2024年5月12日 牧者之言

Mothers’ Teachings

箴 1:8 我儿,要听你父亲的训诲,不可离弃你母亲的法则。
Prov 1: 8 Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction, and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.
箴言1:8中的 “法则” 原文“תּוֹרָה”(torah)和“律法”(law)是同一个词,有“方向、教导”等意思。“母亲的法则”这个表达让我想到“家训”或“传家宝”等概念。每个母亲都有她的人生法则,这些法则是儿女们的家训和传家宝,值得继承和发扬。
我生命中的三位母亲对我产生了很大影响。第一位是我的亲生母亲徐元玲;第二位是我的美籍老师裴斐(Faye Pearson)妈妈;第三位是我曾经寄居在她家的简·布鲁金(Jane Brooking)妈妈。这三位了不起的女性分别教导了我舍己、智慧和愛心的法则。
裴斐(Faye Pearson,1940年5月14日—2019年2月20日,参5/14/2023 牧者之言 Pastor’s word)妈妈是一位美国传教士,她在亚洲宣教42年。她一生单身,衷心服侍主。我之所有称她为“妈妈”是因为她的美好品行赢得了这个称号,并且她教导过的许多学生都亲切地称呼她妈妈。我在南京神学院认识她。她的法则是智慧。她是美国人,可思维模式却是中国式的。她热爱中国,将她的一生奉献给向中国人传道的福音事工上,她去世时穿着一身红色的唐装。她说:“如果上帝再加增我四十年,我还要服侍中国人”。 她关心学生的灵性、家庭和生活,甚至操心帮大龄学生们找对象。她是一位很好的倾听者,你可和她无话不谈;她也可毫无保留地给予意见和指导。她是一位大领袖,曾在美南浸信会国际宣教部担任驻亚洲区总干事,带领五百多对传教士夫妇。她的领袖风格是天然的;她用榜样而不是用权力去带领。她重视人际关系,关心每个人。她是个实干家,做事有计划有条理,干净落。她晚年身患癌症时,仍然在家里接待许多客人,并亲手下厨为客人们准备食物。她去世前提前就将自己的追思礼和安葬礼安排好,确定在哪里举行,谁主持,谁分享见证、该分享什么等。2008年我来美国之后,每逢圣诞节都会去她家里。记得2018年与她度过的最后一个圣诞节时,她依然智慧教导我和莎莎如何作牧师、作师母。当她看到我大儿子天意2岁还走不稳时,特别嘱咐我们说:“天意是个慢性格的孩子,你们对他一定要有耐心。不要催他,不要逼他作他不愿意作的事。”这句话今日依然受用。
提到我的美国妈妈简(参5/15/22 牧者之言 Pastor’s Word)让我想到中国的一句古话:“受人滴水之恩当涌泉相报”。在我来美留学最后一年,她和美国爸爸莱斯(Leslie)接待我在她家免费住了半年时间。他们在我饿的时候给我吃,渴的时候给我喝,我作客旅留我住(太25:35),我上学时开车送我去学校,我毕业时帮我将西服带到干洗店去干洗,我婚礼上作我的父母,我孩子出生时寄来小礼物……。她的法则是爱心。她没有自己的孩子,却先后接待几位学生到她家里住。这些学生亲切地称呼她“妈妈”。凡接触过她的人永远忘不了她甜蜜的微笑和热情的拥抱。正如我从前所提到的,她与人见面时,会给对方一个大大的拥抱,抱得很紧,持续时间很长,至少有20秒钟。她去世时,一位中国留学生在她脸书上留言说:“你是我们遇到过的最善良的朋友。 我很高兴我们认识你并与你共度时光。 我会永远记住你的笑容和温暖的心。愿你安息。” 她的爱心是从主里来的,“凡有爱心的,都是由神而生,并且认识神”(约一4:7)。这份爱是宽广的,包容的,并且可给人带去力量的。

2024年5月5日 牧者之言


(e) 公义
18. 我所描述的信心就是‘义’,它被称为神的义,或在神眼中有效的义,因为神为了我们中保基督的缘故赐下它,并算为义 。 这种义使一个人给予他所应得的。 因为通过信心,人就脱离了罪,并热爱上帝的诫命。 因此,他将应有的荣耀归给神,并偿还他所欠的。 另一方面,他愿意尽其所能地为他人服侍,并以这种方式偿还对每个人的债务。 这种正义是人性、人的自由意志、我们的力量所无法达到的。因为正如任何人都无法点燃对自己的信心一样,他也无法消除这种不信。那么,他该如何消除一项罪孽,即使是最微不足道的罪孽呢? 因此,凡是没有信心或不信的人所做的事,无论外表多么华丽,都是虚假、伪善和罪恶(罗14:23)。

(f) 情欲与灵
19. 关于这封书信中的‘情欲’(flesh)和‘灵’(spirit)这两个词,你们不可将‘情欲’理解为仅指不贞洁的事物,也不要将‘灵’理解为指内心内在的事物。圣保罗以及约翰福音 3 :6 节中的基督,称一切从肉身生的都是肉身,因此指整个人,包括他的身体和灵魂、他的理性和他所有的感官,因为他里面的一切都贪恋肉体。因此,你会明白,你必须称任何一个对崇高的、灵性的问题充满自己的想象力、教导和胡言乱语的人为“属肉体的”。 你可以很容易地从《加拉太书》中关于肉体行为的说法中得到这一点。 5:20 异端和仇恨也被称为肉体的行为。 此外,在罗马书 8:3,使徒说律法因肉体软弱。 这不是指不贞洁,而是指所有的罪,但主要是指不信,这是影响灵性的最大恶习。

20. 另一方面,即使是那些从事最明显工作的人,你也必须称其为‘属灵的’,例如,基督为门徒洗脚时,彼得划船钓鱼时 。 因此,‘肉体是指一个人在内心和外在的生活中服务于肉体和现世存在的益处,而“则表示一个人在内心和外在的生活中服务于圣灵和未来生命的益处。

21. 如果不理解所提到的术语,你将永远无法理解圣保罗的这封书信,也无法理解圣经的任何一卷书。 因此,要提防所有在不同意义上使用这些词的教师,无论他们是谁,即使他们碰巧是耶柔米、奥古斯丁、安布罗修、奥利金,以及像他们一样或比他们更高

第二部分: 现在我们要来看这封书信本身。


22. 传福音的人首先应该通过关于罪的律法的启示,责备和谴责人在生活中一切不是出于圣灵和对基督的信仰的罪,为了使人们能够了解自己和他们的痛苦,变得谦虚并渴求帮助。因此,圣保罗遵循这一规则,从第一章开始斥责明显的严重罪恶和不信,就像外邦人过去和现在仍然在那些没有上帝恩典的人身上所犯的罪一样。 他说,通过福音,上帝因所有人的不敬虔和不义而从天上向他们显明了愤怒。因为虽然他们知道并且每天都感知到有一位上帝,但他们的本性,在恩典之外,本身就是如此邪恶,以至于他们既不感谢他,也不荣耀他,而是使自己盲目,不断陷入更糟糕的邪恶之中。直到他们在拜偶像之后,毫无羞耻地犯下最可憎的罪孽和一切恶习,而且他们也不在别人身上责备这些罪孽。
23. 在第二章中,这种责备进一步延伸,以涵盖那些表面虔诚或暗地里犯罪的人。 犹太人就属于这一类人,他们今天都是伪君子,他们过着美好而诚实的生活,却没有真正热爱它,因为他们在内心深处是上帝律法的敌人。 然而,他们却随时准备对他人做出评判,就像所有伪善者的做法一样,以自以为纯洁,尽管他们充满了贪婪、仇恨、骄傲和一切卑鄙。 太23:25 这些人正是藐视上帝的良善,并因自己的刚硬而为自己积聚愤怒的人。 因此,圣保罗作为律法的真正解释者,不会允许任何人被视为无罪之人,而是谴责上帝对所有靠自然力量或自由意志过上美好生活的人的愤怒。 他不允许他们被视为比明显的罪人更好的人。事实上,他告诉他们,他们铁石心肠,不知悔改。

Martin Luther’s Preface to The Epistle to the Romans

(continue from above)
(e) Righteousness

18.Now, faith such as I described is ‘righteousness,’ and is called the righteousness of God, or the righteousness that is valid in God’s sight, because He bestows it and counts it for righteousness for the sake of Christ, our Mediator. This righteousness causes a person to render to each his due. For through faith man becomes void of sin and conceives a love for the commandments of God. Thus he gives due honour to God and pays Him what he owes. On the other hand, he willingly serves his fellow-man in whatever way he can, and in that way also pays his debts to everybody. Such righteousness human nature, man’s free will, and our powercannot achieve. For just as little as anybody can kindle faith in himself, just as little can he remove this unbelief. How, then, is he to remove one single sin, even of the paltriest kind? Therefore, whatsoever is done without faith or in unbelief, no matter what a splendid appearance it may present, is falsehood, hypocrisy, and sin. Rom. 14:23.

(f) Flesh and Spirit
19. As regards the term ‘flesh’ and ‘spirit’ in this epistle, you must not understand ‘flesh’ to mean only unchaste matters, nor ‘spirit’ to mean the inward matters of the heart. St. Paul, as well as Christ in John 3:6, calls everything flesh that is born of flesh, hence the entire person with his body and soul, his reason and all his senses, because everything in him lusts after the flesh. Thus you will understand that you must call any person ‘carnal’ who is full of his own imaginations concerning sublime, spiritual matters, teaching and twaddling about them. You can readily gather this from what is said concerning the works of the flesh in Gal. 5:20, where also heresy and hatred are called works of the flesh. Moreover, in Rom. 8:3, the apostle says that the Law is weakened by the flesh. This does not refer to unchastity, but to all sins, chiefly, however, to unbelief, which is the greatest vice affecting the spirit.

20. On the other hand, you will have to call even that person ‘spiritual’ who is engaged in most obvious work, as, for instance, Christ when He was washing His disciples feet, and Peter when he was rowing his boat and fishing. Accordingly, ‘flesh’ denotes a person who spends his life inwardly and outwardly in serving the interests of his flesh and temporal existence, while ‘spirit’ denotes a person who spends his life inwardly and outwardly in serving the spirit and the interests of the life to come.

