




2024年10月13日 牧者之言


诗篇31:15上 “我众生的事在你的手中……”(和合本) 诗篇31:15上 “我的一生都在你的手中……”(圣经新译本)
  • 注:教会一位弟兄回国时路过哈尔滨分享了一些索菲亚大教堂的照片,这促使我有感而发,写一点儿关于哈尔滨的故事作为留念,与大家分享。
哈尔滨素有东方明珠的美誉,被称为“东方小巴黎”。由王刚所播讲的“夜幕下的哈尔滨”伴随着我童年的成长,尽管对这部广播剧的内容一无所知,但它的标题却给我留下无限的回忆和遐想。 97年第一次离开鹤岗的家门,参加南京金陵协和神学的入学考试将我带到这座城市。从鹤岗到哈尔滨晚上9点多乘坐火车到早晨5点多到站。当火车缓缓驶入哈尔滨车站站台的时候,播音员说着最纯正的普通话:“各位乘客,哈尔滨火车站马上就要到了,请您收拾好行李,准备下车。哈尔滨是一座世界名城,每年的冰雪大世界,圣索菲亚大教堂……油炸冰棍,哈尔滨红肠等都让人流连忘返……祝您旅途愉快!欢迎您下次乘坐本次列车。” 那年考试的地点设在南岗基督教堂,考试的结果是一个月后收到一张“不录取通知书”。那次最深刻的是有7-8位一起参加考试的考生。当时的南岗大街上坐落着三座教堂,一座是新教教堂——我们信的基督教,那里聚会的人数最多,每周日会有好几次敬拜,大家都是排着队才能找到座位。与它挨着的是一座东正教教堂——人数很少,信徒多为中俄混血。我们当时很感兴趣去了解,想去那间教堂里找人交通学习相关的知识。当时遇见一位师母。她态度很不友善,并说:“你们要找教堂,你们到对面的天主教去吧,那里有神父和修女”。看来,他们尽管有外在豪华的建筑,却没有传福音的心。难怪他们最后只是沦为公众参观的外在摆设。接着,那天下午,我们几个同学去了对面的天主教,第一次见到了神父和修女,并参加他们的弥撒。一切都很新奇,我们也为着神父终身不娶、修女完全奉献给主,委身服侍而感动。考完试之后,几位同学逛哈尔滨夜市,在路灯下谈论着每个人对未来的期许和盼望。 98年我再次来到哈尔滨参考南京神学院入学考试,这次我们没有在市中心,而是到了距离市中心很远的万宝镇参加考试,因为那时万宝镇上办了一个省一级的圣经学校。好像是经过两次倒车,大概需要3个小时能到达。那次考试,我心里压力很大,在上帝面前祷告说:“主啊,如果今年我考不上南京,我就再也不考南京神学院了(在中国官方基督教最高学府)。我也许只是上一个地方的圣经学校或者东北神学院(坐落在沈阳)就可以了却余生了……”。考试前一夜,在学校的晚祷会上,有位女同学也是考生。她祷告说:“不在乎那定意的,也不在乎那奔跑的,只在乎发怜悯的神。” 结果,那次考试出奇顺利。我考试前复习的内容考试时都有出现。真是奇妙!考完试时,有一位在厨房工作的姐妹看到我对我说:“弟兄你能考上,我看你一直都在不住地祷告”。考试结束后,半夜10点多再次乘坐火车返回鹤岗的路上,我一路流泪,心中感谢上帝,知道里面有一个很清楚的声音说:“你要离开黑龙江了。今年我要带你去南京了”。那一年8月底,我又一次来到哈尔滨,与另一位同学汇合,一起乘坐南下的火车,奔向南京神学院读书。 那之后,在南京读书的7年里,我至少有8-9次到哈尔滨这座城市转车。每次都是擦肩而过,匆匆而去。当98年人不轻狂枉少年的游子背起行囊离开鹤岗老家的那个时刻,心中有一个声音说:“有一天,我会把你带到一个非常非常遥远的地方,你从未去过,也不知道它在哪里”。因为那个更遥远声音的呼唤,我从未将哈尔滨纳入我人生的规划中。然而,事与愿违,在2005年南京神学院硕士毕业那年,最不想去的地方就是哈尔滨。不过,我们要小心,也许你最不想作的事情往往就是上帝最想让你去作的事情。尽管毕业前在选择未来服侍禾场上有许多挣扎,也曾尝试去南方看是否要到那里服侍。然而,当坐在南方的一座教堂里敬拜时,眼泪止不住地流。圣灵在心中责备说:“难道你因为考虑物质的供应就不回哈尔滨吗?回去吧,那里的学生们等着你呢”。带着无奈,带着不甘,也带着对大城市的眷恋与不舍,2005年7月我再次来到哈尔滨,经过近3个小时,到了黑龙江圣经学校准备担任神学老师。在万宝镇的三年是学习谦卑的三年,那三年是历练品格的三年,那三年像摩西在米甸旷野、大卫逃避扫罗王追杀的三年。最不喜欢的三年却是人生最好的三年。最不想去的地方,却是满藏属灵金子的地方。到那个万宝镇的路灯下行走时,想到的是:“黑暗给我了黑色的眼睛,我却用它寻找光明”。走的时候说:“轻轻地我走了,正如我轻轻地来。不带走一片云……” 难道这座城市里就没有我值得留恋的地方吗?当然有。在这座城市的万宝镇上经历了主数不尽的恩典,许多长辈和弟兄姐妹的关怀爱心,学生的成长和发展,同学的鼓励和代祷都是珍藏心中的珍宝。在哈尔滨,我遇见一位主里弟兄和他妈妈曾无偿的爱心接待我在他家里住过一个学期,然而因为准备托福考试,心里一心想的就是背英文单词,从未留心品尝过霓虹灯下哈尔滨的韵味。在那里,我遇见一对传教士夫妇最终作为我申请美国大学的推荐人。在那里,我们曾参加一个南岗教堂的英语团契。2017年夏天在哈尔滨天鹅饭店里发生的一幕仍记忆犹新。当时有五个省的牧者同工参加一个神学研讨会。会议最后一天,沈阳的一位牧师带我到游泳池里学游泳。开始在一米深的泳池边,慢慢离开泳池边走到中间时我不小心落入深水中。那一刻惊恐向我袭来,我在水里挣扎。头脑里回想起小说《荆棘鸟》里一位年轻神父戴恩在水里被溺死的情形。同时,我想象假如这时我死了,我的妈妈、我的家人、我的学生一定会极其难过的。故此,我在水里拼命地挣扎。当时感觉到似乎有一双手把我拉回到岸边。这时救生人员才向我伸出救生杆。在岸上的人都为我捏了一把汗。牧师和我返回宾馆,我们一同向上帝献上感恩的祈祷。尽管我没有学会游泳,却学会了一项更深刻的功课:“原来死亡离我如此之近。每个人都要珍惜生命”。 2013年10月份我第一次回国探再次路过这座城市,心中有无限感慨。哈尔滨,我对你有许多亏欠,尽管在那里的万宝镇住过三年,却从未有机会欣赏过冰雪大世界。哈尔滨,我从未长久驻足仔细欣赏你的优雅古典之美,也没有真正敞开双臂拥抱过你。哈尔滨,这座让我魂牵梦绕的城市,你是我生命中的朋友,但我从来不属于你,你也不属于我。然而,在人生旅程的点点滴滴,在你那里我可以找寻回忆,更可以追逐上帝无形之手的蛛丝马迹。  

