Revolution in 1966, the church was closed. In 1970, when China began implementing religious policies again, there were over 2,000 baptized Christians in Hegang.

          On December 25, 1971, during a Christmas gathering at Guo’s home, located at 30 Building, 11 Households, Committee 7, Group 8, Xingshan Gongzhu Street, there were 32 people in the photograph. On November 5, 1992, Guo was ordained as an elder. He peacefully passed away on August 24, 2001, at the age of 89. Sister Zhan Huilin from our church in Hegang testified, “I don’t know much about Elder Guo because I wasn’t a believer at that time. My mother was a believer. In the 1980s and 1990s, Elder Guo influenced a generation of Christians in Hegang. So many people came to faith because of him. At that time, the church led by Elder Guo was truly revitalized, with people filling every floor.”

         Elder Ding recounted, “My father became a Christian in 1936. At that time, he knelt in the church and prayed, saying, ‘Lord Jehovah, you are the true God, please heal my grandfather’s paralysis. My grandfather has been bedridden for two years. If you allow my grandfather to walk again, I will believe that you are the living God, and I will dedicate my life to serving You as a preacher.’ Three days later, his grandfather indeed began to walk again.

        In 1937, God led him to attend seminary. He prayed to God, saying, ‘I want to go to seminary, so I will entrust my family to God and ask for His provision.’ My father signed up for seminary through the church without his family knowing. After he left, my third uncle, who was promoted to be a manager at a fire mill, provided for our entire family. So, we had a better life than when my father was at home.

        During his time at the seminary, some of Chinese bread they received were moldy. While other students refused to eat them, he did. When he ate them, they tasted as delicious as cake. After graduating from seminary, he returned to Hegang to preach. He preached the gospel on the streets and went door-to-door. Preaching was very difficult at that time, and there were times when he went without food. Life was hard, but his spirit was joyful and happy.

        He faced persecution and hardships multiple times, a total of three times. In 1958, because of his faith, he spent three years in a labor camp. When I visited him, he told me that it was God’s arrangement for him to eat well there. At that time, we were starving at home. He lived in a cowshed. He cooked some corn in the middle of the night that the cows ate so he never got hungry. Spiritually, he prayed and communed with the Lord during those three years. His spiritual life was very rich. Through the refining of those three years, he personally witnessed that God is truly alive.

        My father preached for the Lord for 56 years, without accepting any salary from the church or spending any of the church’s money. He never accepted gifts from any brothers or sisters. He preached during the day and wrote sermons at night, often writing until midnight. I saw God’s grace and glory in my father. He healed the sick, cast out demons, performed many miracles, and had a great gift of preaching. The whole city of Hegang was shocked when my father died. 8,000 people went to the funeral, in 40 buses and in 50 minibuses. The person at the funeral home sighed and said: ‘Who is this person? More people attended his funeral than attended the mayor’s funeral. My father’s life was a life that glorified God and was blessed by God!”

        Elder Shen Yulan testified, “I started attending church in 1980. At that time, I was busy with work and didn’t attend gatherings much. Elder Guo’s ministry was truly outstanding. When he led Bible studies, he always focused on interpreting scriptures through scriptures. He didn’t talk about personal matters but exalted Jesus Christ, teaching how to imitate the Lord through reading the Bible, praying, and praising. During his sermons, he often inserted a hymn. He led Bible studies, covering every chapter from Genesis to Revelation.”

         Continuing, Sister Shen said, “He faced a lot of persecution. When there were disagreements among the deacons, he always encouraged brothers and sisters to look to the Lord. At that time, there were restrictions on the number of people who could be baptized. He encouraged brothers and sisters to pray and let the Lord work. We should look to the Lord, look to the cross, and follow the Lord. The Lord was so humble; even when He was beaten and bruised on the cross, He said, ‘Father, forgive them.’ We should also forgive others.

        Elder Guo served as an elder for many years and was criticized by the Red Guards. During the interrogations, when it was Elder Guo’s turn, he had a vision of a tiger with a seal on its mouth. When the Red Guards interrogated him, they said, ‘Let’s go eat first, and then we’ll continue the interrogation.’ After they finished eating, there was no further interrogation. Later, Elder Guo did various jobs in prison, such as raising chickens.