21. Without this understanding of the terms noted you will never grasp this epistle of St. Paul, nor any book of the Holy Scriptures. Therefore, beware of all teachers who employ these words in a different sense, no matter who they are, even if they should happen to be Jerome, Augustine, Ambrose, Origen, and men like them or still higher than they.

Part II. Now we shall take the Epistle itself.

Ch. 1—The Gross Sins of Men

22. It behoves a preacher of the Gospel, first of all, by means of the revelation of the Law concerning sins, to reprove and denounce as sin everything in a person’s life that does not proceed from the Spirit and from faith in Christ, in order that men be enabled to know themselves and their misery, become humble, and crave help. Therefore St. Paul, following this rule, starts in the first chapter to rebuke gross sins and unbelief which are manifest, such as the sins of the Gentiles were and as are still in those who live without the grace of God. He says that by the Gospel is revealed the wrath of God from heaven upon all men because of their ungodliness and unrighteousness. For although they know, and perceive every day, that there is a God, still their nature, outside of grace, is in itself so evil that they neither thank Him nor honour Him, but inflict blindness on themselves and without ceasing fall into worse evils, until, after practising idolatry, they commit, without shame, the most abominable sins and every vice and, moreover, do not rebuke them in others.

Ch. 2—Hypocrisy and Self-righteousness

23. In the second chapter this reproof is still further extended, so as to embrace those who are outwardly pious or sin in secret. Of this class were the Jews, and are all hypocrites today, who lead a good and honest life without real love for it, because at heart they are enemies of God’s Law. Yet they are ready to pass judgment on other people, as is the manner of all hypocrites, so as to esteem themselves pure, although they are full of avarice, hatred, pride, and all vileness. Matt. 23:25. These are the very people who despise the goodness of God and heap up wrath for themselves because of their hardness. Thus St. Paul, as a true expounder of the Law, does not suffer anyone to pass for a sinless person, but denounces the wrath of God to all who would lead a good life by their natural strength or free will. He does not suffer them to pass for anything better than manifest sinners; in fact, he tells them that they are hard-hearted

and impenitent.                                                                              (To be continued)

4月28日 牧者之言



(b) 罪  

至于“罪”(sin),圣经用这个词不仅指可见的外在行为,更是指外在行为的每个变化和诱因——发生在内心深处及所有力量。据此,“犯罪”(crime)一词表示一个人完全堕落并陷入罪中。因为除非一个人全身心投入其中,否则任何外在的罪恶行为都不会发生。圣经特别关注心灵,以及所有罪恶的根源和主要来源,那就是内心深处的不信。因此,单单靠信心就能称义,并获得圣灵和从事外在行为的意愿。因此,单单不信就会犯罪,并激发肉体和外在恶行的欲望,就像在乐园里的亚当和夏娃所作的那样(创 3:6,12)。为此,基督只称不信为罪,他在约翰福音 16:8, 9 中说:“圣灵必责备罪恶的世人,为罪是因为他们不信我。”因此,在行善或作恶(即善果或恶果)之前,心中首先必须有信或不信,后者是一切罪的根源、汁液和主要力量。因此,圣经中将它称之为蛇的头和古龙的头,按照对亚当的应许,它必须被女人的后裔基督打伤(创 3:15)。

(c) 恩典  

“恩典”(grace)和“恩赐”(gift)之间的区别是:恩典,该术语的正确意义是指神对我们的恩惠和美意,神将恩惠和美意珍藏在自己里面,并且基于此原因他愿意将基督和圣灵,连同圣灵的恩赐倾注给我们。在5:15中,圣保罗谈到“那因耶稣基督……神的恩典和恩典中的赏赐……”,现在,恩赐(the gifts)和圣灵(the Spirit)在我们里面天天加增,但还尚不完全;因此,邪恶的情欲和罪恶仍然存在于我们里面,它们与圣灵作战,正如罗马书 7:14, 23;加 5:17; 创 3:15 预言了女人的后裔和蛇的后裔之间彼此为敌。尽管如此,恩典却成就了如此多的事,使我们在神眼中被算为完整和完全的义。因为神的恩典不像恩赐那样是可分割的、零碎的,而是由于我们保惠师和中保基督的缘故,将我们完全接纳到神的恩宠之中,为此在我们里面开始有了恩赐。 

现在你会明白第七章,保罗仍然责备自己是罪人,然而他在第 8 章 1 节宣称“在基督耶稣里的人就不被定罪了”,尽管他们领受到的恩赐和圣灵尚未完美。我们仍然是罪人,因为我们里面的肉体还没有被治死。然而,我们既然信了基督,有了圣灵的开始,神就施恩惠与我们,不顾念我们的罪,也不定罪我们的罪,而是按照我们对基督的信心来对待我们,直到罪被消灭了。

(d) 信心  

“信心”不是某些人认为关于信仰和人类观念的梦想。 当他们看到随之而来的不是生活的改善,也不是善行,尽管他们能够听到和谈论很多信心,但他们这样说却犯了错误:“信心是不够的; 如果我们想变得敬虔并得救,就必须行善”。 原因是,当他们听到福音时,他们就去行善,并凭自己的力量在心里形成一个想法:我相信。 他们认为这是真正的信仰。 但是,由于它是人类的虚构和思想——内心深处无法感知,所以它一事无成,也不会带来任何改进。


信心是对神恩典的一种活生生的、大胆的信心,它敢于冒着千次死亡的确据。 这种对神圣恩典的信心和认识使人在与上帝和所有受造物的关系中感到快乐、勇敢和充满喜乐。 圣灵正在信徒里面做这事。 因此,一个人不受约束,愿意并热情地为每个人行善,为每个人服侍,承受各种苦难,出于对神的爱和对向他施予如此恩典的神的赞美。 因此,行为与信心是不可能分开的,就像不可能将燃烧和发光的能力与火分开一样。 因此,要提防你自己的错误思想和空谈者,他们假装有伟大的智慧来辨别信仰和善行,但实际上是最大的愚者。 祈求上帝,让他在你里面创造信心; 否则你将永远没有信心,是的,无论你计划什么、做什么。


Martin Luther’s Preface to The Epistle to the Romans

(continue from above)

(b) Sin  

As regards ‘sin,’ by this term Scripture denominates not only the external work of the body, but every movement and incitement to some external work that takes place in the inmost heart and all its powers. The term ‘commit,’ accordingly, denotes that a person falls completely and rushes into sin. For no external sinful work is done except a person rushes into it with his whole body and soul. Scripture takes particular notice of the heart and of the root and main source of all sins, which is unbelief in the inmost heart. Accordingly, even as faith alone justifies and obtains the Spirit and willingness for good external works, so unbelief alone sins and rouses the flesh and the desire for evil external works, as happened to Adam and Eve in paradise. Gen. 3:6. 12. For this reason Christ calls only unbelief sin, when He says, John 16:8, 9: ‘The Spirit will reprove the world of sin because they believe not on me.’ Hence, before good or evil works are done (which are good or evil fruits), there must first be in the heart faith or unbelief, the latter being the root, sap, and main strength of every sin. For this reason it is called in Scripture the serpent’s head and the head of the old dragon, which, in accordance with the promise made to Adam, must be bruised by Christ, the woman’s Seed. Gen. 3:15.

(c) Grace  

The difference between ‘grace’ and ‘gift’ is this: Grace, in the proper sense of the term, denotes God’s favour and good will towards us, which He cherishes in Himself, and by reason of which He is inclined to pour into us Christ and the Spirit with His gifts. This is manifest from chap. 5:15, where St. Paul speaks of ‘the grace of God and the gift of grace, which is by . . . Jesus Christ.’ Now, the gifts and the Spirit are increased in us daily and are not yet perfect; hence evil lusts and sins still remain in us, which war against the Spirit, as is stated Rom. 7:14f. 23; Gal. 5:17; Gen. 3:15, where enmity between the woman’s Seed and the seed of the serpent is predicted. Notwithstanding this, grace accomplishes so much that we are accounted completely and fully righteous in the sight of God. For the grace of God is not divisible and piecemeal as the gifts are, but receives us altogether into God’s favour for the sake of our Advocate and Mediator Christ, and for the reason that there is in us a beginning of the gifts.

Now you will understand the seventh chapter, where Paul still chides himself a sinner, and nevertheless, in chap 8:1, declares that there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, because of the imperfect gifts and the Spirit. We are still sinners because of the flesh in us that has not yet been mortified. However, since we believe in Christ and have the beginning of the Spirit, God is favourably inclined and gracious to us, so much so that He will not regard nor condemn our sins, but deal with us in accordance with our faith in Christ, until sin is slain.

(d) Faith  

‘Faith’ is not the human notion and dream which some regard as faith. When they see that it is not followed by an improvement of life nor by good works, while they are, nevertheless, able to hear and talk much of faith, they fall into the error of saying: Faith is not sufficient; we must do works if we want to become godly and be saved. The reason is because, when hearing the Gospel, they go to work and by their own power frame up a thought in their heart which says: I believe. That they regard as genuine faith. But, inasmuch as it is a human figment and thought of which the inmost heart is not sensible, it accomplishes nothing and is not accompanied by any improvement.

On the contrary, faith is a divine work in us, which transforms us, gives us a new birth out of God, John 1:13, slays the old Adam, makes us altogether different men in heart, affections, mind, and all powers, and brings with it the Holy Spirit. Oh, it is a living, energetic, active, mighty thing, this faith. It cannot but do good unceas-ingly. There is no question asked whether good works are to be done, but before the question is asked the works have been done, and there is a continuous doing of them. But any person not doing such works is without faith. He is groping in the dark, looking for faith and good works, and knows neither what faith is nor what good works are, although he indulges in a lot of twaddle and flummery concerning faith and good works.

