2月11日 牧者之言



          1951年美国神学家莱因霍尔德·尼布尔 (Reinhold Niebuhur) 在《基督与文化》(Christ and Culture)一书中提到两者之间的五种类型。第一,基督反对文化(Christ Against Culture): 文化受了罪的玷污,基督徒应该避免、拒绝、并排斥文化。第二,基督属于文化(Christ of Culture): 文化是好的,与基督徒信仰没有任何冲突。第三,基督高过文化(Christ above Culture):文化是好的,但要基督信仰对其做出最美的诠释。第四,基督与文化之间的张力 (Christ and Culture in Paradox): 基督徒与所处文化之间的互动始终存在一种紧张关系。第五,基督更新文化(Christ the Transformer of Culture): 基督徒努力寻求将文化的价值观和目的转化为服侍和荣耀上帝。由于篇幅所限,以上几点我不详细展开。多数福音派的基督徒赞同第五点,即根据耶稣的教导我们是 “世上的光,世上的盐” (太5: 13-16),我们在世界但不属世界(约17: 15-17),我们要以出世的心过入世的生活,不效法这个世界,只要新意更新而变化(罗12: 1-2)。


  • 敬拜独一真神Worship the Only One True God

        当尊上帝为大,绝不可祭拜偶像。《圣经》十条诫命(出20: 1-5; 申5:7-9)中的第一条和第二条明确规定,基督徒要敬拜独一真神,拜偶像是得罪神的。过年要杜绝各种形式接神,摆贡,贴财神画、门神画,或在微信里迎财神、抽签算卦等。我们不要提说或宣扬别神的名号(诗16:4),更不要转发和传播。我们不要称呼人是“大神”,也不要称呼某明星是“男神”“或“女神“。在中文表达中,基督徒称呼我们的神时不说神是“万能的”(universal power),而说神是“全能的”(almighty)。在和合本圣经翻译中,每逢提到神是都是说他是全能者、而不是万能者。基督徒可以张贴”福“字和有福音话语的对联,以及代表中国传统文化色彩的服饰。         

  • 敬祖但不祭祖Honor but not Worship Ancestors 

         基督徒可以敬祖但不祭祖(We honor but not worship ancestors)。我们对祖先应予以“尊敬和记念”,却不应该“敬拜或祭祀”。基督徒可以在传统节日时扫墓,藉此缅怀长辈留下的美好榜样,感激他们在世时所有的付出和辛劳。我们不磕头、不烧纸、不摆供品,但可以谦恭地扫墓,献鲜花,唱赞美诗。扫墓时,我们不为也不向死人祷告。我们是向上帝祷告,为活人求喜乐平安。这既荣耀主名,又向世人作见证。基督徒孝顺父母的重点不应放在丧礼的仪式上,而应放在长辈活着时多与他们分享福音、多体贴照顾、多分担家务,多以实际行动表达感恩之情。

  • “从前属动物、如今属基督了” “I once belonged to animal, but now I belong to Christ”


        今年是龙年。基督徒对龙这个标志持有不同看法。有人以启示录12: 9认为“那龙就是古蛇,名叫魔鬼,也叫撒旦”。另有人认为,圣经的启示录中所描述的龙和中国文化中描述的龙是两回事,龙不过是吉祥如意的象征。对这两种观点我们无须陷入争辩。在龙年时,基督徒如果想到要生龙活虎地为主传福音、作见证,我相信上帝也是喜悦的。阿妮塔(Anita)姐妹在华协舞台上为主做了美好的见证,正如她所说的:“今年是龙年,但我们宣告今年要成为基督之年。愿基督得着所有华人!”

        从谈论属相可以开启传福音的对话。有时中国人讨论年龄时会问你是属什么的?从前我们会回答说:“我属羊、我属马、我属蛇”,等等。今天你就可以说:“从前我属羊/属马/或其它属相,如今我属基督了”。正如保罗所说:“只是我先前以为与我有益的,我现在因基督都当做有损的。 不但如此,我也将万事当做有损的,因我以认识我主基督耶稣为至宝” (腓3:7-8)。

  • 吃喝要有节制Eat and Drink in Moderation


  • 抓住机会传福音Seize Every Opportunity to Share the Gospel 

         传福音是基督徒的使命,无论得时不得时总要传福音(提后4: 2)。当给亲人打电话问候节日快乐时,可以与他们分享福音。当参加庆祝活动遇到人时,可以与他们分享福音,邀请他们来教会参加活动。如果有人反对,我们也无需勉强,而应竭力与人保持良好的关系。


“Honoring God and Benefiting Others:”
How does a Chinese Christian celebrate the Spring Festival?