The Harbin City in My Heart

Psalm 31: 15 “ My times are in your hands.” (NIV)

  • Note: A church brother travelled by Harbin on his way back to China and shared some photos of the Saint Sophia Cathedral in Harbin. This inspired me to write a few stories about Harbin as a souvenir and share them with everyone.
Harbin is known as the Oriental Pearl and the “Little Paris of the East.” The “Harbin Enveloped in Darkness” narrated by Wang Gang accompanied me during my childhood. Although I knew nothing about the content of this radio drama, its title left me with endless memories and imagination. I left my home in Hegang for the first time in 1997 to take the entrance exam for Nanjing Union Theological Seminary (hereinafter referred to as NUTS ), which brought me to the Capital City Harbin of my province Heilongjiang. I took the train from Hegang to Harbin at around 9 pm and arrived at the station at around 5 am. When the train slowly pulled into the platform of Harbin Station, the announcer spoke in the purest Mandarin: “Dear passengers, Harbin Railway Station is coming soon. Please pack your luggage and prepare to get off. Harbin is a world-famous city. Every year, the Harbin Ice and Snow World, St. Sophia Cathedral… fried popsicles, Harbin red sausage, etc. are all fascinating… I wish you a pleasant journey! Welcome to take this train next time.” The exam location that year was set up at the Nangang Christian Church. The result of the exam was that I received a “notification of non-admission” one month later. The most memorable thing about that time was that there were 7-8 candidates who took the exam together. At that time, there were three churches on Nangang Street. One was a Protestant church – the Christianity we believed in, where the largest number of people gathered. There were several worship services every Sunday, and everyone had to line up to find a seat. Next to it was an Orthodox church – there were very few people, and most of the believers were Chinese and Russian mixed race. We were very interested in learning about it at the time and wanted to go to that church to find someone to communicate with and learn related knowledge. At that time, I met a pastor’s wife. Her attitude was very unfriendly, and she said: “If you want to find a church, you can go to the Catholic Church across the street. There are priests and nuns there.” It seems that although they have luxurious buildings on the outside, they have no heart to spread the gospel. No wonder they ended up being reduced to tourist attractions. Then, that afternoon, several of us went to the Catholic Church across the street, met priests and nuns for the first time, and attended their mass. Everything was new and we were moved by the fact that priests never married and nuns devoted themselves to the Lord and served Him wholeheartedly. After the exam, several students went to the Harbin Night Market and talked about everyone’s expectations and hopes for the future under the streetlights. In 1998, I came to Harbin again to take the entrance exam for NUTS. This time, we did not take the exam in the city center, but in Wanbao Town, which was far away from the city center, because at that time there was a provincial-level Bible school in Wanbao Town. It seemed that it took about 3 hours to get there after two reverses. During that exam, I was under great pressure and prayed to God, “Lord, if I fail to pass the exam in Nanjing this year, I will never take the exam for this Seminary again (it is regarded as the highest official Christian institution in China). I may just go to a local Bible school or Northeast Theological Seminary (located in Shenyang)…” The night before the exam, at the school’s evening prayer meeting, there was a female classmate who was also a candidate. She prayed, “It does not, therefore, depend on man’s desire or effort, but on God’s mercy.” As a result, the exam went surprisingly smoothly. The content I reviewed before the exam appeared in the exam. It was amazing! After the exam, a sister who worked in the kitchen saw me and said to me, “Brother, you can pass the exam. I see that you have been praying all the time.” After the exam, I took the train back to Hegang at 10:00 pm. I could not hold my tears all the way and thanked God in my heart. I knew there was a very clear voice inside saying, “You are leaving Heilongjiang. This year I will take you to Nanjing.” At the end of August that year, I came to Harbin again and met up with another classmate. We took the train southward and headed to NUTS to study. After that, during the 7 years I studied in Nanjing, I changed trains in Harbin at least 8-9 times. Every time, we passed by each other and left in a hurry. When I packed my bags and left my hometown in Hegang in 1998, there was a voice in my heart saying, “One day, I will take you to a very, very far away place that you have never been to and don’t know where it is.” Because of the call of that more distant voice, I never included Harbin in my life plan. However, things did not go as I wished. In 2005, the year I graduated from NUTS with a master’s degree, the place I least wanted to go was Harbin. However, we must be careful, perhaps the thing you least want to do is often the thing God wants you to do the most. Although I had many struggles in choosing the future field of service before graduation, I also tried to go to the south to see if I should serve there. However, when I was sitting in a church in the south of China to worship, I couldn’t stop my tears. The Holy Spirit rebuked me in my heart, saying, “Are you not going back to Harbin because of material supply? Go back, the students there are waiting for you.” With helplessness, reluctance, and a longing for the big city, I came to Harbin again in July 2005. After nearly 3 hours, I arrived at Heilongjiang Bible School to prepare to be a theology teacher. The three years at Wanbao Town were three years of learning humility, three years of traning character, and three years like Moses in the wilderness of Midian and David escaping from King Saul’s pursuit. The three years I disliked the most were the best three years of my life. The place I least wanted to go was a place full of spiritual gold. When I walked under the street lights at Wanbao Town, I thought: “Darkness gave me black eyes, but I use them to look for light.” When I left, I said: “I left quietly, just as I came quietly. I won’t take away a cloud…” Are there anything in this city that I should miss? Of course there are. I have experienced countless graces from the Lord at Wanbao Town of this city. The care and love of many elders and brothers and sisters, the growth and development of students, and the encouragement and prayers of classmates are all treasures in my heart. In Harbin, I met a brother in the Lord and his mother who had welcomed me in his home for a semester without any compensation. However, because I was preparing for the TOEFL test, I was only thinking about memorizing English words and never paid attention to the charm of Harbin under the neon lights. There, I met a missionary couple who eventually became my recommenders for applying to American university. There, we participated in an English fellowship at a Nangang church. A scene that happened in Harbin Swan Hotel in the summer of 2017 is still fresh in my memory. At that time, pastors and coworkers from five provinces attended a theological seminar. On the last day of the meeting, a pastor from Shenyang took me to the swimming pool to learn how to swim. I started at the edge of the one-meter-deep pool, and when I slowly left the edge of the pool and walked to the middle, I accidentally fell into the deep water. At that moment, terror struck me and I struggled in the water. I recalled the scene in the novel “The Thorn Birds” where a young priest named Dane drowned in the water. At the same time, I imagined that if I died at this time, my mother, my family, and my students would be extremely sad. Therefore, I struggled desperately in the water. Suddenly I felt as if a pair of hands pulled me back to the shore. Only then did the lifeguard extend a life-saving pole to me. Everyone on the shore was worried about me. The pastor and I returned to the hotel and we offered a prayer of thanksgiving to God together. Although I did not learn to swim, I learned a deeper lesson: “Death is so close to me; everyone should cherish life.” In October 2013, I returned to China for the first time and passed by this city again. I was filled with emotion. Harbin, I owe you a lot. Although I lived at Wanbao Town there for three years, I never had the opportunity to see the Harbin Ice and Snow World. Harbin, I never stopped to appreciate your elegant and classical beauty, nor did I really open my arms to embrace you. Harbin, this city that haunts my soul, you are my friend in life, but I never belong to you, and you don’t belong to me either. However, in every bit of my life journey, I can find memories in you, and I can also chase the clues of God’s invisible hand through you.