Faith is a living, daring confidence in the grace of God, of such assurance that it would risk a thousand deaths. This confidence and knowledge of divine grace makes a person happy, bold, and full of gladness in his relation to God and all creatures. The Holy Ghost is doing this in the believer. Hence it is that a person, without constraint, becomes willing and enthusiastic to do good to everybody, to serve everybody, to suffer all manner of afflictions, from love of God and to the praise of Him who has extended such grace to him. Accordingly, it is impossible to separate works from faith, just as impossible as it is to separate the power to burn and shine from fire. Accordingly, beware of your own false thoughts and of idle talkers, who pretend great wisdom for discerning faith and good works and yet are the greatest fools. Pray God that He may create faith in you; otherwise you will be without faith for ever and aye, no matter what you may plan and do.

(to be continued)

4月21日 牧者之言


  此英文译本取自阿德莱德路德出版社 1966 年出版的版本。该版本于 1995 年首次由澳大利亚科罗曼德东New Creation Publications Inc. 出版 。1997 年、1998 年、2001 年、2003 年重印。

前  言

         马丁·路德逝世已近 450 年,但他的著作仍然对我们说话。他在耶稣基督里被上帝的恩典唤醒,他的复兴的影响很快传遍了整个德国。他对唯独因信称义的见证继续在世界各地传播。由于渴望良心自由,别人建议路德自己阅读圣经。他这样做了,并且也讲授了圣经。公元 1515 年,他讲授《罗马书》,并在接下来的两年里讲授《加拉太书》。在这个时期的某个时候,“义人必因信得生”这句话给他带来了个人的确据,他确信自己——仅凭信心已被上帝所接纳。他写道:“我感觉自己重生了,我走进了天堂的大门”。 1521 年,他在沃尔姆斯的一个教会法庭上陈述他的信仰。正是在这里,他发表了现在著名的声明:“这是我的立场”、“我别无选择”。人们对他颁布了一项法令,为了“安全保管”,他被朋友偷偷带到瓦尔特堡城堡,并伪装成骑士并隐姓埋名,在那里待了九个月。在此期间,他将整本新约圣经从希腊语翻译成德语。他还为每本书写了简短的摘要或序言——类似于拉丁武加大译本圣经(Vulgate Bible)。这本《路德圣经》及其序言都是用大众化的语言写成的。

         他为《罗马书》写的序言比其他人都长。它包含整封信的摘要及其教义的概要。其主要术语已定义且相互关联。更具体地说,它传达了保罗写给罗马人的信中显而易见的福音的喜乐和力量。路德这样评价罗马书:“越是全面研读,它就变得越宝贵,并且它的味道就越甘甜” 。

          这份序言在其历史上产生了广泛而深刻的影响。最著名的事件关于约翰·卫斯理 (John Wesley)在1738 年,当他听到这篇序言被宣读时,他发现自己的心“异常温暖”。他悔改了,世界再次感受到了上帝宽恕的力量。


格兰特·索普 1995 年 7 月




第一部分  解释这封信中所用的术语


  (a) 律法

至于这封书信中的“律法”一词,你不可按照人的方式来理解它,因为它指的是一种教义,告诉我们什么是我们必须做的,什么是我们不可以做的。这就是人类法律的意义,当我们做所吩咐的工作时,我们必须遵守这些法律,尽管我们的心可能无份。神根据我们内心的情况作出判决。因此,他的律法对我们内心提出了要求,并且它不满足于仅仅的行为,而是将所有与我们内心无份的行为都视为伪善和谎言。因此,所有的人都被称为说谎者(诗篇 116:11),因为他们没有一个人从内心深处遵守、也不能遵守上帝的律法。每个人都会发现自己厌恶善而渴望恶。如果没有对善的无限制的渴望,内心深处就不会依附于上帝的律法。在这种情况下,虽然对于肤浅的观察者来说,可能会出现许多善行和正直的生活,但肯定也有罪和应得的上帝愤怒。

因此,保罗在2 :12、13 中得出结论,犹太人都是罪人,并说只有遵行律法的人才在神面前称义。他的意思是说,没有人是一个靠行为的遵守律法者。他是这样对他们说(第 22 节):“你说人不可奸淫,自己还奸淫吗;”同样,第 1 节:“你在什么事上论断人,就在什么事上定自己的罪;因你这论断人的,却作同样的事”。他仿佛是在说:在公开场合,你们在遵纪守法中过着美好的生活,而你们却在对那些没有过着这样生活的人做出论断。你知道如何教导每个人;你只看见你弟兄眼中有刺,却不想自己眼中有梁木(太 7:3)。







然而,遵行律法意味着带着喜乐和爱心去做律法的事,自由地过敬虔美好的生活,不受律法的约束,就好像有律法一样。 没有法律,也没有惩罚。然而,这种不受约束的爱的喜悦是由圣灵灌输在心中的,正如圣保罗在5:5所说的那样。但是,正如他在导言中所说,圣灵只有在耶稣基督里、凭着对耶稣基督的信心才能赐下。因此,除了上帝的道或福音之外,没有任何信心。信心宣告基督,即他是上帝和人的儿子,他为我们的缘故死而复活,正如他在3:25、4:25、10:9和10节中所说的那样。这就是为什么唯有信心才能称义并成全律法,因为它从基督的功劳中得到圣灵。然而,圣灵创造了一颗愿意且不受约束的心,正如律法所要求的那样;那么善行就直接源于信心。这就是他(使徒)在3:31节的意思。在他拒绝律法的行为之后,可能会让人认为他打算通过信心废除律法。 “不,”他说,“我们通过信仰建立法律”,也就是说,我们通过信心成全它。


Martin Luther’s Preface to The Epistle to the Romans

This English translation is taken from the edition produced by Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide, 1966. This edition first published 1995 by New Creation Publications Inc., Coromandel East, South Australia Reprinted 1997, 1998, 2001, 2003. 


Martin Luther died nearly 450 years ago but his writing still speaks to us. He was awakened to the grace of God in Jesus Christ, and the effects of his renewal quickly spread through Germany. His testimony to justification through faith alone continues to spread around the world. In his longing for freedom of conscience, Luther was advised to read the Scriptures for himself. He did this, and lectured on it also. During A.D. 1515 he lectured on Romans, and, in the next two years, on Galatians. Somewhere in this time the passage, ‘The just shall live by faith’ brought personal assurance to him that he was accepted by God—through faith alone. He wrote: ‘I felt myself to be reborn and to have gone through open doors into paradise’. By 1521 he was before an ecclesiastical court in Worms, to give an account of his beliefs. It was here that he made his now famous statement: ‘Here I stand! I cannot do otherwise’. An edict was pronounced against him, and, for ‘safe keeping’, he was spirited away by friends to Wartburg Castle where he stayed—disguised as a knight and under an assumed name—for nine months. During this time he translated the entire New Testament from Greek to German. He also wrote brief summaries, or prefaces, to each book—similar to the Vulgate Bible. This ‘Luther Bible’, and its Prefaces, were phrased in the language of the common people.

The Preface which he wrote for Romans is longer than the others. It contains a summary of the whole letter and an outline of its doctrine. Its main terms are defined and related to each other. More particularly, it conveys the joy and power of the gospel so evident in Paul’s Letter to the Romans. Luther said about Romans: ‘The more thoroughly it is treated, the more precious it becomes, and the better it tastes’. 

This small document has had a wide and deep influence through its history. The best known incident concerns John Wesley, who, in 1738, found his heart ‘strangely warmed’ as he listened to this Preface being read. He was converted, and again, the world felt the power of God’s forgiveness. 

May this booklet encourage many to read Paul’s letter and, particularly, to know the truth of God’s grace. 

Grant Thorpe July 1995

Martin Luther’s Preface to the Epistle to the Romans Preface

This epistle is in truth the chief part of the New Testament and the purest Gospel. It would be quite proper for a Christian, not only to know it by heart word for word, but also to study it daily, for it is the soul’s daily bread. It can never be read or meditated too much and too well. The more thoroughly it is treated, the more precious it becomes, and the better it tastes. 

Accordingly, I, too, shall offer my service and with the ability God has granted me prepare an introduction to it by this preface in order that it may be better understood by everybody. For heretofore it has been miserably darkened by glosses and all sorts of twaddle, while in itself it is a shining light, quite sufficient to illumine the whole Scriptures. 

Part I. Explanation of Terms Used in This Epistle

In the first place, we must acquaint ourselves with matters of language and understand what Paul means by these words: law, sin, grace, faith, righteousness, flesh, Spirit, and similar terms; otherwise we shall derive no benefit from reading this epistle.

(a) Law

As regards the term ‘law’ in this epistle, you must not understand it after the fashion of men, as denoting a doctrine that shows us what works we must, and what works we must not, do. That is the meaning of human laws, with which we comply when we do the works commanded, though our heart may have no share in them. God frames His verdict in accordance with the condition of our inmost heart. His law, accordingly, makes demands upon our inmost heart, and is not satisfied with mere works, but brands as hypocrisy and lies all works in which our inmost heart has no share. For this reason all men are called liars, Psalm 116:11, because no one of them keeps, nor can keep, the Law of God from his inmost heart; everyone discovers in himself aversion to what is good and a desire for what is evil. Now, where there is no unconstrained desire for what is good, the inmost heart is not attached to the Law of God. In such a case there is surely also sin and merited wrath of God, although to a superficial observer there may appear many good works and an upright life. 

Hence Paul concludes, chapter 2:12, 13, that the Jews are all sinners, and says that only the doers of the Law are justified in the sight of God. He means to say that no one is a doer of the Law by works. This is the way he speaks to them, v. 22: ‘Thou sayest a man should not commit adultery, and thou committest adultery;’ likewise v. 1: ‘Wherein thou judgest another thou condemnest thyself; for thou that judgest doest the same things.’ As though he were to say: In public you are leading a good life in the works of the Law, and you are passing judgement on those who are not leading such a life. You know how to teach everybody; you behold the mote that is in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the beam that is in your own eye. Matt. 7:3. 

The Law Demands Willing Obedience

For although you keep the Law outwardly by your works, from fear of punishment or love of reward, still you do everything without a free desire and love of the Law, with loathing and under restraint. You would rather do otherwise if there were no Law. It follows, then, that in your inmost heart you are an enemy of the Law. Your teaching others not to steal—what does it amount to when at heart you are a thief yourself, and would gladly be one publicly if you dared? In the long run even the manifest work (against the Law) is not omitted by these hypocrites. Thus you are teaching others, but not yourself; nor do you know what you are teaching. You have never yet correctly understood the Law. In fact, in addition to this the Law increases sin, as he says, chap. 5:20, because man’s enmity against the Law becomes greater in proportion as the Law makes demands upon him, none of which he can fulfil. 

