2024年8月11日 牧者之言

“寻求 十 寻找”

路10: 2  就对他们说:“要收的庄稼多,做工的人少。所以,你们当求庄稼的,打发工人出去收他的庄稼。
感谢奇妙的预备,受蔡炎康牧师邀请,我有幸于上周末(8月2-4)参加了孟菲斯第一华人浸信会的家庭退修会(First Chinese Baptist Church of Memphis),并担任中文组专题讲员。他们的退修会从1993年开始到2017年,今年是疫情后第一次恢复。题:“寻求 十 寻找”。经文:路10: 2。从中受益匪浅,特将以下心得体会与弟兄姐妹分享。
第一,    历史的见证
这是一间有着70年历史的教会。“1944 年,一位名叫高保罗(R. Paul Caudill) 的年轻牧师被任命为孟菲斯第一浸信会的牧师。凭借上帝的恩典和他所热爱的乔治亚州奥古斯塔华人教会的介绍信,他迈出了建立华人教会的第一步。如今,该教会已发展成为第一华人浸信会”(https://en.fcbcmemphis.org/about/fcbc-history)。教会经历多位牧师。我们熟悉的黄强牧师(Rev. Dr. Paul Wong)曾于1976-1991年在这间教会牧会。强的师母Mrs. Frances Wong于2018年7月到2020年3月在小石城以马内利华语浸信会走完人生最后一程 (https://chinesebaptists.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Sharing-by-Rev-Chunhai-Li.pdf) 。2017年蔡牧师受呼召担任此教会会牧,牧养的群羊,直到如今。
第二,    美好的教会
第三,    信息与专题
题讲员Jack Moore牧师的信息是“求教导我们祷告”(路11: 1-13),他分享了耶稣给我们的七个基本原则中的一些原则。七个原则包括:个人的原则、特权的原则、赞美的原则、目标的原则、供应的原则、洁净的原则、保护的原则。崇拜的信息是 “代求式的祷告”,挑战大家通过成为代祷者成为神的朋友,并要作牺牲和舍己的代祷者。他分享的许多生动活泼的生活见证对我们很有启发。
专题分中文、英文和青少年三个组。我在中文组分享了关于“传福音”的三篇信息,旨是:福音就是生命;传福音就是改变生命!鼓励和训练弟兄姐妹操练以各种方式随时、随处传福音。第一篇“福音本是神的大能”(罗1: 1-17),第二篇“向知识分子传福音”(约3: 1-21),第三篇“向众人传福音”(约4: 1-42)。弟兄姐妹当场到台前演练传福音。
第四,    里交通、建立连结
在与弟兄姐妹的交通过程中,得到许多祝福和恩典。其中,多数人几乎不知道我们教会。至此,我们便建立了连接,并期待今后能有更多彼此团契的机会。有位78岁的熊阿姨作见证说,她的外婆在山东因慕拉第(1840年12月12-1912年12月24,英文全名:Charlotte Diggs “Lottie” Moon)传教而信,外婆和母亲都是虔诚的基督徒,她是第三代基督徒。作为歌剧演员,她曾受邀在纽约百老汇唱过半年。在疫情前,她到中国大陆和美国多间教会举办音乐见证会,为作见证。奇妙的是,周六下午专题结束后,她与一位第一次来的慕道友传福音。之后,我们趁热打铁,当时就带领这位朋友作决志祷告,使他成为神的儿子。第二天,这位朋友有来参加教会崇拜。荣耀归于我们要继续为这位里的新弟兄生命的成长代祷。
最后,孟菲斯第一华人浸信会的见证给我们的挑战是a. 要更积极祈祷预备我们教会能尽快有自己的教堂;b. 要在教会各项事工上计划更加周密,“凡事都要规规矩矩按照次序行”(林前14: 40);c.更爱敬虔,殷勤传福音,积极做圣工。继续赐福他们的教会,也赐福我们的教会,以基督之名,阿门。

Family Retreat at the First Chinese Baptist Church of Memphis
“Reach up 十 Reach out”:

Luke 10:2 “Pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” 

Thanks to the Lord’s wonderful preparation, at the invitation of Pastor Vincent Choi, I received the honor to attend the Family Retreat of the First Chinese Baptist Church of Memphis last weekend (August 2-4) and serve as a Chinese workshop speaker. Their retreats started from 1993 to 2017, and this year is the first time they have resumed after the epidemic. Theme: Reach up 十 Reach out. Scripture: Luke 10:2. I have been blessed a lot by it and would love to share the following insights with brothers and sisters.