2024年10月6日 牧者之言


雅各书 1: 19-20;箴言 22: 24;箴言 29: 22
我最近听了一篇关于上这些圣经经文的讲道。我想和大家分享一下那篇讲道的牧师的一些想法。牧师在讲道开始时说:“控制愤怒是一个问题。” 这似乎已成为当今世界的一个大问题。我们看到更多的暴力,更多的愤怒和更多的仇恨。当然,我们所有人有时都会生气。但作为基督徒,我们需要控制我们对愤怒的反应方式。今天,我想更多地谈谈如何回应那些向我们发泄愤怒的人,及这种愤怒如何让我们震惊和受伤,尤其是当这种愤怒来自我们的弟兄姐妹时。我们需要节制和饶恕来处理针对我们的愤怒及我们自己有时感受到的愤怒,我们需要圣灵的帮助来应对这些情况。
当我们看雅各的话时,我们看到他在强调一个观点,亲爱的兄弟们,“这是你们所知道的”(雅1: 19-20):“注意这一点”,“永远不要忘记”,“理解这一点”……” 要快快的”,多听是最好的。换句话说,如果我们能花点时间从仇恨的苛刻话语或伤害性行为中恢复过来,只是思考一下。然后雅各说,“慢慢的说”,“慢慢的动怒, ” “慢慢的动怒”。我们需要在听觉上有属灵的理解力(深入倾听)!这需要迅速服从上帝的圣灵。我们必须每天充满圣灵,为这些时刻做好准备。有时很难知道如何回应,因为我们被愤怒吓到了。大多数时候,它让我们措手不及。显然,在那一刻表现出愤怒的人正在对我们犯罪。让我们小心,不要得罪他们。认真、深入地倾听总会带来更好的结果。
现在我们来看看雅各在第 20 节中还想提醒我们什么,“因为人的怒气不能成就神所的义。”换句话说,愤怒并不能使我们变得善良,而神要求我们必须善良。听听我读到的关于雅各的这些指示,仅仅知道甚至选择正确的行动是不够的:我们必须采取行动。神不寻求正义的知识,他寻求正义的!我们知道没有行为的信心不能称为信心。信心不仅仅是言语;它不仅仅是知识;它通过顺服来体现。信心使我们脱离世界并顺服神。信心使我们有能力抵抗魔鬼并谦卑地接近神。雅各向我们展示了相信正确的事情却过着错误的生活是可能的。雅各在处理这个敏感话题上对弟兄们非常友善,但他给出了具体的实际指导来帮助我们过上真正的基督徒生活。雅各是耶稣同母的兄弟,但他却自称自己是 “神和主耶稣基督的仆人”。我们也是这样的人。我们面临的挑战是与人们协调恩典和真理,并表现出基督般的行为。因此,我们的目标是在展现恩典的同时展现真理。我们捍卫正义,同时也展现耶稣基督的爱。耶稣在世时面对过许多愤怒的人。他没有变得暴力或粗心大意。但他也不是一个软弱的人(。他不让人欺负他)他直面敌人。但耶稣不是用刀剑、匕首、威胁或侮辱来对抗,而是用恩典和真理的有力结合来对抗敌人。
1. 耶稣问问题。还记得路加福音第 12 章中的故事吗?当时耶稣被要求解决一个关于遗产的家庭纠纷,他回答说:“谁立我作你们断事的官?”“要谨慎!要防备一切贪心;人的生命不在乎家道丰富。”耶稣想让他们明白,把物质的东西置于个人关系之上会带来不好的后果。耶稣用问题来强调他对他人的开放态度。
2. 耶稣做的另一件事是,耶稣从未感到被逼入绝境当法赛人指责他做某些事情违反安息日时,耶稣并不担心他们会怎么看他。那不是他的重点。有时人们会用他们的判断逼迫我们,我们觉得他们误解了我们或不了解我们。但像耶稣一样,我们不必被别人的猜测所定义。我们的身份存在于上帝,而不是别人试图强加给我们的东西。
3. 耶稣知道何时该忽视。记得在《路加福音》第 4 章中,当耶稣回到家乡拿撒勒时,他在会堂里读经文时说:“没有先知在自己的家乡被人悦纳的。”他讲了亚和寡妇的故事。会堂里的所有人都对耶稣感到愤怒。他们把他赶出城外,想把他扔下悬崖。耶稣知道没有办法和这些人讲理,他直接穿过人群,“继续上路”。有些人会发脾气,辱骂和粗鲁……在当今现代的网络上或短信中,这种情况屡见不鲜。这是离开的时候了。有时人们是不讲道理的,所你别无选择。当面质问时,你也许可选择另一种方式。
4. 耶稣没有采取防御措施。在可福音第 10 章中,我们看到雅各和约翰的请求。“夫子,我们无论求什么,愿你给我们成就。”耶稣说,你们要我做什么?他们要求在荣耀中坐在耶稣的左右手边。他们越界了。耶稣知道什么时候说不,什么时候说是,并且不担心让人们不高兴。有时人们对我们的要求超出了我们所能给予的。他们可能会试图让我们感到疚。耶稣爱所有的人,但他的目标不是取悦所有人。耶稣的目标是遵行天父的旨意。上帝对耶稣的旨意给了他安全感。他不必竭尽全力去满足有需要或咄咄逼人的人。这是耶稣与他人打交道的另一种方式。
5. 耶稣很灵活太福音第 15 章讲述了一个迦南妇人的信心故事。这个妇人恳求耶稣医治她的女儿。耶稣说: “不。”但后来他被她的信心感动,治愈了她的女儿。耶稣开放的心态对待人们。当一个难相处的人来找我们时,我们可能会想,哦,不,不会再来了。但也许我们最好保持开放的心态。这次情况可能会有所不同。我们不想拒绝圣灵在我们自己或他人生活中的工作。