        While in prison, Elder Guo’s wife visited him and sang to encourage him: ‘And now, Lord, what do I wait for? My hope is in You. Deliver me from all my transgressions; do not make me the scorn of the fool’ (Psalm 39:7-9). After singing, both of them shed tears.

         When he was released from prison, the police asked him, ‘Will you continue preaching?’ He replied, ‘What I say doesn’t matter; what God says does. How could I disobey God and not preach?’ Other preachers would say, ‘I won’t preach anymore,’ but in their hearts, they would think, ‘How can I not preach?’ Elder Guo was consistent in his heart and speech, never sinning with his mouth. They went to the police station once a week for reporting. The police asked him, ‘Have you been preaching?’ He answered, ‘Believers just gather together to sing songs.’”

         I asked, “What is the most valuable lesson you learned from Elder Guo?”

         Sister Shen replied, “First, he was very meticulous about himself. When he preached, he would always distribute the outline of his sermon to the believers beforehand. After reading the Bible verses, he would close his eyes throughout the sermon. He memorized the entire sermon and delivered it from beginning to end. Second, he was exceptionally loving. Brothers and sisters who came from afar for gatherings, he and his wife would not let them leave, but instead, they would invite everyone to eat, serving potatoes and China northern pumpkins. They would also offer accommodations to everyone.”

         My Aunt Chen Hongxia said, “The sermon notes left by him are still in our home, all handwritten by him. The image of Elder Guo’s appearance and his smile is vivid in my mind; I have heard and seen it all. After I became a believer in 1983, I started attending gatherings at Elder Guo’s home in Gouzi North, Xingbei District. We gathered on the heated brick bed. His house was a dilapidated grass hut, packed with people both on and under the bed, inside and outside the house. At that time, I was 21 years old. As soon as I arrived at his house, I climbed onto the bed and fell asleep. Both elders were very gentle and humble, and his wife was very modest. He once said during his sermon, ‘During the Cultural Revolution, when the country opposed religion, he was arrested and interrogated. But he remained faithful. Even if he were beaten to death, he would still believe.’ Later, the church moved to Xiangyang Church. In the 1990s, my younger brother was reported and laid off. We asked Elder Guo to pray. After he prayed in tongues, he said, ‘It’s okay, he will definitely get his job back.’ At that time, Elder Guo was old, and the deacons served him. Every time we asked him to pray, buy something, or give him a gift, he refused. If others asked him to pray or gave him gifts, he would turn the gifts into money and put them in the offering box. The deacons told us, ‘Don’t buy anything anymore; Elder Guo uses his own salary to repay everyone for these thank-you gifts.’ This had the greatest impact on me. When I was a section chief at work and someone gave me gifts in gratitude, I also turned the gifts into money and returned them. I have always been consistent; whenever someone gives me something, I turn it into money and return it in gratitude. Even in difficult times, I still tithe. I never owe anyone.

        He led Bible studies, and at that time, I didn’t understand much. His influence on me was the greatest, and he had the greatest influence on our family. If the church leaders that followed him could be as morally clean as Elder Guo in financial matters, they wouldn’t have fallen. It’s a pity that the church where Elder Guo used to serve has now split into factions.

        In 1994, I was laid off. I asked him to pray for me. After he prayed, he said, ‘You will definitely return to work in three years.’ I thought to myself, ‘I’ve been laid off, and someone in authority has taken over my job. How can I return?’ But God is truly miraculous; three years later, I did return to work as a custodian. This is not superstition. The words spoken by the elder in prayer have come true. Thank the Lord, everyone I know has nothing but praise for Elder Guo. He never accepts gifts from anyone. This is extremely precious.”

        My biological sister, Li Chunyan, testified, “In fact, our family heard the gospel from my aunt’s family. My aunt Chen Hongxia was one of the earliest believers in Elder Guo’s church. Before she believed in the Lord, she worshipped idols and was often bound by demons. After she prayed and read the Bible, the demons fled, and she was healed. When my father and I visited my aunt’s house, my aunt’s elder sister, Chen Hongxia, shared the gospel with my father. She said, ‘This God is the Almighty; he controls everything, even the wind and rain. You can pray to him about anything.’ Inside the gospel pamphlet that my father brought back from my aunt’s house were the Ten Commandments and the Lord’s Prayer. My father hid them behind the mirror at home.