The Law Is Spiritual

Therefore he says, chap. 7:14: ‘The Law is spiritual.’ What does that mean? If the Law were an affair for the body its demands could be met by works. But since it is spiritual, no one can satisfy its demands except by doing all that he does from the inmost heart. But such a heart is bestowed by no one except the Spirit of God; He makes men to agree with the Law, causing them to conceive a love of the Law from the heart and henceforth to do all, not from fear or constraint, but from a willing heart. In that way the Law is spiritual: it wants to be loved and fulfilled from a spiritual heart and requires such a spirit. If He is not in the heart, there abide in the heart sin, loathing, and enmity against the Law, which in itself is good, just, and holy. 

You must become used, then, to this mode of speech, viz., that ‘doing the things contained in the Law’ is quite another thing than ‘fulfilling the Law.’ The things contained in the Law are all those things which man does, or is able to do, in relation to the Law of his free will and by his natural powers. However, while a person is engaged in such works there remains in his heart a loathing of the Law and a constraint; for this reason all these works are sheer waste and useless. That is what Paul means when he says, chap. 3:20: ‘By the deed of the Law there shall no flesh be justified in his sight.’ From this you see that the wranglers at the universities and the sophists are false guides when they teach men to prepare themselves for grace by works. How can a person prepare himself for what is good by works when he does no work without loathing and a dislike in his heart? How can God be pleased with a work that proceeds from such an unwilling and rebellious heart?

Fulfilment Possible Only Through Faith

However, fulfilling the Law means to do its works with delight and from love, and to lead a godly and good life freely, without the Law’s constraint, just as if there were no Law and no punishment. Such a delight of unconstrained love, however, is instilled in the heart by the Holy Spirit, as St. Paul says, chap. 5:5. But, as he says in his introductory remarks, the Spirit is not given except in, with, and by faith in Jesus Christ. Hence there is no faith except by the Word of God, or the Gospel, which proclaims Christ, namely, that He is the Son of God and man, that He died and rose again for our sakes, as he states, chap. 3:25; 4:25; 10:9. 10. That is the reason why faith alone justifies and fulfils the Law, for it fetches the Spirit from Christ’s merit. The Spirit, however, creates a willing and unconstrained heart, such as the Law requires; and then good works spring directly from faith. That is what he (the apostle) means in chap. 3:31, after he has rejected the works of the Law in terms that might lead one to think he meant to make void the Law through faith. ‘Nay,’ he says, ‘we establish the Law through faith,’ that is, we fulfil it by faith.                                     

(To be continued)

2024年4月14日 牧者之言


KJV Matt.19: 14 But Jesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

暑期圣经学校(Vacation Bible School, 英文简称 “VBS”)是教会向社区提供的外展服侍,旨在教育孩子认识上帝,包括信仰课程、艺术、手工艺、游戏等。每间教会可以设计自己的信仰课程或购买适合的信仰课程。我们教会去年成功地举行了第一次VBS(请参考https://thebaptistpaper.org/little-rock-chinese-church-thankful-for-year-of-growth-unity-and-answered-prayers/),荣耀归于主。


1.    教师组;2. 宣教组;3. 手工组;4. 敬拜赞美团队;5. 食物组;6.接待登记组;
7.    布置组; 8.宣传组;9.音响组;10.摄影及Video制作组;11. 青少年筹备《约拿书》剧组

为参加 VBS 的孩子们祈祷:
• 为所有年龄段的孩子在VBS 期间听到福音祈祷。
• 祈求那些不认识基督的孩子能邀请基督进入他们的生命。
• 祈求基督徒孩子能够与天父更加亲近。
• 为不定期去教会的孩子们祈祷。

为 VBS 的志愿祈祷:
• 求主赐给我们足够的志愿来正确地教导和照顾我们的孩子。
• 祈求我们整个VBS 团队的语和行动在这一周能尊荣和荣耀主。
• 祈求上帝赐福给我们 VBS 团队力量、耐力、良好的态度以及向每个孩子展示基督无条件的愛的能力。
• 祈求主预备更多青少年志愿,使基督徒青少年成为基督的精兵,慕道友青少年信靠
• 祈求周五晚家庭同乐夜的表演、汇报演出及颁发毕业证书等进展顺利,能有更多家长
• 为VBS 带领在准备VBS 周和期间寻求上帝的指引时祈求智慧。
• 为VBS周我们的支持团队和食物团队等祷告。
• 为圣经学校后的跟进行动祷告。祈祷我们能在社区中建立许多联系。

2024 Church Vacation Summer Bible School
KJV Matt.19: 14 But Jesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

Jesus’ words of Matthew 19: 14 are the basis and foundation for our church’s children ministry. The Lord Jesus taught us: “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them.” On one hand, the original text of “let” is an imperative tone. The Lord commands us to invite children to come to Him. On the other hand, let’s not hinder them. “Hinder” means not to allow, to obstruct or to set up obstacles. The KJV translates “hinder” as “suffer,” which means to endure. This reminds us to tolerate and put up with little children. Children are not always lovable, sometimes they can be mischievous or restless. Yet the Lord asks us to welcome them. A church with many children is filled with the Lord’s presence, vitality, and blessings. A church that prohibits children from entering is hardly be called the Lord’s church.

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is an outreach ministry provided by the church to the community. It aims to educate children to know God, including faith courses, arts, crafts, games, etc. Each church can design its own faith curriculum or purchase a suitable faith curriculum. Our church successfully held the first VBS last year (please refer to https://thebaptistpaper.org/little-rock-chinese-church-thankful-for-year-of-growth-unity-and-answered-prayers /), praise the Lord.

We had our first preparatory meeting for 2024 last Sunday to determine the following.

Date: June 18-21, 5:30-8:00 pm (“Friday Family Night”); volunteers will arrive at 5pm to set up tables and chairs.
Vision: Strive to spread the gospel of Christ, share the love of Christ with children and parents, and help people to know the Lord.
Purpose: Focus on the gospel, highlight the characteristics of the Chinese church, and make the activities interesting and fun.
Goal: 40 children
2024 Theme: SCUBA, with the ocean world as the background, it will lead children to dive into a relationship with the Lord.

We divide into several groups and need relevant volunteers:
1. Teaching Team; 2. Mission Team; 3. Craft Team; 4. Worship and Praise Team; 5. Food Team; 6. Reception and Registration Team; 7. Decoration Team; 8. Promotion Team; 9. IT Team; 10. Photography and Video Team; 11. Youth Preparation Team for the Play of “The Book of Jonah”

Welcome to actively sign up to participate in VBS or VBS volunteers. Brothers and sisters who are interested in serving, please contact Mrs. Shasha if you have any questions.

LRICBC-VBS-Prayer Guide
Ways to Pray for the Kids Attending VBS:
•    Pray for the kids of all ages who will hear the Gospel during VBS.
•    Pray that children who don’t know Christ will invite Him into their lives.
•    Pray that children who are Christians will grow closer to the Father.
•    Pray for the children who do not attend church regularly.

Ways to Pray for Those Who Are Serving at VBS: 
•    Ask the Lord to provide plenty of workers to properly teach and care for our children.
•    Pray that the words and actions of our entire VBS team will bring honor and glory to God through the week.
•    Pray that God will bless our VBS team with strength, endurance, good attitudes, and the capacity to demonstrate Christ’s unconditional love to each child.
•    Pray that the Lord will prepare more youth volunteers so that among them the believers will grow their faith and the seekers will accept the Lord.
•    Pray that the play, presentation, and graduation certificate presentation on Friday Family Night will go well, and more parents will attend.
•    Pray for wisdom for those leading VBS as they seek God’s guidance in preparing for and during VBS week.
•    Pray for our supporting team and food team during the week.
•    Pray for our follow-up after Bible School. Pray that we might make many connections in our community.

2024年4月7日 牧者之言

见证之日The Day of Testimonies



* 蒙神赐福      

* 十架苦路十四站默想 
基督若不受苦,就没有复活。上周五受难节晚上,教会举行“十架苦路十四站烛光默想”。十架苦路(Via Dolorosa)是耶路撒冷旧城一条 600 米长的石路,人们相信这是耶稣被钉十字架的路线。 拉丁语 “Via Dolorosa” 的意思是“悲伤之路”(the sorrowful way)。   传统上,人们将这条路分成十四站,标记耶稣所走过的受苦之路。我们以烛光默想的形式,通过诗歌、经文诵读、祷词、受难短片、祈祷等形式,将自己带入场景中,深刻默想主为我们所受的一切苦以及我们自己的罪。许多弟兄姐妹深受受感动。

* 预尝天堂  
《启示录》里天上场景的特点之一是“各国、各族、各民、各方的人” 一同站在宝座和羔羊面前敬拜(7:9)。今年我们中文教会和安提阿教会(Antioch Church,这间英文教会和我们在同一座教堂里的不同地方活动)在室外联合庆祝复活节,英文诗歌,英文信息、中文翻译,同领主餐(我们教会一位弟兄在2月26日受主感动曾为此祈祷,没想到主居然真的借着安提阿教会牧师的提议成就了这个愿望),向众人见证基督复活所赐的合一生命。

* 同工同心   


* 众民喜悦      


“Glad in heart, joyful in spirit, peacefully dwelling in the flesh”:
Easter Celebration in the Church

Over three thousand years ago, the Holy Spirit prophesied through the mouth of David, saying: “because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, nor will you let your faithful one see decay” (Psalm 16:10). Around the year 30 AD, Peter confirmed during Pentecost that our ancestor David had died, been buried, and his tomb was still there. David was not speaking about himself, but about the resurrection of Jesus, as Jesus’ soul was not abandoned to Sheol, and his body did not see corruption (Acts 2:29-32). Jesus has risen! His resurrection conquered death, the grave, and the devil, granting new life to those who believe in him. The Church celebrates Easter to witness the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ transcending time and space and to share the good news of the gospel with others. This year, everyone in the church is filled with joy during the Easter celebration. Here are a few points to share with our brothers and sisters in the Lord:

• Blessed by God
The celebration consists of two parts: indoor worship and outdoor worship and activities. Regarding outdoor worship and activities, we want to express special thanks to God for the weather He has provided. Previously, there were concerns about the hot weather, and tents were prepared for shade. However, God prepared a heavenly canopy with clouds for us, providing pleasant weather, and everyone’s mood was comfortable.