Elinda West 
JAMES 1: 19-20; PROVERBS 22: 24; PROVERBS 29: 22

I very recently heard a sermon on these bible verses. I would like to share with you some thoughts from the pastor who preached that sermon. The pastor began his message by saying “controlling anger is a problem.” It seems to have become a bigger issue in today’s world. We see more violence, more rage, more hatred.  Of course, all of us will get angry sometimes. But as Christ followers, we need to control the way we respond to our anger! Today I want to talk more about ways to respond to those who spew out their anger toward us and how it shocks us and hurts us, especially if this anger toward us is from fellow believers.  It takes discipline and forgiveness to deal with anger directed toward us and the anger we ourselves feel at times and we need the help of the Holy Spirit for these situations.
When we look at James’ words, we see he is making a point, Dear Brothers, “take note of this”, “don’t ever forget”, “understand this” ……” be quick to LISTEN,” “it is BEST to LISTEN MUCH.” In other words, if we could take a few moments to recover from the hateful harsh words or hurtful actions and just think. Then James says, “slow to speak” …… “slow to become angry,” “slow to take offense”! We need spiritual understanding in our hearing
(deep listening). That takes quick obedience to God’s Holy Spirit. We have to be filled with the Spirit daily to be ready for these moments.  It’s difficult to know how to respond sometimes because we are so shocked by anger. Most of the time it catches us off guard! Clearly the person showing their anger in that moment is committing a sin against us. Let’s be careful that we do not sin against them!  Listening deeply, carefully, always brings a better result.
Now we want to see what James is also wanting to remind us in vs 20, “for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” In other words, anger doesn’t make us GOOD, as God demands we must be. Listen to something I read about these instructions from James,  “It is not enough to KNOW or even CHOOSE the right action: We must DO that action!  God does not seek righteous KNOWLEDGE; He seeks righteous LIVES!” We know that FAITH without works cannot be called FAITH.  Faith is more than words; it is MORE than KNOWLEDGE; it is demonstrated by OBEDIENCE.  Faith produces separation
from the world and submission to God! Faith provides us with the ability to resist the devil and humbly draw near to God! James is showing us that it is possible to believe right things and yet live the wrong way. James is so kind toward the brothers in dealing with this sensitive topic, but he gives specific practical instructions to help us live an authentic Christian life. James was Jesus’ half-brother yet he referred to himself as a “servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ”. That’s also who we are!  The challenge for us is to harmonize grace and truth with people and demonstrate Christ-like behavior. So, our goal is to project truth while also projecting grace.  We stand up for what is right while also showing the love of Jesus Christ.  Jesus faced a lot of angry people in his time on earth.  He did not become violent or careless. But he wasn’t a doormat either! (He didn’t let people walk all over him.) He confronted his enemies.  But instead of confronting with swords, daggers, threats, or insults, Jesus confronted his enemies with a forceful mixture of grace and truth.
We look to Jesus because he, better than anyone, understands anger and how to deal with being criticized or mistreated.   Some of the ways Jesus dealt with difficult people
1. JESUS ASKED QUESTIONS. Remember the story in Luke 12 when Jesus was challenged to settle a family dispute about the inheritance and he responded, “Man who made me a judge or an arbitrator over you?” “Watch out! Be on guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Jesus wanted them to understand putting material things over personal relationships has bad results! Jesus used questions to emphasize his openness to the other person.  Another thing Jesus did was
2. JESUS NEVER FELT PUSHED INTO A CORNER.  When the pharisees accused him of breaking the Sabbath by doing certain things Jesus wasn’t afraid of what they might think of him. That’s not his focus. Sometimes people corner us with their judgements, and we feel they misunderstand us or don’t know us.  But like Jesus we don’t have to feel defined by the projections of other people.  Our identity resides and is found in God, not what other people try to push on us.
3. JESUS KNEW WHEN TO IGNORE.  Remember in Luke 4 when Jesus returned to Nazareth his hometown and was reading the scripture in the synagogue and said, “no prophet was accepted in his own hometown.” He told about Elijah and the widow. All the people in the synagogue were furious with Jesus. They drove him out of town and wanted to throw him off the cliff.  Jesus could see there was no way to reason with these people, so he walked right through the crowd and “went on his way”.   Some people throw fits, speak abusively and harshly…. many times online in today’s modern time or in text messages. This is the time to walk away.  Sometimes people cannot be reasoned with, so you have no choice.  With in-person confrontation you might can choose another way.
4. JESUS WAS NOT ON THE DEFENSIVE.  In Mark 10 we see the request of James and John. “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask.” Jesus said, what do you want me to do? They asked to sit on Jesus’ right and left hand in Glory! They stepped over a boundary!  Jesus knows when to say NO and when to say YES and doesn’t worry about making people unhappy. Sometimes people demand more from us than what we can give. They may try to give us a guilt trip. Jesus loved all people, but his goal wasn’t to please everyone. Jesus’ goal was to do the Father’s Will. God’s will for Jesus gave him his security. He didn’t have to bend over backwards to satisfy needy or aggressive people. One other way Jesus dealt with other people.
5. JESUS WAS FLEXIBLE.  There’s a story in Matthew 15 about the faith of a Canaanite woman. The woman begged Jesus to heal her daughter. Jesus said, “No.” But then he was moved by her faith and heals her daughter.  Jesus approaches people with an open mind. When someone difficult comes our way. We might think, Oh, no, not again! But maybe we better keep an open mind. Things might be different this time. We don’t want to shut out the Holy Spirit’s work in our own life or another person’s life.