In 1951, American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr mentioned five types of relationships between Christ and culture in his book Christ and Culture. Firstly, “Christ Against Culture”: Culture is tainted by sin, and Christians should avoid, reject, and resist culture. Secondly, “Christ of Culture”: Culture is good, and there is no conflict with Christian faith. Thirdly, “Christ above Culture”: Culture is good, but Christian faith should offer the most beautiful interpretation for culture. Fourthly, “Christ and Culture in Paradox”: There is always a tense between Christ and the culture they inhabit. Lastly, “Christ the Transformer of Culture”: Christians strive to transform the values and purposes of culture into service and glorification of God. Due to limited writing space, I will not elaborate on the above points. Most evangelical Christians agree with the fifth point, as according to Jesus’ teaching, we are “the light of the world” and “the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13-16). We are in the world but not of the world (John 17:15-17), and we should live in the world with a spiritual mindset, not conforming to the world, but being transformed by the renewal of our minds (Romans 12:1-2).
The Spring Festival is the most significant festival for Chinese people and an essential part of Chinese culture. Chinese Christians in the United States face three cultures: Chinese culture, Western culture, and Christian culture. Balancing the relationships between these three cultures is crucial for honoring God and benefiting others. Referring to the fifth model proposed by Niebuhr, “Christ the Transformer of Culture,” and following Paul’s principle in 1 Corinthians 10:31, which states, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God,” I would like to share the following points for Chinese Christians celebrating the Spring Festival.

1. Worship the Only One True God
It is important to honor God above all and refrain from idol worship. The first and second commandments in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-5; Deuteronomy 5:7-9) clearly state that Christians should worship the one true God, and idol worship is an offense to God. During the New Year celebrations, we should avoid all forms of idol worship, such as offering sacrifices, displaying images of wealth gods or door gods, or participating in fortune-telling or divination on WeChat. We should not mention or promote the names of other gods (Psalm 16:4), nor should we forward or spread such content. We should not refer to people as “gods” or label certain celebrities as “goddesses” or “gods.” In Chinese expression, when Christians refer to our God, we do not say “万能的” (universal power) but say “全能的” (almighty). In the Chinese translation of the Bible, whenever God is mentioned, it is said that He is almighty, not just universal. Christians can display “Blessing” “福” characters and couplets with gospel messages, as well as wear clothing representing traditional Chinese cultural colors.

2. Honor but not Worship Ancestors
Christian can honor their ancestors but refrain from worshiping them. We should show “respect and remembrance” to our ancestors, but we should not “worship or offer sacrifices” to them. Christians may visit graves during traditional festivals to remember the good examples left by their ancestors and appreciate all the sacrifices and hard work they made during their lifetime. We do not bow, burn paper offerings, or present sacrificial offerings, but we can respectfully visit graves, lay flowers, and sing hymns of praise. During these visits, we do not pray to or for the dead. Instead, we pray to God for joy, peace, and blessings for the living. This not only glorifies the Lord’s name but also serves as a testimony to others. The emphasis for Christian filial piety should not be on funeral rituals but on sharing the gospel with elders while they are alive, showing care and concern, sharing household chores, and expressing gratitude through practical actions.

3. “Formerly I Belonged to Animal, Now I Belong to Christ”
The so-called Chinese zodiac, or “Twelve Zodiac Signs,” includes the following animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Each animal corresponds to a year or one of the twelve time periods in a day. For Christians, the zodiac is merely a symbol and holds no real significance.
This year is the Year of the Dragon. Christians have different views on the symbolism of the dragon. Some interpret it based on Revelation 12:9, which describes the dragon as “that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan.” Others believe that the dragon described in the Book of Revelation and the dragon in Chinese culture are two different things, with the dragon symbolizing good luck and prosperity. We do not need to engage in arguments over these two viewpoints. During the Year of the Dragon, if Christians feel inspired to energetically spread the gospel and bear witness to the Lord, I believe God will also be pleased. Sister Anita gave a wonderful testimony on the Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration of the Little Rock Chinese Association, saying, “This year is the Year of the Dragon, but we declare that this year will be the Year of Christ. May all Chinese people receive the precious Gospel of Jesus Christ!”

4. Eat and Drink in Moderation
During the New Year, Chinese people prepare many dishes and enjoy the day of reunion with family. It’s best for Christians to avoid smoking as it is harmful to health. Our body is temple of the Holy Spirit, and we should not harm others’ bodies or our own (including our health). If there is a habit of smoking, we need to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to overcome addiction and bear witness to the Lord’s victory. For example, both my grandmother and my American mom have witnessed quitting smoking. They smoked for decades but were able to quit smoking through the power of the Lord. At the same time, Christians should “not get drunk” (Ephesians 5:18). Those who indulge in excessive drinking are likely to lose control. We should strive to live a sanctified life, avoiding anything that may cause others to stumble. Living a sanctified life is not just about avoiding sin; it is about pursuing the highest goal that pleases God.

5. Seize Every Opportunity to Share the Gospel
Sharing the Gospel is the mission of Christians. Whether it’s in season and out of season; we should always preach the gospel (2 Timothy 4:2). When calling family members or relatives to wish them a happy holiday, we can share the gospel with them. When attending celebratory events, we can share the gospel with them and invite them to church activities. If someone opposes, we should not force it, but strive to maintain good relationships with them.
May the Lord bless us in the new year, adding strength upon strength, grace upon grace, honor upon honor, and joy upon joy! May His grace overflow, and the cup of blessings be full. May peace roll on like a river, and blessings surge like

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