1/12/25 牧者之言


Reference to the meanings of names and places in Ruth


  • Bethlehem: Beth-lehem = “house of bread (food)”, a city in Judah. 1. birthplace of David; 2.a place in Zebulun; 3. birthplace of Jesus Christ 


  • Ephrathite = “ashiness: fruitfulness.” 1.an inhabitant or descendant of Ephraim, 2. an inhabitant of Bethlehem

以法他人:“灰白:丰收”。1. 以法莲的居民或后代; 2.伯利恒的居民

  • Moab: “of his father.” 1.a son of Lot by his eldest daughter, 2.the nation descended from the son of Lot, 3. the land inhabited by the descendants of the son of Lot

摩押:“他父亲的”。1. 罗得和他长女所生的儿子,2. 罗得儿子的后代,3. 罗得儿子后代居住的土地

  • Elimelech: “my God is king.” Naomi’s husband


  • Naomi: “my delight”


  • Mara: “bitterness,” a name that Naomi called herself due to her calamities

玛拉: “苦”,拿俄米因所遭受的灾难自称的名字

  • Mahlon: “sickness,” “weakness,” or “man of sickness”


  • Chilion: “pining,” “completion,” “ending,” or “wasting away.” Chilion’s name suggests a sense of finality or completion, perhaps foreshadowing the tragic events that befall him and his family. The name’s connection to “wasting away” could also be interpreted as reflecting the family’s decline and struggles in Moab.


  • Orpah: “gazelle” or “back of the neck.” Some say the name implies “stiff-necked” because Orpah chose to leave Naomi after her husband died.


  • Ruth: “friend,” “friendship,” or “compassionate friend”


  • Boaz: “strength” or “swiftness.” 1. ancestor of David, kinsman-redeemer to Ruth, daughter-in-law of Naomi; 2. name of the left of two brazen pillars, 18 cubits high, erected in the porch of Solomon’s temple

波阿斯:“力量”或“敏捷”。1. 大卫的祖先,路得的近亲救赎者,路得是拿俄米的儿媳;2. 所罗门圣殿门廊上竖立的两根铜柱左侧的名字,高 18 肘尺    