(Mrs. Elinda West’s sharing at 5:00 am early morning prayer on September 19, 2024)

2024年9月29日 牧者之言



*作者罗兰·艾伦(1868-1947)于 1895 年至 1903 年在中国担任圣公会传教士。此后几年,他负责一个英国教区。在接下来的 40 年里,他一直在撰写有关传教原则的文章。

在《使徒行传》中,我们可以看到圣保罗布道的三个例子,即在彼西底安提阿的布道(13:16-41)、在路司得的布道(14: 15-17 ),以及在雅典的布道(17:22-31)。我们还有五处偶然提到其内容的地方:腓立比的占卜女孩所作的描述(16:17)、他在帖撒罗尼迦会堂的教导摘要(17:2-3)、以弗所的书记在集市上提出的一些让雅典人感到奇怪的观点(19:37)以及对以弗所长老的讲话(20:21)。此外,还有圣保罗本人在写给哥林多教会的第一封书信中对他在哥林多的布道的总结(林前2:2)。这些记载将保罗布道自然地分为两类:在会堂的布道和对外邦人的布道。布道分为三个部分,通过戏剧性的方式吸引听众的注意。

  1. 诉诸过去,试图通过他和他的听众共同的真理陈述来赢得认同。
  2. 这是一个事实的陈述,是一个可以被理解、领悟、接受、争论或证明的事物的断言。
  3. 对于不可避免的反对意见和本能的抗议,答案是:布道者本国中最聪明、最有思想、最有正义感的人,都决定反对这里提出的主张。
  4. 这是对人类灵性需求的呼吁,对饶恕的渴望,以及在新的教义中可以找到平安和信心的令人欣慰的保证。
  5. 最后,是严厉的警告。拒绝上帝的信息会带来严重的危险。

一个人一旦有了信仰,他的生命就在于与基督的联合。因此,这意味着接受新的生命源泉。这意味着依靠基督来供应和维持生命。这意味着放弃旧的生命观念,甚至放弃生命本身。 就像他以前所知道的那样。这意味着抛弃所有以前的东西。
被拒绝的可能性始终存在。圣保罗并没有在一个地方站稳脚跟,然后继续向那些拒绝按照他的教导行事的人传道多年。一旦他把他们带到了一个地步, 当决定很明确时,他要求他们做出选择。如果他们拒绝他,他就拒绝他们。 ‘抖着衣襟’ 、 ‘跺下脚上的尘土’ (注:参尼5:13,太10:14)、拒绝教导那些拒绝按照教导行事的人,是保罗传福音的重要组成部分。他不是简单地‘走开’ ,而是公开拒绝那些表明自己不配接受他教导的人。福音的一部分就是让人们‘判断自己不配得永生’ 。这是一个需要认真考虑的问题,如果忽略这一要素,福音是否还能被真正地传扬出去。当遭受拒绝还在继续教导,那这还是一种真正的教导吗?(Can there be a true teaching which does not involve the refusal to go on teaching?) 如果我们继续在拒绝道德回应的地方进行教导,我们便停止了传福音;我们只是把教导变成了一种理智教育。这就是为什么我们在学校和禅修院中对福音的教导得再多,也是徒劳无功的。我们教导,但我们不以道德的方式教导。我们不要求道德回应。我们害怕抖动衣襟(注:参尼5:13)这一道义上应由我们承担的责任。如果学生拒绝关注我们,我们应该拒绝对他进行理智教导。我们同样可以拒绝对拒绝关注我们信仰的学生进行信仰教学。

*摘录自罗兰·艾伦 (Roland Allen) 所著《传教方法:圣保罗的还是我们的?》出版地:Grand Rapids, Michigan,出版社: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2001. 62-77.

The Substance of St Paul’s Preaching

Roland Allen

  • The author Roland Allen (1868-1947) was an Anglican missionary in China from 1895 to 1903. For a few years afterward he was in charge of an English parish. For the next 40 years he was writing on missionary principles.