• Via Dolorosa Candlelight Meditation
Without Christ’s suffering, there would be no resurrection. Last Friday evening, the church held a “Fourteen Stations of the Via Dolorosa Candlelight Meditation” for Good Friday. The Via Dolorosa is a 600-meter-long stone road in the old city of Jerusalem, believed to be the route Jesus took to be crucified. The Latin term “Via Dolorosa” means “the sorrowful way.” Traditionally, people divided this way into fourteen stations, marking the suffering Jesus endured. Through candlelight meditation, we immersed ourselves in the scene, reflecting deeply on the sufferings endured by the Lord and our own sins through songs, scripture recitations, prayers, a short video of “The Passion of the Christ,” and prayers. Many brothers and sisters were deeply moved.

• Pre-taste of Heaven
One of the characteristics of the scenes in Revelation is “After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands” (Revelation 7:9). This year, our Chinese church and the Antioch Church (an English-speaking church that shares the same building with us but meets in different areas) jointly celebrated Easter outdoors. We sang English hymns, listened to English messages with Chinese translation, and partook in the Lord’s Supper together. This unity was a testimony to the life of oneness that Christ’s resurrection has bestowed upon us.

• Unity in Service
  “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1). The celebration was pleasant, brothers and sisters loved one another, and served one another. There were beautiful worship, delicious barbecue and various delicacies, children hunted for Easter eggs, played on jumping house, enjoyed ice smoothies, and everyone exchanged greetings and conversations. This was the result of teamwork in service. The morning prayer team prayed daily in preparation for Easter, and brothers and sisters actively invited friends through WeChat messages and word of mouth. Particularly grateful were those who prepared barbecue skewers on Saturday. Such enthusiasm for the Lord is pleasing! Everyone shares a common desire: to let more people feel the love of God and the warmth of brothers and sisters!

• Children’s Resurrection Bags
Handcrafted Easter bunnies and other crafts made by Sister Mingfang were children’s favorites. This year, she made exquisite bags embroidered with crosses for 59 children. As elders distributed gifts to the children, they explained the meaning of believing in Jesus to each child, sowing the seeds of the gospel in their young hearts. Mingfang had each child sign their bag as a memento and prayed for them one by one.

• Joy Among the People
This Easter celebration had approximately over 200 attendees, making it the largest gathering in the history of our church. Many people who had never been to our church before joined us, giving us the opportunity to share the gospel with them. One seeker said, “This Easter event at the church was really good. Both adults and children were happy. The barbecue was so delicious, and I’m sure it took a lot of effort to prepare so many. Thank you for your hard work.” Another invited seeker couldn’t attend due to work schedule, but his wife came with their child. After the event, he actively asked for the church’s address and expressed his desire to make some contribution to the church. All of this is by the grace of God, and we give all glory to the Lord. Of course, there were also many shortcomings in our service. We are thankful to all co-workers for their valuable feedback, which will serve as valuable guidance for better service in the future.

David praised the Lord’s resurrection, saying, “Therefore, my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; my flesh also rests secure” (Psalm 16:9). May the life of the Lord’s resurrection continually fill us, so that we may live our lives with joy in our hearts, gladness in our spirits, and security in our bodies, always anchored in hope!

2024年3月31日 牧者之言

见证之日The Day of Testimonies

诗篇118:24 这是耶和华所定的日子,我们在其中要高兴欢喜。
Psalm 118: 24 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. 
三位成人都在生命中经历到上帝。张姐妹见证说:”我之前来教会是凑热闹。这次主打开了我的心。当我去年在作手术之前,我深刻经历到圣灵的同在。在主里面真有平安、喜乐和力量。” 谢姐妹说:”我没来美国之前,心灵里曾经历过很大的考验和艰难,几乎失去人生的方向和活着的勇气。我自从来到教会,心灵里感受到异常的平静和安慰。我愿意一生跟随耶稣”。申姐妹赞叹说:”信主真好。这对我们工作、生活、学习以及心理状态都有影响。”摄影的张弟兄对申姐妹说:”拍照的时候看到您受洗前那一刹那眼角有泪的时候,我也落泪了。感受到了您对神的爱,求主保守您深深爱主,为主而活”。申姐妹回应说:”感谢赞美主让我有机会领受这从上而来的福份!谢谢您为我拍下这美好瞬间!”求主保守这十位弟兄姐妹在今后能活出更丰盛的生命!
第二,    吴红和韩涛的见证
在聚会中,吴红姐妹讲述了主的奇妙恩典。吴红和韩涛是一对十分恩爱的夫妻。他们的学业和生活顺风顺水,既在工作上优秀、又拥有美好的家庭。然而,天有不测风云。今年1月20日,身体一向强壮的韩涛突感不适而送到医院急诊室。他做了心脏支架手术。术后,他的情绪上受到很大影响,再次住进医院。在这个过程中,他们认识和经历到了主。在见证结束时,他们夫妻唱了”上万个理由(10,000 Reasons)”,有些弟兄姐妹感动得热泪盈眶。对他们的见证我有以下几点感受:
第三,祈祷有力量。主说:”义人祈祷所发的力量是大有功效的”(雅5:16下)。在此期间,许多弟兄姐妹为他们代祷,包括微信祷告小组、教会晨祷会、周三晚祷等。牧者们和同工们每次探访都有明显的好转。很神奇的是,2月7日韩涛刚转到Baptist Health医院急诊那天,我一进病房他马上睁开眼睛。我问他是否要信主?他大声说:”我信主,我从今往后要跟随耶稣,走永生的道路”。那天,他做了决志祷告。吴红提到,3月7日晚上,她觉得有一股热量,持续了1-2秒钟。第二天,她看到微信代祷群里发的经文正讲到上帝的手四围环绕。3月8日韩涛就出院了。医生每次看到他,都为他迅速的恢复感动惊讶不已。
就如诗歌所唱的:”这一生最美的祝福就是能认识主耶稣,这一生最美的祝福就是能信靠主耶稣。” 感谢上帝赐予我们见证。愿我们教会今后能有更多人为主作见证,荣耀主的圣名!阿门!

The Day of Testimonies

Psalm 118: 24 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

On March 24, 2024, is a day worth commemorating for our church, because on this day, ten brothers and sisters gave their testimonies through baptism, and Wu Hong and Han Tao also gave their testimony through sharing God’s grace of receiving salvation and healing. This is the day appointed by God, a day of joy and gladness for all brothers and sisters.
Firstly, the testimony of baptism:

Baptism is the most beautiful testimony given by believers to the Lord. It marks the beginning of the spiritual journey for Christians, not the end. Baptists believe that baptism, received by believers in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is an act of obedience, symbolizing the believer’s faith in being crucified, buried, and raised with the Lord. Being immersed in water signifies the believer’s death to sin, the burial of the old self, and resurrection into a new life with Christ. Baptism is a testimony of faith in the resurrection of the dead in the last days.

The number of baptisms this time is the highest since our church started, including 7 children and youths and 3 adults. These children and youths have been involved in church activities from a young age. Through worshiping with adults, Sunday school, Friday fellowship, and other activities, they have been moved and enlightened by the Holy Spirit, recognizing themselves as sinners and willing to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Their baptism is inseparable from the diligent cultivation of all their Sunday school teachers. Their tears shed yesterday in sowing have brought forth today’s joyful harvest.

During the pre-baptism class, when I asked them one by one, “Why do you want to be baptized?”

They all answered, “I want to follow Jesus.”

I asked them, “Is someone else asking you to be baptized?”

They said, “No. It’s my own decision.”

When Horace (he had some developmental delay) expressed his desire to be baptized, his mother was a little worried, fearing that he might not be mature enough mentally and would back out at the last minute. He used to run away when he was sick and saw a doctor, especially when the doctor took out a needle. I reassured his mother, saying, “Don’t worry, a person’s desire to follow the Lord is moved by the Holy Spirit, and the Lord will take care of him.” During the baptism, Horace did great! He wasn’t nervous at all, and he didn’t run away. When I asked them in the baptistry if they were willing to express their lifelong commitment to follow the Lord through baptism, everyone else answered with the standard response, “I am willing.” Ellie, the little girl, was adorable. She replied loudly, “Change!” Her answer was excellent. Indeed, Christians need to renew their minds and change every day, becoming more and more like Christ. These children are blessed because they have eternal life and hope from a young age.

The three adults have all experienced God in their lives. Sister Zhang testified, “Before, I only came to church for fun. But this time, the Lord opened my heart. I deeply experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit last year before my surgery. There is truly peace, joy, and strength in the Lord.” Sister Xie said, “Before coming to the United States, I experienced great trials and difficulties in my heart, almost losing direction in life and the courage to live. Since coming to church, I have felt an extraordinary calmness and comfort in my heart. I am willing to follow Jesus for the rest of my life.” Sister Shen exclaimed, “It’s wonderful to believe in the Lord. It has an impact on our work, life, studies, emotional stability, and even work efficiency.” Brother Zhang, who was taking photos, said to Sister Shen, “When I saw the tears in the corner of your eyes just before you were baptized, I cried too. I felt your love for God. I pray that the Lord will keep you deeply in love with Him and living for Him.” Sister Shen responded, “Thank the Lord for giving me the precious opportunity to receive this blessing from above! Thank you for capturing this beautiful moment for me!” May the Lord keep these ten brothers and sisters living out a more abundant life in the future!

Secondly, the testimony of Wu Hong and Han Tao.