First, the testimony of history
This is a church with a 70-year history. “In 1944, a young pastor named Dr. R. Paul Caudill was called to pastor First Baptist Church of Memphis. Armed with the grace of God and a letter of introduction from the Chinese congregation he so lovingly ministered to in Augusta, Ga., he took his first steps to develop a Chinese church, which today has blossomed into First Chinese Baptist Church” (https://en.fcbcmemphis.org/about/fcbc-history). The church has experienced many pastors. The pastor Dr. Paul Wong, who we are familiar with, pastored this church from 1976 to 1991. The pastor’s wife Mrs. Frances Wong spent her last journey at our Little Rock Immanuel Chinese Baptist Church from July 2018 to March 2020 and returned to heaven (https://chinesebaptists.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Sharing-by-Rev-Chunhai-Li.pdf). In 2017, Pastor Vincent was called by the Lord to serve as the pastor of this church until now.

Second, a wonderful church
It is a group of brothers and sisters who love the Lord and serve enthusiastically. The church mainly speaks English, Cantonese and Chinese. The pastor did the benediction in three languages. 107 brothers and sisters registered for the retreat; it was held in the church on Friday night and in the camp on Saturday and Sunday. Their worship team is unique. It consists of about ten brothers and sisters of different ages, with guitar and piano accompaniment, and they praise the Lord passionately.

Third, Messages and Workshops
The message of the keynote speaker, Pastor Jack Moore, was “May the Lord teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1-13). He shared some of the seven basic principles Jesus gave us:
the personal principle, the privilege principle, the praise principle, the purpose principle, the provision principle, the purification principle, and the protection principle.
The Sunday message is “Intercessory Prayer”, which challenged everyone to become God’s friends by becoming intercessors and to be sacrificial and selfless intercessors. The many lively testimonies he shared were very inspiring to us.

They have three workshops: Chinese, English and youth. Three messages on “sharing the gospel” were given in the Chinese group. The main theme: The gospel is indeed life; sharing the gospel is indeed to change life! Our brothers and sisters are encouraged and trained to practice sharing the gospel at any time and in any places in various ways. The first one is “The gospel is the power of God” (Romans 1:1-17), the second is “share the gospel with intellectuals” (John 3:1-21), and the third is “share the gospel with everyone” (John 4:1-42). Some brothers and sisters came to the stage and practice sharing the gospel on the spot.

Fourth, fellowship and establish connections in the Lord
In the fellowshipping with brothers and sisters, I received more blessings. Most of them knew little about our Little Rock Immanuel Chinese Baptist. So far, we have established a connection and look forward to more opportunities for mutual fellowship in the future. A 78-year-old aunt Debra Pan testified that her grandmother in Shandong Province was converted to the Lord by our Southern Baptist missionary Lottie Moon (from December 12, 1840 to December 24, 1912). Both her grandmother and mother were devout Christians. She is a third-generation Christian. As an opera singer, she was invited to sing on Broadway in New York for half a year. Before the epidemic, she went to many churches in mainland China and in US to hold special music testimony meetings for the Lord. Amazingly, after the workshop on Saturday afternoon, she shared the gospel with a first-time gospel seeker. After that, we led this friend to pray right away and make a decision to accept Jesus as his Savior. The next day, this friend came to worship. Praise the Lord and we will continue to pray for his growth in the Lord.

Finally, the challenge given to us by the testimony of the First Chinese Baptist Church of Memphis is a. To pray more actively to prepare our church to have our own church building soon; b. To plan more carefully in various ministries of the church, “But everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way” (1 Corinthians 14:40); c. To love the Lord more fervently, share the gospel diligently, and serve the Lord actively. May the Lord continue to bless their church and bless our church as well, in the name of Christ, Amen.