Of St Paul’s preaching we have in the Acts three examples, the sermon at Antioch in Pisidia (Acts 13: 16-41), the speech at Lystra (Acts 14: 15-17), and the speech at Athens (Acts 17: 22-31). We have also five incidental references to its substances: a description given by the soothsaying girl at Philippi (Acts 16: 17), a summary of his teaching in the synagogue at Thessalonica (Acts 17: 2, 3), a not of the points which struck the Athenians in the Agora as strange made by the Town Clerk at Ephesus (Acts 19:37), and the reiteration the Ephesian elders (Acts 20: 21). Besides these, we have an account of his preaching at Corinth given by St Paul himself in his first Epistle to that Church (1 Cor 2: 2). These accounts are naturally divided into two classes: the preaching in the synagogue, and the preaching to the Gentiles.
The sermon is divided into three parts by dramatic appeals to the attention of his hearers.
In the first, St Paul builds upon the past history of the Jewish race and shows that his Gospel is rooted there, that in his message there is no casting away of the things familiar, no denial of the truth of the old revelation made to the Fathers; but rather that the whole history of Israel is the divinely ordered preparation for the new revelation in the Messiah.
In the second, he sets forth the facts of the coming and rejection of Jesus and His consequent crucifixion. Here it is startling with what simple and unhesitating directness St Paul faces at once this great difficulty, the difficult with has at all times everywhere been the most serious hindrance in the way of the acceptance of the Gospel—the rejection of the missionary’s message by his own people. He does not shrink from it, it does not apologize for it, he does not attempt to conceal weight. He sets it forth definitely, clearly, boldly; he makes it part of his argument for the truth of his message. It is the fulfilment of prophecy. Then he produces his conclusive proof, the Resurrection, witnessed by the apostles, foretold by the prophets, the fulfilment of the promise.
In the third part, he proclaims his message of pardon for all who will receive it, and utters a solemn warning of the consequences which will follow its rejection.
We may see here five elements and four characteristics of St Paul’s preaching in the synagogue. The five elements are there:

  1. An appeal to the past, an attempt to win sympathy by a statement of truth common to him and his hearers.
  2. There is a statement of facts, an assertion of things which can be understood, apprehended, accepted, disputed, or proved.
  3. There is the answer to the inevitable objection, to the instinctive protests, that all the wisest and most thoughtful and most judicial minds among the speaker’s own people have decided against the claims here made.
  1. There is the appeal to the spiritual needs of men, to the craving for pardon, and the comforting assurance that in the new teaching may be found peace and confidence.
  2. Finally, there is the grave warning. The rejection of God’s message involves serious danger. The way of salvation may be refused, and is commonly refused, but not without peril.

This Gospel accords perfectly with the account with St Paul gives of his preaching in his last address to the Ephesian elders. The main elements include: The nature of God, one, living, personal loving; the facts of the life of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the death, the resurrection: the meaning and their power to supply the spiritual needs of men; the folly of idolatry; the way of salvation: repentance and faith; the doctrine of the kingdom; the nearness of judgment.
We can easily understand how such a Gospel would appeal to the minds of St Paul’s hearers. To those who, among the conflicting claims and confused teachings of polytheism, were seeking for some unity in the world nature and of thought, St Paul brought a doctrine, at once simple and profound, of one personal God living and true, the Creator of all.
To men who sought for some intelligent account of the world, its nature and its end, St Paul revealed a moral purpose in the light of which all the perplexities, uncertainties, and apparent contradictions, resolved themselves into a divine harmony.
To men of high moral instincts, appalled and dismayed at the impurity of society around them, St Paul offered the assurance of a moral judgment.
To men oppressed by the sense of sin he brought the assurance of pardon and release.
To the downtrodden, the sad, the hopeless, he opened the door into a kingdom of light and liberty.
To those who were terrified by the fear of malignant spirits he revealed a Spirit benignant, watchful and ever present, all-powerful and able at a word to banish the power of darkness.
To men dissatisfied with the worship of idols he taught the pure service of one true God.
To people whose imaginations were overwhelmed by the terrors and darkness of the grace he gave the assurance of a future beyond the grace in the bliss and peace of the Risen Lord.
To the weak who needed support, to sinners bound with the chain of vice, to people unable to cope with the depressed morality of their heathen surroundings, he brought the promise of an indwelling Spirit of power.
To the lonely he offered the friendly warmth and society of a company all eagerly looking forward to a bright day when Grace would come and this world with all its perplexities and troubles pass away. It is no wonder that this Gospel of St Paul appealed to men, fired their imaginations, filled them with hope, and strengthened them with power to face persecution.
The moment a man had faith, life for him consisted in union with Christ. Consequently, it meant the acceptance of a new source of life. It meant dependence upon Christ for the supply and maintenance of life. It meant the abandonment of the old conception of life, nay, or the very life itself as he before knew it. It meant the casting away of all the former things.
The possibility of rejection was ever present. St Paul did not establish himself in a place and go on preaching for years to men who refused to act on his teaching. When once he had brought them to a point where decision was clear, he demanded that they should make their choice. If they rejected him, he rejected them. The ‘shaking of the lap’, the ‘shaking of the dust from the feet’, the refusal to teach those who refused to act on the teaching, was a vital part of the Pauline presentation of the Gospel. He did not simply ‘go away’, he opened rejected those who showed themselves unworthy of his teaching. It was part of the Gospel that men might ‘judge themselves unworthy of eternal life’. It is a question which needs serious consideration whether the Gospel can be truly presented if this element is left out. Can there be a true teaching which does not involve the refusal to go on teaching? The teaching of the Gospel is not a mere intellectual instruction: it is a moral process, and involves a moral response. If then we go on teaching where that moral response is refused, we cease to preach the Gospel; we make the teaching a mere education of the intellect. This is why so much of our teaching of the Gospel in schools and zenanas is ineffective. We teach, but we do not teach morally. We do not demand moral response. We are afraid to take the responsibility which morally rests upon us of shaking the lap. We should refuse to give intellectual teaching to a pupil if he refused to give us his attention: we might equally refuse to give religious teaching to a pupil who refused to give us religious attention.
Repentance and faith are the keynotes of his preaching. In repentance they confess their past wrongdoing; in faith they find forgiveness as members of Christ’s Body. In repentance they recognize the weakness; in faith they find strength by the administration of the Spirit of Christ. In repentance they confess the way in which they have walked is a way of death; in faith they find in the Kingdom of Christ the way of life. In repentance they break with a sinful world; in faith they enter the Church.