During the gathering, Sister Wu Hong recounted the wonderful grace of the Lord. Wu Hong and Han Tao are a deeply loving couple. Their studies and lives were smooth sailing, excelling in their careers and having a beautiful family. However, unforeseen events occurred. On January 20th of this year, Han Tao, who had always been strong and healthy, suddenly felt unwell and was rushed to the emergency room. He underwent heart stent surgery. After the surgery, he was greatly affected emotionally and was hospitalized again. It was during this process that they came to know and experience the Lord. At the end of their testimony, they sang “10,000 Reasons,” bringing tears to the eyes of some brothers and sisters. Here are my reflections on their testimony:

Firstly, they truly experienced God during this process. Wu Hong said, “Everything is God’s best plan.” During this time, when she was at her strongest physically, she had the strength to take care of Tao; their college-aged son stayed at home, bringing her comfort; when he was ill, many friends were there to help; her boss gave her time off, and her colleagues took over her work, allowing her to take care of Tao, and so on.

Secondly, the Lord not only saved Han Tao but also saved Wu Hong. Previously, their pattern in their marital relationship was that the husband took care of everything for the wife, and the wife relied on the husband for everything. Now, Wu Hong said, “I told my husband that from now on, we will both rely on the Lord and help each other.” The mighty power of God saved Tao from the bondage of illness, granting him true freedom. When Tao fell ill, Wu Hong was almost in a state of collapse, but through the experience of caring for her husband, she became stronger and more mature. Most importantly, her soul found peace, and she was filled with joy and strength in all things.

Thirdly, the power of prayer. The Lord said, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16b). During this period, many brothers and sisters prayed for them, including prayer groups on WeChat, church morning prayers, Wednesday evening prayers, and more. Each visit from pastors and coworkers showed significant improvement. It was miraculous that on February 7th, the day Tao was transferred to the emergency room at Baptist Health Hospital, as soon as I entered the room, he opened his eyes. I asked him if he wanted to believe in the Lord. He said loudly, “I believe in the Lord, and from now on, I will follow Jesus on the path of eternal life.” That day, he made a decision to follow Jesus. Hong mentioned that on the evening of March 7th, she felt a warmth lasting for 1-2 seconds. The next day, she saw a scripture posted in the WeChat prayer group about God’s hands surrounding her. On March 8th, Tao was discharged from the hospital. Every time the doctors visited him, they were amazed and moved by his rapid recovery.

Fourthly, teamwork is essential in service. Throughout the process, many church brothers and sisters, colleagues from their workplace, and friends took turns delivering meals, accompanying them in the hospital, and visiting them. It truly showed the power of love from everyone! May the Lord remember the selfless care and love of each one.

Sister Liu shared, “I have many friends like Hong and Tao around me. They are all good people, but they have not believed in the Lord yet. Perhaps when people themselves are too perfect, it’s difficult for them to feel the need for the Lord. This time, I truly saw God’s work in Tao and Hong. It’s a miracle that they could come to know the Lord and walk into His embrace in such a short time! I pray that more of my friends will be moved to believe in the Lord soon!”

As the hymn sings, “The most beautiful blessing in life is to know the Lord Jesus, the most beautiful blessing in life is to trust in the Lord Jesus.” Thank God for giving us this testimony. May our church have more people testify for the Lord in the future, glorifying His holy name! Amen!

2024年3月24日 牧者之言


Psalm 126: 1 When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion, we were like men who dreamed.
在金陵读书时,美南浸信会裴斐传教士教我们的第一首英文歌曲是:“Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream” (中文翻译: “划,划,划着你的小船,慢慢地順流而下,快乐,快乐,快乐,快乐,人生不过是一场梦” 。一位中国老教授莫如喜听到这首歌后,巧妙地将“life is but a dream”(人生不过是一场梦)改为“life is full of dreams”(人生充满梦幻)。是的,基督的救恩将我们原本只是一场梦的人生改变成充满梦幻的人生。
上周日晚上,七岁的儿子李天意(Isaiah Li)小朋友写了他人生的第一首诗:

“Who is big,
and who is small,
bigger number,
what we come!”


We Are Like Dreamers

We were like dreamers when the Lord brought back the captives to Zion.” (Psalm 126:1)

Last Sunday afternoon, Rev. Ron West and I visited a newly converted couple. After meeting them, Ron said, “Wow, it’s truly thanks to the Lord. The difference between our first visit (February 5th) and the second visit (March 17th) is striking. In just over a month, they have undergone such a significant transformation. The Lord has truly brought about change through the prayers of many.” The sister we visited also testified, saying, “The Lord is truly miraculous. We feel like we had a dream. We hope to testify for the Lord at church this coming Sunday!”

During our service in Oklahoma City, a visiting scholar testified for the Lord at church, saying, “During our two years here, my son and I felt like we were dreaming. This was the dream that the Lord granted us. It was such a beautiful dream that I almost didn’t want to wake up.” Thank the Lord, he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and became a disciple of the Lord before leaving the city.

Life is like a dream. In the eyes of God, the life of those who do not believe in the Lord is also a dream. “As a dream when one awakes, so, Lord, when you awake, you will despise them as fantasies” (Psalm 73:20). This dream may be filled with success and feasting, flowers and applause, wealth and fame, yet it will ultimately turn into nothing.

During the process of preaching the Psalms, I fell in love with them. Psalm 126 is a beautiful Song of Ascents. The first verse says: “When the Lord brought back the captives to Zion, we were like dreamers.” This describes how when God brought back the Israelites who had been exiled to Babylon, they felt like dreamers. The dream was so beautiful that people could hardly believe it was real. If it weren’t for God’s help, who could believe that after seventy years in Babylon, the Israelites could actually return to their homeland? Similarly, if it weren’t for God’s help, who could believe that we, sinful prodigals, could return to God’s home? Then, among the nations, someone said, “The Lord has done great things for them.” The miracles that the Lord performs in Christian’s life make unbelievers amazed, and they affirm wholeheartedly, both in word and spirit, saying, “Truly there is a God! The Lord has done great things for them.” The poet prays, “Restore our fortunes, Lord, like streams in the Negev.” It is said that the Negev is an extremely dry desert in the southern wilderness of Judah, with an annual rainfall of less than an inch, but there were some small streams there, where river water once flowed at some point in the past. Who knows when there will be streams again? Who can turn dry branches and leaves into lush foliage, who can turn decay into wonder, and who can make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert? Only God can. Finally, the poet says, “Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.” Only through hard work and toil with sweat, tears, and even blood, can spiritual harvest and revival be ushered in.

When studying in Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, the first English song taught to us by the Southern Baptist missionary, Professor Fay Pearson, was “Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.” When a Chinese professor Mo Ruxi heard this song, she ingeniously changed “life is but a dream” to “life is full of dreams.” Yes, the salvation of Christ transforms our lives, originally just a dream, into lives full of dreams.

Last Sunday evening, my seven-year-old son, Isaiah Li, wrote his first poem in his life:

“Who is big,
and who is small,
bigger number,
what we come!”

The gist of the poem is to march towards higher, faster, and stronger! Let us continue to dream and write poetry in the Lord, for one day, all the wonderful promises of the Lord will be fulfilled! Amen.

3月17日 牧者之言




答:“圣灵是神的灵,完全的神。祂感动旧约圣人写成旧约圣经,祂藉著光照使人明白真理。祂高举基督,使人为罪,为义,为审判自责。祂呼召人归向救主,使人重生。在重生的时候,祂为每位信徒施浸归入基督。祂孕育基督徒的品格,安慰他们,将属灵恩赐赏给他们,使他们藉著教会服事神。祂给每位信徒印记直至后救赎的日子。祂活在信徒心中,保证信徒更肖乎基督的形像。祂在崇拜,传道,与服事中光照并加力给信徒和教会”。              (浸信会信仰与信息 (2000年)



  • 讲道是圣灵和大能的明证(2:4)


  • 圣灵显明神的奥秘(2: 10)

           神是奥秘的。自旧约众先知以来,神最大的奥秘就是耶稣基督十字架所成全的福音。“你们念了,就能晓得我深知基督的奥秘。 这奥秘在以前的世代没有叫人知道,像如今借着圣灵启示他的圣使徒和先知一样。 这奥秘就是外邦人在基督耶稣里,借着福音,得以同为后嗣,同为一体,同蒙应许”(弗3:4-6)。对于信徒来说,圣灵开启我们的心,使我们可以明白和领受基督的福音。对于慕道友来说,我们需要继续求圣灵开启他们,使他们的心灵柔软谦卑,从而领受圣灵的光照和真理。

  • 神的灵知道神的事(2: 11)

          保罗是一个理解圣灵的人。他在大马色路上蒙主大光的照耀而悔改领受传道的呼召。主多次向他“显现和启示”(林后12:1)。他在哥林多人中间,“用百般的忍耐,借着神迹、奇事,异能显出使徒的凭据来”(林后12:12) 。每个信徒都想多了解神的事情。“解铃还须系铃人”。如保罗所说,只有人里面的灵才真正了解人的事;同样,只有神的灵才真正了解神的事(林前2:11)。神的灵一定完全彰显神的性情,包括神的慈爱、公义、良善、圣洁、信实、智慧等。凡与神的属性相违背的做法,一定不是从神的灵来的。使徒约翰也提醒我们,世上各种的灵我们不可都信,总要试验那灵是否出于圣灵的不是。出于圣灵的一定承认耶稣是道成肉身来的(约一4:1-3)。相反,受异教迷惑者或许为人友善,但却受了邪灵的唆使(比如东方闪电-又叫全能神和法轮功等),因为他们不认耶稣是救主、却将人视为救主。

  • 用属灵的话解释属灵的事(2: 13)


  • 属灵的人能看透万事(2: 14-15)


  • 属灵的人有基督的心(2: 16)



The “Holy Spirit” in 1 Corinthians Chapter 2

Question: Who is the Holy Spirit?