         Later, when I was young, I was sent from Xinhua Church to Xiangyang Church for training. Elder Guo and his wife were always at the door welcoming and receiving everyone. They shook hands with each person, served hot water, and warmly invited people into the church. They cared for the poor and the weak meticulously, which made people feel very warm. Their humility and genuine love, which came from the depths of their hearts, were truly touching and admirable. Their children and grandchildren, working in various places, all tithed. Elder Guo loved the Lord too much. He was deeply committed to his faith. Whenever people came to him for prayer, he humbly prayed for them. Even in his old age, when he was not feeling well, he would still get out of bed to pray for others when they asked for his intercession.”

        The stories of Elder Guo are countless. Due to space constraints, I will end my writing here. I am especially grateful to God and to the brothers and sisters including Ding Xianwen, Qian Lihua, Shen Yulan, Li Chunyan, Chen Hongxia, Zhao Guiqin, Zhan Huilin, and Zhang Zhongxia for providing their testimonies. May this article serve as a catalyst to inspire more people to delve deeper into Elder Guo’s ministry and to reflect on the state of our faith today. From Elder Guo’s story, we can learn several things:

  1. He had a rich spiritual life, combining his gifts with humility. He had a broad mind, embracing everyone, and was greatly used by Christ.
  2. He endured the test of being imprisoned during the Cultural Revolution. “These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.” (1 Peter 1:7). Elder Guo’s Chinese name Shouzhong means “staying faithfulness.” He remained faithful until the end, steadfast in the way of the Lord, until his last breath.
  3. Pastoral care. He served the people of his time with his life and then peacefully passed away. His service was full of humility, love, and care, truly manifesting the love of Christ.
  4. God enjoys playing hide and seek with us. Through writing about Elder Guo’s testimony, I was amazed to discover that the seminary he attended in his youth in China was sponsored by the Southern Baptist Church. I joined the Southern Baptist Church in the United States more than sixteen years ago. After more than thirty years of being a Christian, on February 27, 2024, I was astonished to find that, tracing back to the source, the theological training Elder Guo received is actually from the same source as the church I am currently serving. If the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention were to learn about the story of Elder Guo, their former seminary student who later led and influenced thousands of people, including myself, to believe in the Lord in Hegang City, our hearts would rejoice greatly! Elder Guo’s story deserves to be recorded in the history of the Chinese church. The words of the Lord echo in my ears again: “Then I heard a voice from heaven say, ‘Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on. ‘Yes,’ says the Spirit, ‘they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them’” (Revelation 14:13).

1- 华北浸会神学院是中国20世纪一所基督教神学院,由美南浸信会华北区联合会(山东与东北)主办。其前身为美南浸信会传教士海雅西、浦其维创办的卜氏神道学校,初设于登州,后迁至黄县小栾家疃。1931年,由于山东复兴的影响,卜氏神道学校改组为华北浸会神学院,以适应培养传道人的需要。院长柯理培。学生由10人左右增加到一百多人。1941年太平洋战争爆发后,柯理培等传教士被关进日军集中营,神学院停办。1946年,因受国共内战战事影响,华北浸会神学院无法恢复。院长柯理培等人赴上海,任中华浸会神学院校长。参https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/%E5%8D%8E%E5%8C%97%E6%B5%B8%E4%BC%9A%E7%A5%9E%E5%AD%A6%E9%99%A2

2-The North China Baptist Theological Seminary was a Christian theological institution in China in the 20th century, sponsored by the Southern Baptist Convention of North China (Shandong and Northeast). Its predecessor was the Bu Shi School of Divinity, founded by Southern Baptist missionaries Hays and Pugh, initially located in Dengzhou and later moved to Xiaoluanshantuan, Huangxian. In 1931, influenced by the Shandong Revival, the Bu Shi School of Divinity was reorganized into the North China Baptist Theological Seminary to meet the need for training missionaries. It was led by Dean Charles L. Culpepper Sr. The number of students increased from around 10 to over 100. After the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941, Dean Charles L. Culpepper Sr. and other missionaries were imprisoned in Japanese internment camps, and the seminary ceased operations. In 1946, due to the impact of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communists, the North China Baptist Theological Seminary could not be restored. Dean Charles L. Culpepper Sr.  and others went to Shanghai and he became the president of the China Baptist Theological Seminary. See https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/%E5%8D%8E%E5%8C%97%E6%B5%B8%E4%BC%9A%E7%A5%9E%E5%AD%A6%E9%99%A2 for more information.

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