  • Excerpt from Roland Allen, Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Ours? Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2001. 62-77.

2024年9月22日 牧者之言


约10: 10……我来了,是要叫羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛。

第一,“忠诚的五个人”( “Faithful Five”)之一。据群富分享,他2008年在中国上大学期间信主后,在没有特殊情况下他每次团契和敬拜都必须参加,从不缺席,无论学业多么繁忙。当时团契里有五个固定参加的弟兄姐妹,“忠诚的五个人”之一由此得名。他坚持不懈的聚会鼓励了许多人。
第二,群富2010年在塞米诺尔州立大学(Seminole State College)毕业后于2012年到奥克拉荷马城市大学(Oklahoma City University)就读。他主动找到教会。我开车送他回去的路上聊天时,我和他说了一句话:“你毕业的那所大学也许就是你将来工作的地方。”结果,他毕业后的第一份工作就是在塞米诺尔州立大学教书。这是神奇妙的预备和带领。
第三,群富在2014年研究生毕业后,已经到了谈婚论嫁的时候,但他还没有找女朋友。当时教会组织人去参加在德州举行明日之光营会(the Pioneers Conference in Texas)。报名的最后一天,我鼓励他去参加,并随口和他说:“你也许会在营会上遇到自己的终身伴侣”。神使万事都互相效力。事实上,就是在那个营会上他遇见了羽凡,并且后来迈进了婚姻的殿堂。
“在新生儿送礼会上,许多新父母选择举办性别揭晓派对,但我们决定做些不同的事情,举办名字揭晓派对。对于那些还不知道的人,我宣布我们将有一个女孩!爸爸的女儿!多年来,我一直想要一个女儿。中国人有一句俗语:‘女儿是爸爸的小棉袄’。这个俗语传达了女儿为父亲提供温暖、舒适和亲密的感觉,就像棉袄在寒冷的天气里提供温暖一样。多年来,我从未考虑过要一个男孩,直到几个月前 Shell 怀孕了。我们最初以为是个男孩,所以我们不得不想出一个男孩的名字以防万一。然而,我们早就决定了一个女孩的名字了。
我和 Shell 于 2015 年 10 月结婚,大约九年前。我们家的墙上一直挂着一份祷告清单,上面列出了大约 7-10 个祷告请求。我们每年更新两到三次。自从我们在 2016 年开始列出这份祷告清单以来,我们一直祈祷上帝赐予我们孩子。从 2017 年开始,生孩子的请求一直排在清单的首位。上帝是信实的!除了这个最上面的请求外,清单上的大部分祷告请求都已实现。多年来,你可以想象,有许多沮丧、失望、怀疑和质疑上帝的时刻。我在祷告中经常问上帝:‘你什么时候给我们一个孩子?我会有孩子吗?’多年来,我在教堂听到过一些夫妇经过多年的祈祷终于有孩子的见证。我总是想知道我什么时候有机会与大家分享类似的见证。上帝再次听到了我们的祷告!直到去年 11 月,我们得知 Shell 怀孕了。我忍不住哭了,百感交集。下班回家的路上,我一遍又一遍地听着‘神真美好’这首歌,歌词是:‘神真美好,神真真好。你对我真好。’
2017 年的一个星期天早上,我们的牧师讲的是耶稣在圣经中谈到的‘丰盛生命’。他向我们介绍了希腊语 ‘Zoe’,意思是生命。它指的是来自上帝的神圣、永恒的生命。在约翰福音 10:10 中,耶稣说:‘我来了,是要叫人得生命,并且得的更丰盛。’这强调了与上帝的关系中丰富而充实的生命。那一刻,我和Shell互相看着对方,知道我们彼此在想什么。礼拜结束后,在回家的路上,我们决定给我们未来的女儿取名为 Zoe,尽管我们甚至不知道什么时候会生孩子。我们知道上帝是生命的创造者,我们希望女儿能因信耶稣基督和与神的关系而拥有‘丰盛的生命’。话虽如此,我们的女儿名叫 Zoe Grace Cheng。Grace (恩典)是中间名。所以它的意思是,因着神的恩典,祂赐给我们丰盛的生命……
14 年前,也就是 2010 年,我独自一人带着一个随身行李和一个行李箱来到美国,当时还是一名留学生。对于那些不了解我背景的人我想介绍一下:我在中国的一个农村长大。我妈妈只读了一年小学,我爸爸初中毕业。由于他们受教育程度有限,只能做体力活,收入很少。自从我在 2008 年成为基督徒以来,上帝彻底改变了我的生命。在美国的 14 年里,上帝一次又一次地实现了祂对我的应许。祂引导我完成了三个大学学位,提供工作,赐予我妻子和家庭,以及周围拥有很多朋友和教会弟兄姐妹,现在还有一个小女儿 Zoe。我的杯中满溢着祝福。我别无所求。我们俩都受到了朋友们的祝福和爱戴!
2010 年 8 月,在我来美国的前一天晚上,教会的弟兄姐妹为我举行了欢送会。他们给了我一本崭新的圣经,里面有许多来自兄弟姐妹的信息。其中一节是耶利米书 29:11‘耶和华说:我知道我向你们所怀的意念是赐平安的意念,不是降灾祸的意念,要叫你们末后有指望’。这已成为我人生的箴言。每当面对生活的挑战、困难和危机时,我总是记得上帝对我的承诺”
8月13日早8: 13时Zoe Grace Cheng 平安来到世界。在她出生的那个时刻,群富感动不已,泪流满面。小宝宝非常可爱,她穿的衬衫上写着:“我是上帝应允祷告的明证”(I Am Proof that God Answers Prayers)。 上帝是听祷告的上帝。小Zoe的见证提醒我们,要祷告,祷告,再祷告,到了时候上帝终必成就祂的美意。我们同心祈祷,愿主赐福小Zoe健康成长,尽早认识主,得着永恒的生命;也愿主赐给群富和羽凡智慧、力量和恩惠,使他们在为人父母的过程中生命更加丰盛,将更多荣耀归于父神!