Answer: “The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, fully divine. He inspired holy men of old to write the Scriptures. Through illumination He enables men to understand truth. He exalts Christ. He convicts men of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment. He calls men to the Saviour, and effects regeneration. At the moment of regeneration He baptizes every believer into the Body of Christ. He cultivates Christian character, comforts believers, and bestows the spiritual gifts by which they serve God through His church. He seals the believer unto the day of final redemption. His presence in the Christian is the guarantee that God will bring the believer into the fullness of the stature of Christ. He enlightens and empowers the believer and the church in worship, evangelism, and service.”                                     (Baptist Faith & Message 2000)


The church needs more teachings on the truth about the Holy Spirit. Many Chinese churches’ understanding of the Holy Spirit remains at the level of knowledge and concept, inadvertently driving the Holy Spirit out of the church. They overlook the lively and free work of the Holy Spirit, resulting in the church becoming a dry and sheer doctrinal and theoretical practice. Pastors’ preaching becomes mere lecturing, and believers lose their passion and ability to witness for the Lord. Some may only associate the work of the Holy Spirit with miracles, healing, speaking in tongues, or casting out demons, considering those who highlight the Holy Spirit as odd. While the work of the Holy Spirit indeed includes these aspects, it is not limited to them. We need a comprehensive and deep understanding of the Holy Spirit, building an intimate relationship with Him, and experiencing more of His power and grace in our lives. 1 Corinthians 2 talks extensively about the Holy Spirit, which is helpful for us to have a correct understanding of Him.


  • Preaching is a Demonstration of the Spirit and Power (2:4)

         The ancient Greeks valued rhetoric and public speaking highly, with figures like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle considered foundational to Western eloquence. The Corinthians were influenced by Greek philosophers and admired rhetoric and debate. However, Paul emphasized that he did not rely on the wisdom of the Greeks but on Christ Jesus and Him crucified. He did not depend on human knowledge and eloquence but on the demonstration of the Spirit and power. Excellent eloquence can persuade the mind, but only the Spirit and power of God can convict the soul, leading to a real repentance and turning to Christ. Preachers should emulate Paul, believing that the Word of God is superior to all and relying on the Spirit of God to convince hearts. When there is the Word, there is the Spirit; when there is the Spirit, there is power; when there is power, there is effectiveness, and with effectiveness, glory is attributed to God.


  • The Spirit Reveals the Mysteries of God (2:10)

        “That is, the mystery made known to me by revelation, as I have already written briefly. In reading this, then, you will be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ, which was not made known to people in other generations as it has now been revealed by the Spirit to God’s holy apostles and prophets. This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus” (NIV Eph 3: 4-6). For believers, the Holy Spirit opens our hearts, enabling us to understand and receive the Gospel of Christ. For seekers, we need to continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to open their hearts, making them soft and humble, so they can receive the illumination and truth of the Holy Spirit.


  • The Spirit of God Knows the Things of God (2:11)

         Paul was a man who understood the Holy Spirit. He repented and received the call to preach on the road to Damascus when the Lord’s great light shone upon him. The Lord appeared to him and gave him “visions and revelations” (2 Corinthians 12:1). Among the Corinthians, he demonstrated the credentials of an apostle “with great perseverance, signs, wonders, and miracles” (2 Corinthians 12:12).   

         Every believer desires to understand more about the things of God. As Paul said, only the spirit within a person truly understands the things of a human being; similarly, only the Spirit of God truly understands the things of God (1 Corinthians 2:11). The Spirit of God must fully manifest the nature of God, including His love, righteousness, goodness, holiness, faithfulness, and wisdom. Any practice that contradicts the attributes of God cannot be from the Spirit of God. Apostle John also reminds us not to believe every spirit in the world but to test whether the spirit is from the Holy Spirit. A spirit from God will surely acknowledge that Jesus came in the flesh (1 John 4:1-3). Conversely, those deceived by false teachings may appear friendly, but they are influenced by evil spirits (such as Eastern Lightning, also known as Almighty God and Falun Gong), because they do not acknowledge Jesus as the Savior but regard some man as their Savior.


  • Explain Spiritual Things with Spiritual Words (2:13)

        When leading Bible studies or sharing in the church, the most important thing is the opening and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Here, an important principle of interpretation is mentioned: “Explaining spiritual things with words taught by the Spirit.” The words taught by the Spirit are not necessarily profound and difficult to understand. Just as Jesus preached, he often used everyday examples to explain the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, such as flowers in the field, birds in the sky, farmers planting, fishermen fishing, merchants trading, and a grain of wheat. These examples are simple, easy to understand, and deeply moving. Chinese people can use idioms, stories, and proverbs unique to the Chinese culture to clarify the truth of the Lord. Through the background of Chinese culture, the Gospel can penetrate into our blood and into the marrow and joints of our bones.


  • Spiritual People can Discern All Things (2:14-15)

           I remember when studying at Nanjing Union Theological Seminary, some classmates mocked the term “spiritual” and often joked with phrases like “oh, you’re so spiritual.” This is not right. Christians should pursue becoming spiritual people. Otherwise, we are no different from the world. Those who pursue spirituality and live in the Spirit will have many special insights. They see things differently from the world (2 Kings 6:17); they often have unique insights and judgment; they can discern spirits, preach with the power of the Lord, and the Lord will also work through them to perform miracles and wonders; sometimes, they can even see the hidden sins within people, just as Peter saw the greed in Ananias’ heart (Acts 5:3-4).


  • Spiritual People Have the Mind of Christ (2:16)

        Those who enjoy arguing, envy, and strife, and are unwilling to humble themselves, confess their sins, and live in harmony with others, are not truly spiritual. A genuine spiritual person should have the heart and life of Christ. Elder Guo Shouzhong, whom I mentioned two weeks ago (see Pastor’s Words on March 3), not only possesses spiritual gifts but also a humble life. He confessed sins, repented, lived in holiness, and loved others. When we learn from such an elder, we are not to imitate his external gifts but to cultivate an inner spiritual life, pray more, empty ourselves, love sacrificially, let the Holy Spirit fill us, and live out Christ.

       From 1 Corinthians Chapter 2, we see that preaching relies on the demonstration of the Spirit’s power, the Spirit reveals the mysteries of God to us, the Spirit of God knows the things of God, when interpreting scripture, we should use spiritual words to explain spiritual things, spiritual people can discern all things, and spiritual people have the mind of Christ. What we need to do today is to rely more on the Holy Spirit to accomplish great things in every aspect of our lives and ministries, and to manifest the glory of God. May the Lord bless us!


3月10日 牧者之言


箴15: 1-2, 4 







         No.1 智者背后说人好话,愚人背后说人坏话俗语说:“静坐常思己过,闲谈莫论人非”。若背后说人坏话会暴露出自己为人挑剔,品质恶劣。若背后赞扬别人,则表现出说话者的胸怀和诚恳。当别人了解你对人真诚时,就会对有信赖感

         No. 2 智者真诚地赞美人,愚人肉麻地奉承人赞美与奉承的区别在于是否发自内心。真诚的赞美实事求是,有理有据;虚假的奉承则凭空捏造,无理无据,投其所好,只为博取别人的欢心

         No. 3 智者一句话把人说笑,愚人一句话把人说跳能把人说“笑”的语言通常是柔美的,能把人说“跳”的语言则是尖刻的。不要用言语伤人,不说让人难下台的话,照顾对方的自尊,不拿对方的短处取笑

         No. 4 智者开玩笑活跃气氛,愚人开玩笑伤人自尊开玩笑要把握“度”,开玩笑要看时间、对象、讲究内容健康和场合。开玩笑不可使对方限于难堪,尤其不要把别人生理上的缺陷当开玩笑的谈资

         No. 5 智者嘴上有一把钥匙,愚人嘴上没有把门的罗曼罗兰说:“每个人的心底,都有一座埋藏记忆的小岛,永不向人打开。”朋友把自己的隐秘告诉了你,证明对你的极度信任。你有义务和责任为朋友保密

         No. 6 智者告诉孩子“你真棒”,愚人告诉孩子“你真笨”每位家长用欣赏的眼光看孩子,就会发现孩子不一般的优点;用赞美的口吻评价孩子,就会在孩子心中荡起一股股激流

         No. 7 智者讲话因人而异,愚人讲话不看对象我们平常穿衣服要讲求“量体裁衣”。日常说话,也要根据个人的身份、文化程度、语言习惯和生活背景作不同的处理,把握好分寸,留有余地

         No. 8 智者注意礼貌用语,愚人缺乏礼貌语言说话有礼貌就是对别人的尊重。简单的礼貌用语“早上好”、“您好”、“对不起”、“请原谅”、“谢谢您”、“给您添麻烦了”很重要

         No. 9 智者说话简洁明快,愚人说话拖泥带水 “言不在多,达意则灵。用最少的字句,包含尽量多的内容,并打动听众,是讲话成功的基本要求。所以我们讲话要言简意赅,同时还要重点突出,饱满有力。” 这段描述对如何讲道或带领查经也适用。

         No. 10 智者说话通俗易懂,愚人说话咬文爵字优秀的老师把复杂的理论说简单了,愚拙的老师则能把简单的道理说复杂了

         No. 11 智者说话注意场合,愚人说话不分地点由于受特定因素制约,有些话只能在某些场合说。同样一句话,在这里说和在那里说效果不同。因此,说什么,怎么说,一定要顾及场合、环境,才有利于沟通

         No. 12 智者说话有声有色,愚人说话装腔作势运用形象的肢体语言可以把无形变为有形,把枯燥变为生动,能够吸引听众的注意力。但注意,动作不要太过浮夸,让人有虚张声势的感觉

         No. 13 智者为过错道歉,愚人为过错辩解“遮掩自己罪过的必不亨通,承认、离弃罪过的必蒙怜恤”(箴28:13)。犯错误不可怕,可怕的是不承认错误。认错是勇敢的表现,会仍人对你更尊重和信任

         No. 14 智者说“我们”,愚人只说“我”《福布斯》杂志上的一篇“美好关系的一剂良药”中提到:语言中最重要的5个字是“我以你为荣”、最重要的4个字是“您怎么看”,3个字“麻烦您”,2个字“谢谢”,1个字“你!”那么,语言中最次要的一个字是什么呢?是“我”

         No. 15 智者嘲笑自己,愚人嘲笑别人愚人说:“你的头发全掉光了”。智者说:“头发掉光了也有好处,至少有我在的地方光线可以明亮一些。”

         No. 16 智者委婉拒绝,愚人生硬说不拒绝的语言是有讲究的。拒绝要态度诚恳,内容明确,并委婉含蓄

         No. 17 智者点到为止,愚人锋芒毕露大师说:“不要我把什么都说出来,你自己去悟吧。”