John 10:10…… I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 
The Christian couple Jeff and Shell were our co-workers when my wife and I served in Northwest Mandarin Church in Oklahoma. Although we left Oklahoma City at different times, we have kept in touch with each other in the Lord, exhorting and praying for each other. When I mention Jeff, I immediately think of at least three things:
First, he was one of the “Faithful Five.” After he became a believer while studying in a university in China, without special occasions, Jeff never missed attending fellowship and worship even though when he was very busy with study.  At that time, there were five brothers and sisters in the fellowship who regularly attended, and the name of one of the “Faithful Five” came from this. The faithfulness Jeff has encouraged many brothers and sisters.
Second, Jeff graduated from Seminole State College in 2010 and went to Oklahoma City University in 2012. He took the initiative to find the church. when I drove him back to his dorm, I said to him, “The college you graduated from probably will be where you will work in the future.” As a result, his first job after graduation was to teach at Seminole State University. This was God’s special plan and arrangement.
Third, after graduating from Oklahoma City University in 2014, Jeff came to the point of looking for a girlfriend. At that time, the church organized people to attend the Pioneers Conference in Texas. On the last day of enrollment, I encouraged him to attend and casually told him that he might find his future wife at the camp. In all things God makes every work for the good. In fact, it was at that camp that Jeff met Shell and later walked on the aisle of wedding ceremony.
About two weeks ago, my wife Shasha told me that Jeff and Shell had a baby. I was very excited when I heard the news, and I called Jeff the next day to congratulate them on the birth of their daughter. On the phone, he told me to check his Facebook. On June 24, 2024, Jeff shared on Facebook:
“In Baby Shower Party, many new parents choose to have a gender-reveal party, but we decided to do something different and have a name-reveal party. For those who do not yet know, we will have a girl! Daddy’s girl! For many years, I have always wanted a daughter. In Chinese, there is a saying, ‘女孩子就像是爸爸的小棉袄,’ which means ‘Daughters are like a little cotton-padded jacket for their fathers.’ This idiom conveys that daughters provide warmth, comfort, and closeness to their fathers, much like a cotton-padded jacket offers warmth in cold weather. Over the years, I had never considered having a baby boy until a few months ago when Shell was pregnant. And we initially thought that it was a boy, so we had to come up with a boy’s name just in case. However, we had already decided on a girl’s name long ago.
Shell and I were married in October 2015, about nine years ago. In our home, we have always kept a prayer list on the wall, which shows roughly 7-10 prayer requests. We update it two to three times a year. Since we started this prayer list in 2016, we have consistently prayed for God to bless us with children. Starting in 2017, the request for a baby has always been at the top of the list. God is faithful! Most of the prayer requests on the list have been fulfilled, except for this top one. Over the years of prayer, you may imagine that there were many moments of discouragement, disappointment, doubt, and questioning God. In my prayers, I often asked God,
‘When will you give us a baby? Will I ever have a baby?’ Over the years, I have heard testimonies in church about couples who, after many years of prayer, were finally blessed with children. I always wondered when I would have the opportunity to share a similar testimony with everyone. Once again, God heard our prayers! Until last November, we found out Shell was pregnant with the baby girl. I could not help but cry, with a flood of emotions. On my way home from work, I listened to the song ‘God, you’re so good,’ over and over, which says, ‘Oh God, You’re so good. You’re so good to me.’
In 2017, one Sunday morning, our pastor gave a sermon about the ‘abundant life’ that Jesus talked about in the Bible. He introduced us to the Greek term ‘Zoe,’ which means life. It refers to the divine, eternal life that comes from God. In John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” This emphasizes a rich and fulfilling life found in a relationship with God. At that moment, Shell and I looked at each other and knew what we were thinking. After the service on our way home, we decided to name our future daughter—Zoe, even though we did not even know when we would have a baby. We knew God is the creator of life, and we hoped for our daughter to have an “abundant life” through her faith in Jesus Christ and her relationship with God. With that said, our baby girl’s name is—Zoe Grace Cheng. Grace is the middle name. So, it means because of the grace of God, He grants us an abundant life…
Fourteen years ago in 2010, I came here as an international student all by myself with one carry-on and one suitcase. For those of you who do not know my background, I grew up in a village in China. My mom had one year of elementary school education, and my dad graduated from middle school. Due to their limited education, they could only do labor jobs and earned very little money. Since I became a Christian in 2008, God has completely transformed my life. Over the past 14 years in the States, God has fulfilled His promise repeatedly in my life. He led me to complete three college degrees, provided jobs, blessed me with a wife and family, surrounded us with lots of friends and church communities, and now a baby girl, Zoe. My cup overflows. I could not ask for more. We are both so blessed and loved by our friends!
In August 2010, the night before I came to the United States, our friends in Christ had a sendoff party for me. They gave me a brand-new Bible with many messages written from brothers and sisters in Christ. One of the verses is Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This has become my life verse. Whenever faced life’s challenges, difficulties, and crises, I always remember God’s promise to me.”
Zoe Grace Cheng came into the world safely at 8:13 am on August 13. At the moment of her birth, Jeff was deeply moved and burst into tears. The baby is so adorable. On her shirt, it says: “I Am Proof that God Answers Prayers.” God is a God who cline his ears and listens to our prayers. Little Zoe’s testimony reminds us to pray, pray, and pray again. When the time comes, God will eventually fulfill His good will. We pray together that the Lord will continue to bless little Zoe to grow up healthily, know the Lord as soon as possible, and gain eternal life; and that the Lord will give Jeff and Shell wisdom, strength and grace, so that their lives will become more abundant in the process of being new parents, and give more glories to God our Heavenly Father!