         No. 18 智者耐心倾听,愚人随便插话当别人讲话时,你要耐心地听着,抱着一种开阔的心胸,诚恳地鼓励对方说出自己的看法,才能使对方感到受尊重。

         No. 19 智者幽默风趣,愚人言辞乏味幽默的话有惠己悦人的神奇功效。幽默地表达背后有很深的学养和素质。这一点可以在生活中慢慢琢磨操练,无需勉强,免得弄巧成拙。

         No. 20 智者中肯批评,愚人严厉指责批评不是滔滔不绝地讲,使对方产生逆反心理,从而对你的批评自动屏蔽或产生反感。批评需要掌握火候,言语精妙,一语中的,使对方幡然悔悟。如拿单先知批评大卫时就有很好的技巧(撒下12:7)。

         No. 21 智者谦虚礼让,愚人不懂装懂在兔子还未倒之前,千万别吹嘘你打死了兔子。

         No. 22 智者问对问题,愚人不会提问谈话时不要让别人牵着你鼻子走,要抓住关键字眼提问。

         No. 23 智者时时沉默,愚人夸夸其谈言多必失,时时沉默是一种明智之举。

         No. 24 智者避开争论,愚人喜爱抬杠辩论产生不出信仰。信的人无需解释,不信的人解释也没有用。

         No. 25 智者巧妙周旋,愚人不知应变耶稣教导门徒在传道时要“要灵巧像蛇,驯良像鸽子”(太10:16)。 

         No. 26 智者以理服人,愚人强词夺理根据情况,可用委婉的方式、也可用直接的方式说服别人。圣灵是真理的灵,圣灵从来不是叫人混乱或无理争三分的。我们要求圣灵带领我们的讲话既合乎逻辑又带着真诚和情感。

         No. 27 智者真诚坦率,愚人言过其辞我们与人谈话一定要坦率真诚,没有虚假,因为主喜悦真诚与正直的人。

         No. 28 智者刚柔相济,愚人咄咄逼人在辩论赛上,要有良好的心理素质,要泰山崩于前而面不改色,柔中带刚,刚柔并济,才能取得好效果。

         No. 29 智者循循善诱,愚人喋喋不休说服人的过程也是帮助人心灵发生改变的过程。耐心、耐心,还是要有耐心。循循善诱地将道理讲清楚会起作用。相反,喋喋不休只会将问题变得更糟。



The Wise and the Foolish

Proverbs 15:1-2, 4

1 A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.

2 The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness.

4 A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.

Speech is an art. No one can claim to have mastered it completely. In this art, each one of us is continually practicing. Just as James said, “For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body” (James 3:2 KJV).


On the bookshelf in my office sits a book titled “The Art of Speech: Wisdom and Foolishness,” edited by Li Jinshui (Beijing: Beijing University of Technology Press, October 2008). Although it is a secular work, the 29 principles listed within it provide much inspiration on how to improve our speaking skills. In the “Preface,” the author gives an example: a king had a dream in which all his teeth fell out. The next day, the king summoned two ministers to inquire about the meaning. Minister A said, “Your Majesty, this dream signifies that you will only die after all your relatives have passed away.” Enraged, the king ordered Minister A to be beaten with a hundred lashes and expelled from the palace. Minister B, on the other hand, said, “O Supreme King, the meaning of your dream is that you will be the longest-lived among all your relatives!” Delighted, the king rewarded Minister B generously. The same event, viewed from different angles and expressed in different ways, yields different results. Here, I will present and analyze the 29 principles of speech from this book (with slight modifications), to share with my brothers and sisters.


  1. The wise speak good words behind others’ backs, while fools speak ill of them. As the saying goes, “Think about your own mistakes while sitting quietly, and do not criticize others casually.” Speaking ill of others behind their backs exposes one’s own fault-finding nature and poor character. Praising others behind their backs demonstrates the speaker’s generosity and sincerity. When others perceive your sincerity towards people, they will trust you.


  1. The wise sincerely praise others, while fools flatter them. The difference between praise and flattery lies in whether it comes from the heart. Genuine praise is truthful and well-founded, while flattery is baseless and seeks only to please others without reason or basis.


  1. The wise make people laugh with their words, while fools offend them. Language that makes people laugh is usually gentle, while language that offends is sharp. Avoid hurting others with words, refrain from saying things that embarrass them, and respect their dignity by not mocking their shortcomings.
  2. The wise use humor to lighten the mood, while fools use it to hurt others’ self-esteem. Humor should be measured, considering timing, audience, the healthy content of the speech, and context. Jokes should not embarrass others or use their physical flaws as fodder.


  1. The wise have a key to their mouths, while fools have no lock on theirs. As Romain Rolland said, “Each person’s heart harbors a small island of buried memories, never to be opened to others.” When a friend confides in you, it shows very trust. You have an obligation and responsibility to keep your friend’s secrets.


  1. The wise tell children “You’re great,” while fools tell them “You’re stupid.” Every parent, viewing their child with appreciation, will discover the child’s extraordinary qualities. Praising children with an encouraging tone will inspire them.


  1. The wise adapt their speech to the audience, while fools speak without considering the listener. Just as clothes should be tailored to fit, speech should be tailored to suit individual identities, cultural backgrounds, language habits, and life experiences. It’s essential to strike a balance and leave room for interpretation.


  1. The wise use polite language, while fools lack courteous speech. Speaking politely shows respect for others. Simple polite phrases like “good morning,” “hello,” “sorry,” “please forgive me,” “thank you,” and “I’m sorry to bother you” are crucial.


  1. The wise speak succinctly and clearly, while fools are verbose. “Speech is not measured by its length, but by its content. Using the fewest words to convey the most content and captivate the audience is the basic requirement for successful speaking. Therefore, speech should be concise and focused, with emphasis on clarity and impact.”


  1. The wise speak plainly and understandably, while fools are pedantic. Excellent teachers simplify complex theories, while clumsy ones complicate simple truths.


  1. The wise consider the occasion when speaking, while fools speak without regard to location. Due to specific constraints, some things can only be said in certain situations. The same sentence has different effects depending on where it is spoken. Therefore, it’s essential to consider the occasion and environment when speaking.


  1. The wise speak vividly, while fools affectation. Using vivid body language can turn the intangible into tangible and the dull into lively, attracting the audience’s attention. However, be careful not to be too ostentatious, giving a false impression of exaggeration.


  1. The wise apologize for mistakes, while fools make excuses. “He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13) Making mistakes is not scary; what’s scary is not admitting them. Admitting mistakes is a brave act and earns respect and trust from others.


  1. The wise say “we,” while fools only say “I.” An article in Forbes magazine mentions the most important five words in language are “I take pride in you,” the most important four words are “What do you think,” the three words “I trouble you,” the two words “Thank you,” and the one word “You!” So, what’s the least important word in language? It’s “I.”


  1. The wise mock themselves, while fools mock others. Fool says, “Your hair has all fallen out.” The wise say, “It’s good that my hair has fallen out. At least where I am, there’s a bit more light.”


  1. The wise politely refuse, while fools refuse bluntly. Refusing has its nuances. Refusal should be sincere in attitude, clear in content, and tactful.


  1. The wise hint, while fools reveal everything. Masters say, “I won’t say everything; you go figure it out yourself.”


  1. The wise listen patiently, while fools interrupt casually. When others speak, listen patiently, with an open mind, and encourage them to express their opinions sincerely to make them feel respected.


  1. The wise are humorous and witty, while fools are dull in speech. Humorous words have the magical effect of benefiting oneself and pleasing others. Humorous expressions often reflect deep learning and qualities. This can be gradually cultivated in life without force, to avoid awkwardness.


  1. The wise give constructive criticism, while fools harshly condemn. Criticism shouldn’t be a torrent, causing the other party to develop a defensive mentality, which automatically screens out or generates resentment towards your criticism. Criticism needs to be mastered with finesse, using exquisite language, to make the other party realize their mistakes with one word. Like Nathan the prophet’s criticism of David, it was done with great skill (2 Samuel 12:7).


  1. The wise are modest and courteous, while fools pretend to know it all. One should not count the chickens before they have actually hatched.


  1. The wise ask the right questions, while fools don’t know how to ask. During conversations, don’t let others lead you by the nose; grasp the key words and ask questions.


  1. The wise are silent at times, while fools boast incessantly. Too many words lead to error. So sometimes silence is wise.


  1. The wise avoid arguments, while fools enjoy arguing. Debates don’t lead to faith. Those who believe don’t need explanations, and those who don’t believe explanations are useless.


  1. The wise are skillful and adaptable, while fools are unchanging. Jesus taught his disciples to be “as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (Matthew 10:16).


  1. The wise persuade with reason, while fools resort to sophistry. Depending on the situation, persuasion can be achieved with tactful or direct means. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of truth, and the Holy Spirit never causes confusion or unreasonableness. We should ask the Holy Spirit to guide our speech, which should be logical, sincere, and emotional.
  2. The wise are sincere and straightforward, while fools exaggerate. In our conversations with others, we must be sincere and straightforward, without falsehood, because the Lord delights in those who are sincere and upright.


  1. The wise balance firmness with gentleness, while fools are overbearing. In a debate, maintaining good mental composure is essential. Gentleness should accompany firmness; balance is key for good results.


  1. The wise gently lead, while fools chatter endlessly. The process of persuading others is also a process of helping their hearts change. Patience, patience, and more patience are needed. Patiently explaining the truth will be effective. Conversely, endless chatter will only worsen the problem.


The purpose of this book is to help you pave the way to success by learning to speak more skillfully. The purpose of a Christian’s life is not to be successful in worldly matters but to be a light and salt, living a life that glorifies God and benefits others. While this book teaches many speaking techniques, we emphasize that character is more important than skills. God values a person’s character more than how tactful they are, and reminds us that a good tree bears good fruit, while a bad tree bears bad fruit. We are all sinners, and every sinner needs to accept Jesus as their Savior, asking Him to forgive our many sins of speech. We do not rely on our own cleverness to master speaking techniques but on the Holy Spirit to use the above principles, live out the life of Christ, and produce much spiritual fruit for the Lord.